

词条 深度对话:全球IT精英访谈录


出版社: 中国宇航出版社; 第1版 (2011年1月1日)

丛书名: 守望英文之名人访谈亲密接触系列

平装: 268页

正文语种: 英语, 简体中文

开本: 16

ISBN: 7802189004, 9787802189003

条形码: 9787802189003

尺寸: 23.2 x 16.2 x 2.2 cm

重量: 399 g


作者:张婷婷 合著者:(美国)Rory Zimmerman





Founder of Microsoft Corp:Bill Gates-The Man Sitting on the Top of World

1 微软公司创始人:比尔 ·盖茨——坐在世界巅峰上的人

1.1 The Past, Present and Future of Microsoft微软的昨天、今天和明天

1.2 Meeting Challenges from Competitors 直面对手挑战

1.3 Internet Developing Is Future Business Focus 网络是未来的重点

1.4 The Foundation Work Is Very Rewarding 基金会的工作可喜可贺

CEO of Apple Corp: Steve Jobs-The Well-known “Computer Giant ”

2 苹果公司首席执行官:史蒂夫·乔布斯——声名显赫的“计算机巨人”

2.1 Apple Stories Like to Share 乐意分享的“苹果故事”

2.2 Apple Is a Player in All Sorts of Technological Advancements“苹果”是各种新技术的传播者

CEO of Dell Corp: Michael Dell-The CEO Started from Installing Computers

3 戴尔公司首席执行官:迈克尔·戴尔——靠组装电脑起家的首席执行官

3.1 Keeping Faith with the Direct Model 坚信直销模式

3.2 Dell Will Explore Other Markets of Digital Products 戴尔会开发其他数码产品市场

3.3 From Smaller Server to Commoditization 如何使小型服务器更加商品化

CEO of eBay: Meg Whitman-The Most Fashionable Business Woman

4 易趣首席执行官:梅格·惠特曼——最时尚的女商人

4.1 To Make Transaction Freer 让人们更加自由地交易

4.2 You Can Buy Any Thing on eBay 您可以在易趣买到任何东西

Former CEO of HP Corp:Carly Fiorina -The Most Womanly Woman

5 惠普公司前首席执行官:卡莉·菲奥莉娜——女人中的女人

5.1 Way Above Market 抢占先机

5.2 Tough Choices 艰难的抉择

CEO of Google:Eric Schmidt-The Legendary Figure in IT Industry

6 谷歌首席执行官:埃里克·施密特——IT界的传说

6.1 Which Role Will Google Play in the Information World谷歌公司将在信息世界中扮演什么角色

6.2 Google's Business Intelligence 谷歌的经营智慧

CEO of Amazon Corp:Jeff Bezos-Make Miracles in Electronic Business

7 亚马逊首席执行官:杰夫·贝索斯——开创电子商务的奇迹

7.1 Kindle Is a New Product of Environmental Protection and Economic Development 电子书是环保经济的新产品Google's Business Intelligence 谷歌的经营智慧

7.2 Amazon's New Improvement of Customers' Experience 亚马逊改善客户体验

CEO of Cisco Corp:John Chambers-A Surprisingly Observant President

8 思科首席执行官:约翰·钱伯斯——洞察力惊人的总裁

8.1 Connecting the World Through Internet 用网络连接世界

8.2 How to Make the Best of Technological Advances 怎样最好地利用科技优势

CEO of Yahoo Corp: Jerry Yang-The One to Start Century Cyber

9 雅虎公司首席执行官:杨致远——世纪网络第一人

9.1 Yahoo Corp Has Been Conducting Transition 雅虎一直在努力转型

9.2 Yahoo Corp Will Implement Service Integration 雅虎将推进服务整合

CEO of Oracle Corp: Larry Ellison-Dropped Out Without College Graduate Certificate

