

词条 超声波钉珠机





超声波钉珠机又称超声波钉钻机/超声波点钻机/饰品点钻机/服装点钻机/牛仔裤点钻机/ 婚纱点钻机/自动钉珠机/钉钻机/超声波镶钻机/超声波烫图机/超声波整版烫/鞋面点钻机/钉钻机/镶钻机/烫图机/钻石手动粘贴机/焊钻机。








效 率: 130-150粒/分钟





4. 色彩多变、定位准确,珠片贴合牢固、工艺精美、不伤辅料

5. 适用在图案不规则的珠片装饰工艺。更省工人,工时,加工成本更加低廉









一、操作步骤Operation Step

第一步:接通气源,即将外部气源接在如下图所示的“进气阀接口”上,同时旋开“球阀”(如图1所示)。Connect the compressed air supply to the machine, that is, connect the air hose to the INTAKE VALVE INTERFACE and then turn on the BALL VALVE(as shown in the picture).


Adjust the air pressure, turn the FIRST REGULATOR and the SECOND REGULATOR, so that the First Air Pressure Metre reads between 0.3MPa-0.4MPa,and the Second Air Pressure Metre reads between 0.2MPa~0.4Mpa as indicated below:

1. 用手捏住调压过滤器的调压柄(如图1所示露出的部分),向外拉使调压柄脱离固定齿,此时即可向顺时针或逆时针方向旋动调压柄,同时可以看到压力表的指针跟着转动,即顺时针旋动调压柄,气压增加,逆时针旋动调压柄,气压减小;

Pull out the REGULATOR NOB(as shown in PIC 1)and turn it either way round, and the needle will go up or down, turning the REGULATOR NOB clockwise will increase the air pressure and anti-clockwise decreases the air pressure.


Push back the REGULATOR NOB when the air pressure is correctly set.


Adjust the swing angle and position of the CILIDER


Loosen SCREW 1 and SCREW 2(as shown in PIC 2), hold the CYLINDER by hand, and now the CYLINDER is free for swinging, swing the CYLINDER to the down position (make sure that it points to the Ultra-Sound Head) and Fasten SCREW 1,then swing the CYLINDER to the position that it stands 90 degrees with the disk(as shown in PIC 4,and make sure that the muzzle points to the Sink for the stone and fasten SCREW2.Now the CYLINDER position is settled. If the position is a little right or left, loosen ADJUSTING SCREW and turn the ADJUSTING NUT with a screw driver (cross)(as shown in PIC 3),and then fasten the ADJUSTING SCREW.第四步:调节气嘴与上料盘之间的距离

Adjust the spacing between NOZZLE and DISK


Hold the NOZZLE BASE with a spanner ,loosen M6 NUT ,and the spacing between the NOZZLE and the DISK can be adjusted by turning the CYLINDER POLE, when the spacing is set correctly, fasten the M6 NUT. Usually, the spacing can be set so that the NOZZLE is 1-2MM from the stone, and larger stones require a little bigger spacing (and the size of the NOZZLE should also be bigger).


Adjust the buttons and knobs on the control Panel


Knobs adjustment

a) 当接通电源时,在b, c, d, e处分别显示“A”“u”“t”“o”,表示机器处于“自动状态”,此时如果按一下“按钮03”,在a,b,d,d,e处全部显示“0”,表示机器处于“非自动状态”。在“自动状态”时,用脚踏住右脚踏开关不松开,此时机器就连续的工作;在“非自动状态”时,用脚踏住右脚踏开关,机器却不能连续工作,只能点动一次才能工作一次。

When powering on the machine ,if in the indicators b ,c, d, e show Auto, the machine is set to work automatically, and when PEDAL SWITCH R is pressed down, the machine works continuously. If BUTTON 03 is pressed, the indicators a ,b, c, d, e, all show 0,the machine is set to work manually, each press on the PEDAL SWITCH R will get the machine pick one stone for the sticking(as shown in PIC 5).b) 按一下“按钮04”,在“a”处将一次显示0-7的某个数字,表示某个参数号,“b”处无b任何显示,“c”“d”“e”处显示该参数的数值,如:1 010 ,表示1号参数的数值为10;5 006 ,表示6号参数的数值为6.

Press BUTTON04, a digit between 0-7 will be displayed in indicator a, it indicates a parameter ,there will be n display on indicator b, while in indicators c, d, and e display the value of this parameter. For instance, a display of 1 101 means that the first parameter is set 10for its value; and if the display of 5 006 means that the value of the fifth parameter if set as 6.


To set the value of a certain parameter higher, press BUTTON 05, the value goes up till it reaches 255 as the maximum , to set the value smaller, Press BUTTON 06,and the value goes down till 0 as the minimum.

c) 机器处于“非自动状态”是,可以显示机器自动记录的工作次数,工作次数显示在“a”“b”“c”“d”“e”处,如00100,机器工作100次,理论上可以焊合100颗人造钻石。

When the machine is in a state of MANUAL WORK, the indicators display the counting of the work. A display of 00100 indicates that the machine has worked 100 times, and thus 100 stones has been stuck on the fabric.


