词条 | 陈景秋 |
释义 | 1. 重庆市力学学会名誉理事长陈景秋教授陈景秋,男,汉族,1944年9月生于贵阳市,博士(Dr.-Ing),教授 重庆大学工程力学研究所所长,重庆市力学学会名誉理事长 1963.09~1968.12 北京大学数学力学系数学专业毕业 1978.10~1981.03 重庆大学机械系获工学硕士学位 1983.12~1988.01 德国亚琛工业大学数学和自然科学系获博士学位 1968.12~1972.11 天津港务局码头搬运工、理货员 1972.11~1978.10 重庆国营长安厂干部,技校及职工大学教师 1981.03~1983.12 重庆大学机械工程系助教、讲师,副教授(1988.06) 1989.06 重庆大学工程力学系教授 中国力学学会第6、7届理事会常务理事,教育部第2、3、4届科技委数理学部学部委员 教育部3、4届基础力学教学指导委员会委员 1990.10-1997.01历任重庆大学科研处处长、校长助理,副校长 兼校科技总公司总裁、成人教育学院院长(其间 1995/97德国亚琛工业大学客座教授) 2001.09~2005.01 重庆市市统计局副局长(其间日本东北大学IMR客座教授五个月) 1996.01~2006.08 民进重庆市委副主委, 2006.08~2010.12 主委 2008.01~2011.01 重庆市第三届政协副主席 全国政协第九至十一届委员,重庆市政协一届、二届常委 民进第十、十一届中央委员,第十二届中央常委 1997~今 重庆市力学学会理事长、名誉理事长 2.上海交通大学管理学院教师?个人简介陈景秋,女,上海交通大学管理学院讲师。1995.9-1999.7 外交学院 法语(外交) 学士 2001.9-2007.1 北京大学 工业和组织心理学 博士 2007.5-今 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院组织管理系 讲师 研究方向行为决策、幸福和主观幸福感、文化心理、组织行为 Education Ph.D in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Beijing University, January 2007-. B.S. in French and Diplomacy, China Foreign Affairs University, June 1999. Employment Assistant Professor of Management and Organization, Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. May 2007- Research Interests Judgment and choice, happiness and subjective wellbeing, cultural psychology, organizational behavior 科研项目中国传统思维方式影响管理决策行为的实证研究,国家自然科学青年基金项目(70901051),项目负责人,2010.1-2012.12 中国城市消费者行为研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(70832004),主要参加,2009.1-2012.12 英文期刊: Hsee, C. K., Hastie, R., & Chen, J. (2008). Hedonomics: Bridging decision research with happiness research. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3, 224-243. Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2007). Locus of control and the three components of commitment to change. Personality and Individual Differences, 42, 503-512. 国内期刊: 王艾华、陈景秋,“外资企业员工离职调查”,《中国人力资源开发》,2005,3,87-90。 郭跃、陈景秋、王垒,“职业清晰度:概念、调查分析与应用”,《中国人力资源开发》,2005,2,22-25。 袁蓉、陈景秋、王垒,“民航业员工变革适应性的调查分析”,《中国人力资源开发》,2004,12,83-86。 管然、陈景秋,“中高层管理者离职心态调查”,《人力资本》,2004,7,60-64页。 马淑婕、陈景秋、王垒,“员工离职原因的研究”,《中国人力资源开发》,2003,9,28-30。 程延、陈景秋、王垒,“西方有关企业福利影响因素的研究”,《新资本》,2003,6,46-48。 陈景秋、王垒,“职业测评:功能与实践”,《职业》,2003,3,30-32。 陈景秋、童佳瑾、王垒,“职业困惑与职业发展:职业指导实务分析”,《职业》,2002,12,36-37。 陈景秋、童佳瑾、王垒,“求职者类型与择业策略分析”,《职业》,2002,11,38-40。 专著: 奚恺元,王佳艺,陈景秋,《撬动幸福》,中信出版社,2008。 Grants Lead PI, The Influence of Chinese thinking styles on Judgment and Decision-making. National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program). (70901051).2010-2012 Co-PI, China City Consumer Behavior Research. Chinese National Science Foundation of China (Key Program).(70832004). 2009-2012 Lead PI, The relationship between commitment to organizational change and change implementation effectiveness. Young scholar fund, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2008-2009. Papers Hsee, C. K., Hastie, R., & Chen, J. (2008). Hedonomics: Bridging decision research with happiness research. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3, 224-243. Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2007). Locus of control and the three components of commitment to change. Personality and Individual Differences, 42, 503-512. Guo, Y., Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2005). The concept of “Career-Clearance” and its application. China Human Resource Development, 2, 22-25. (In Chinese) Ma, S., Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2003). Review of employee’s turnover reasons. China Human Resource Development, 9, 28-20. (In Chinese) Wang, A., & Chen, J. (2005). Survey of the turnover of foreign company’s employees. China Human Resource Development, 3, 87-90. (In Chinese) Yuan, R., Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2004). Employees’ adaptation to organizational change in airline companies. China Human Resource Development, 12, 83-86. (In Chinese) Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2003). Career Assessment: Function and Practice. Career, 3, 30-32. (In Chinese) Chen, J., Tong, J., & Wang, L. (2002). Career concerns and career development guidelines. Career, 12, 36-37. (In Chinese) Chen, J., Tong, J., & Wang, L. (2002). Different job appliers and strategies for choosing job. Career, 11, 38-40. (In Chinese) Cheng, Y., Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2003). Western studies for the factors that influence company benefits package. New Capital, 6, 46-48. (In Chinese) Guan, R., & Chen, J. (2004). “The psychology behind the turnover of middle and high-level managers”, Human Resource Capital, 7, 60-64. (In Chinese) Conference Presentation Chen, J. (2009). Researches on Chinese thinking style and their implication. Presented at IFSAM (International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management) XIIIth World Congress, Nanjing, China. Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2008). Cross-Industrial Examination of the Dimensionality of Commitment to Organizational Change Scale in the People’s Republic of China. Presented at The 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA. Chen, J., & Wang, L. (2008). The relationship among job stressor, job stress and attitude toward organizational change. Presented at The 2008 National Academic Conference of Industrial Psychology, Beijing, China. Chen, J., Wang, L. & Ma, S. (2004). “A synthetic method for better prediction of turnover”, Presented at XXVIII International Conference of Psychology, Beijing, China. Chen, J., Wang, L. & Ma, S. (2004). “The structure of the factors influencing turnover”, Presented at the Inaugural Conference of IACMR, Beijing, China. 教学概况管理心理学 心理学导论 人力资源管理研究方法 Managerial Psychology Introduction to Psychology Management Research Methods |
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