10 甲骨文首席执行官:拉里·埃里森——没有大学文凭的退学生

10.1 The Largest Provider of Software for Clinical Trials in the World 全球最大的临床医疗软件提供商

10.2 The Takeover of SUN 收购SUN公司

Former CEO of Intel Corp: Gordon Moore-A Modest Icon

11 英特尔公司前首席执行官:戈登·摩尔——谦和的偶像

11.1 The Magic of Moore's Law 摩尔定律的魔法

11.2 New Economies Are Rapidly Catching Up新兴经济体正在快速赶上

Founder of Intel Corp: Andy Grove-The Leader in Leaders

12 英特尔公司创始人:安迪·格鲁夫——领袖中的领袖

Where It Is Not Impossible, There Is Possibility 凡不是不可能的,就有可能

Founder and CEO of NVIDIA Corp: Jen-Hsun Huang-A Low-keyed Glutton for Work

13 NVIDIA公司的创始人兼首席执行官:黄仁勋——为人低调的工作狂

13.1 Effective Integration Solution Integration Solution Brings Efficiency整合一体的解决方案带来更佳效率

13.2 The Current Manage Condition and Challenges Ahead of NVIDIANVIDIA公司目前的经营状况和未来挑战

CEO of AMD:Hector Ruiz-The One with Enthusiasm for Hi-tech Promotion

14 AMD公司首席执行官:鲁毅智——推动高科技普及的热心人

14.1 The Launch of Windows Products This Year Will Make It Easier for People to Do the Transition 今年Windows产品的推出将使过渡更为容易

14.2 The New Generation CPU Possess Superior Cost-Performance Ratio 新一代处理器拥有极大的性价比优势

CEO of Microsoft Corp: Steve Ballmer-Born to Be a Salesman and Speaker

15 微软公司首席执行官:史蒂夫·鲍尔默——天生的销售明星和演说家

15.1 Microsoft's“Three Screens and the Cloud”Project微软的“三个屏幕一片云”项目

15.2 In All Things That Are Emerging, There Are Questions to Be Asked所有事情的发生都是有原因的

CEO of HP Corp: Mark Hurd-The Most Innovative Professional Manager

16 惠普公司首席执行官:马克·赫德——最富创新精神的职业经理人

16.1 HP Changes Its Sales Channel 惠普改变销售渠道

16.2 HP Corp Is a Flexible Company with a Majority of Employees惠普公司很大也很灵活

CEO of Intel Corp: Paul Otellini-A CEO with a Long Way to Go

17 英特尔公司首席执行官:保罗·奥特利尼——任重而道远的首席执行官

17.1 Netbook Never Takes the Place of Laptop 上网本无法取代笔记本

17.2 Improvement of CPU Features Relies on the Advancement of Technology 中央处理器的提升有赖于科学技术的进步

17.3 PC Industry on Brink of Recovery 即将恢复的个人电脑产业

CEO of Adobe Corp: Shantanu Narayen-A Strong Man with no Fear to Failure

18 Adobe公司首席执行官:山塔努·纳拉延——无畏失败的强者

18.1 The Response from Our Customers Has Been Very Positive客户的反应非常积极

18.2 The New Mode of Internet Interaction 互联网互动新模式

18.3 Acrobat Professional Has a Number of Features专业版Aerobat有很多特性

CEO of Symantec Corp: Enrique Salem-“Flight Man” Who Spends More than 200 Hundred Days a Year in the Plane

19 赛门铁克公司首席执行官:恩里克·萨利姆—— 一年200多天在路上的“空中飞人”

Hackers'Attack Becomes the Biggest Threat 黑客攻击成为最大威胁

CEO of EA Corp: John Pleasants-Leader in Electronic Art Industry

20 美国艺电首席执行官:约翰·普莱森茨——电子艺术的掌门人

20.1 China Market Has Great Potentials中国具有很大的市场潜力

20.2 Games Promote the Sales of PC Hardware 游戏推动电脑硬件销售

CEO of AOL Corp: Tim .Armstrong-A Well-received Executive in the Market

21 美国在线首席执行官:蒂姆·阿姆斯特朗——获得市场一致好评的执行官

Instant Messaging Still Has Broad Market 即时通信仍有广阔前景

CEO of IBM: Sam Palmisano -A Typical American Gentleman


22.1 Partitioning PC Division Can Make Us More Focus on Services 分拆电脑业务可以使我们专注服务

22.2 IBM Is a Trustworthy Brand IBM是值得信赖的品牌

22.3 Customer-oriented Is Our Long-term Strategy 以客户为中心是我们的长期战略

CEO of Palm: Jon Rubinstein-A Great Engineer

23 Palm公司首席执行官:乔恩·鲁宾斯坦——一个伟大的工程师

Multiple Apps Can Be Run at the Same Time多任务应用程序可以在同一时间运行

CEO of MOTOROLA Corp: Sanjay Jha-co-The No.1 Executive to Whom Family Is Important

24 摩托罗拉联合首席执行官:桑杰·贾——重视家庭的第一高管

Android Smart-Phone Is a New Opportunity





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