A press on Button 01 will reset the value back to 0.


A press on BUTTON 02 will set the indicators display the setting of the parameters from 0 to 7 one by one.


A press on BUTTON 07 will set the NOZZLE vertical and release the compressed air so that the dust or bits of broken stones will be blown out from the NOZZLE, it has the same function as the PEDAL SWITCHL.


Adjustment on KNOBS“开关02”为换盘开关,该开关上下分别标有英文“LEFT”和“RIGHT”,顺时针旋动该按钮,则右上料盘工作,逆时针旋动该按钮,则左上料盘工作,“开关01”(如图3)为该设备的总开关,“开关03”(如图6),为超声波开关,打开“开关01”再打开“开关03”,此时超声波才能得电工作。(“指示灯01”(如图6)为超声波电源板通电指示)

SEITCH 02 works for the shifting between the two disks, there is the marking of LEFT and RIGHT below SWITCH 02 indicating the position of the SEITCH.SWITCH 03 works as the main power switch (as shown in PIC 6).SWITCH 01 works as the ultra-sonic switch. We need to Turn on SWITCH 01 first(as shown in PIC 3)and then turn on SWITCH 03 and enable the ultra-sonic device to start working.


When the power is on ,there will be a small red light point on the fabric indicating the target position for the stone, turn KNOB 01 for the strength of the red light; anti-clockwise gets the red light brighter and clockwise gets the red light dimmer.


KNOB 02 is used for adjustment on the motor so that we can adjust the rotation speed of the disks, If the NOZZLE misses some of the stones, the rotation speed is set too high, turn KNOB 02 clockwise to lower the speed. If the NOZZLE waits for the stones now and then, the speed id set too low, turn KNBO 02 anti-clockwise to raise the speed.


If the NOZZLE swings without sucking up a stone, turn KNBO 03 anti-clockwise so that the compressed air is stronger. If the NOZZLE does not swing after sucking up a stone, turn KNOB 03 clockwise so that the compressed air is weaker. (If the compressed air pressure or the size of the stones if changed, usually we need to readjust KNOB 03, till the NOZZLE picks every stone on the disk).


Parameter Setting


Parameter 0: the timing between the pressing on PEDAL SWITCH L and the working of NOZZLE, this parameter is set so that the NOZZLE has some time for the preparation for the work. Usually, the value of this parameter is set 1.


Parameter 1: the timing of the Cylinders swinging between starting and the end, The parameter setting is to control the movement of the Cylinder so that it goes to the correst positon without any over movement, thus place the stones correctly to the fabric for the sticking. Usually, the parameter is set from 3 to 6.


Parameter 2: the timing between the NOZZLE going down and up. Usually set between 1 to 3


Parameter 3: the timing of the ultra-sonic device heating, thinner fabric requires a lower value while thick fabric requires higher value. It is usually set from 15 to 35.


Parameter 4: the timing for the NOZZLE to release compressed air for cleaning, it is usually set from 1 to 2.


Parameter 5: the timing between the NOZZLE Cylinders retreating movement and the movement of the swinging Cylinder. Usually set from 3 to 5.


Parameter 6: the timing between two complete work round. Usually set from 0 to 3.


Parameter 7: the timing for the balance of the NOZZLE. Usually set from 1 to 5.


Trouble Shooting

故障1:人造钻石在布料上被压碎 Stones broken on fabric轻轻地以顺时针方向调节上图所示的“节流阀1-2”,从而可以减小气嘴对人造钻石的压力,可以改善碎烫钻的状况:(见图7)

Turn the SPEED CONTROL 1-2 clockwise to reduce the pressure to the stones from the NOZZLE (as shown in PIC 7)


Places something soft to the NOZZLE.


NOZZLE presses too much on stones and damages the stone surface.


The spacing between the NOZZLE and the disk is too small, Reset the spacing as per Adjust the spacing between NOZZLE and DISK.


Stones fall down during the swinging of the CYLINDER.


The spacing between the NOZZLE and the disk is too large. Reset the spacing as per Adjust the spacing between NOZZLE and DISK.


The SWING BYLINDER touches the disk when swinging down.


Reset Parameter 1 to a bigger value.


Turn SPEED CONTROL 2-1 clock-wise as shown in PIC 8.


The SWING CYLINDER touches the disk when swinging up.


Reset Parameter 5 to a bigger value.


Turn SPEED CONTROL 2-2 clock-wise as shown in PIC 8.


Stones are not firmly stuck on the fabric


Turn SPEED CONTROL 1-2 anti-clock-wise as shown in PIC 7.


Reset Parameter 3 to a bigger value.





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