词条 | 牡丹亭故事 |
释义 | 版权信息书名:牡丹亭故事 作者:滕建民 定价:¥68.00 出版社:五洲传播出版社 ISBN:9787508521619 出版日期:2012年1月1日 编辑推荐由顾伟光等编译的《牡丹亭》成功地塑造了一个光彩耀人的艺术形象杜丽娘。她原是一位典型的闺阁小姐,被三从四德的礼教牢牢地缚住。晚明时期,这样的女子成千上万,她们都是封建礼教和伪道学的牺牲品,其内心痛苦与精神压抑不言而喻。汤显祖通过离奇的情节和巧妙的组合,亦真亦幻,亦庄亦谐,创造了一个女子伤春感悟,从阳世到阴间又再回阳世,最终争取到婚姻自主的故事。 内容简介The Peony pavilion is one of Tang's "Four Dreams" and has traditionally been performed as a Kun opera. The opera tells a romantic love story of Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei, with its focuses on love, beauty, relationship, and marriage.This passionate story has always been considered a Chinese nalional treasure, and continues to resonate with audience everywhere, even in this modern day and age. This book, with plain words, intends to help foreign readers understand the story and appreciate classic Chinese opera. 作者简介译者:顾伟光、(美)马洛甫 改编:滕建民 图书目录Chapter Ⅰ Chapter Ⅱ Chapter Ⅲ Chapter Ⅳ Chapter Ⅴ Chapter Ⅵ Chapter Ⅶ Chapter Ⅷ Chapter Ⅸ Chapter Ⅹ |
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