词条 | 欧洲文学里程碑 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 武汉大学出版社; 第1版 (2006年7月1日) 平装: 250页 开本: 32开 ISBN: 730705003X 条形码: 9787307050037 尺寸: 21.4 x 14 x 1.7 cm 重量: 281 g 作者简介作者:(英国)菲利普·盖斯凯尔 (PHILIP GASKELL) 内容简介该书向普通读者介绍了32部重要的英译欧洲文学作品。从但丁的《神曲》到布莱希特的《三个便士的歌剧》,菲利普·盖斯凯尔以公认的文学经典为对象,结合作品产生时的历史和文学背景,对每一部作品进行了介绍。选文部分囊括了诗歌、散文和戏剧等主要文类,所选作家包括彼特拉克、维庸、龙沙、蒙田、塞万提斯、莫里哀、伏尔泰、卢梭、歌德、席勒、普希金、莱蒙托夫、巴尔扎克、福楼拜、波德莱尔、兰波、屠格涅夫、托尔斯泰、陀思妥耶夫斯基、易卜生、斯特林堡、汉姆生、契诃夫、高尔基、左拉、冯塔纳、普鲁斯特、曼、卡夫卡和皮兰德娄。 书中关于目前在版的和已经绝版的各种翻译文本的实用指南以及有关进一步阅读的推荐书目显示了作者作为批评家和书志学家的高超技艺。书后有四个附录,内容分别为:通过把同一文本的不同译本并列对举进行比较来讨论有关翻译的议题和问题;从各个作品的本族语原文中摘选了大量引文;对于俄国人名的形式和发音提供了指导;介绍了19世纪中叶至晚期货币的价值。 该书以希望自己探索欧洲文学的渎者为目标,是一本极富可读性和趣味性的入门书籍。 媒体评论书评 “这本指南好就好在它信任普通读者,其目标在于为任何有兴趣拓展阅 读经验的读者提供鼓励和工具,帮助他们踏上领略欧洲文学之旅。该书完全 实现了其预期目标。” ——埃拉·韦斯特兰博士,埃克塞特大学成人与继续教育系 目录Preface Acknowledgements Abbreviations Introduction A European canon Reading foreign literature in translation The availability of translations How this book is arranged I Dante and Petrarch Italy in the early fourteenth century Dante (1265-1321) The Divine Comedy, 1307-21 Petrarch (1304-74) Love Lyrics, 1327-58 II Villon, Ronsard, and Montaigne France from the late Middle Ages to the Renaissance Metre and sound in French verse Villon (1431--63+) Poems, 1456-61 Ronsard (1524-85) Poems, 1550-85 Montaigne (1533-92) Essays, 1572, 1588, 1595 III Cervantes and Moliiere Spain and France in the seventeenth century Cervantes (1547-1616) Don Quixote, 1605-15 Moliere (1622-73) Tartuffe, 1664, 1669 IV Voltaire and Rousseau France before the Revolution Voltaire (1694-1778), Candide, 1759 Rousseau (1712-78), Confessions, 1766--70 V Goethe and Schiller German-speaking countries in the eighteenth century Goethe (1749-1832) Faust, Part One, 1775-1808 Schiller (1759-1805) Wallenstein, 1798-9 VI Pushkin and Lermontov The Russian Empire in the nineteenth century Pushkin (1799-1837) Eugene Onegin, 1831 Lermontov (1814- 41) A Hero of Our Time, 1840 VII Balzac and Flaubert France: Restoration and the July Monarchy, 1815-48 Balzac (1799-18S0) Le Pere Goriot, 1834-5 Flaubert (1821-80) Women and adultery in the nineteenth century Madame Bovary, 1856--7 VIII Baudelaire and Rimbaud France: Second Republic and Second Empire, 1848-71 Baudelaire (1821-67) Les Fleurs du Mal, 1857, 1861, 1868 Rimbaud (1854-91) Poems, 1870-3 IX Turgenev, Tolst6y, and Dostoevsky The great age of the Russian novel, 1856-80 Turgenev (1818-83) Fathers and Children, 1862 Tolst6y (1828-1910) Anna Karenina, 1875-7 Dostoevsky (1821-81) The Brothers Karamdzov, 1879-80 X Ibsen, Strindberg, and Hamsun Scandinavia in the nineteenth Century Ibsen (1828-1906) A Doll's House, 1879 Strindberg (1849-1912) Miss Julie, 1888 Hamsun (1859-1952) Hunger, 1890 XI Ch6khov and G6rky Russia at the end of the Old R6gime Chekhov (1860-1904) The Cherry Orchard, 1903-4 G6rky (1868-1936) The Lower Depths, 1902 XII Zola, Fontane, and Proust France and Germany at the end of the nineteenth century Zola (1840-1902) Germinal, 1885 Fontane (1819-98) Effi Briest, 1895 Proust (1871-1922) Swann's Way, 1913 XIII Mann and Kafka The central powers before 1914 Modernist fiction Mann (1875-1955) Death in Venice, 1912 Kafka (1883-1924) The Trial, 1914, 1925 XIV Pirandello and Brecht The years of l'entre deux guerres Pirandello (1867-1936) Six Characters in Search of an Author, 1921 Brecht (1898-1956) The Threepenny Opera, 1928 Appendix A: Translating Flaubert Appendix B: Quotations from original texts and selected translations Appendix C: The form and pronunciation of Russian names Appendix D: The value of money in the mid- to late-nineteenth century Copyright Acknowledgements Index |
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