

词条 超级立方体




导演: 文森佐·纳塔利。

编剧: André Bijelic / 文森佐·纳塔利 / Graeme Manson。

主演: 妮可·德波儿 / Nicky Guadagni / 大卫·休莱特 / Andrew Miller / Maurice Dean Wint / Wayne Robson。

类型:恐怖 / 悬疑 / 科幻 / 惊悚。

制片国家/地区: 加拿大。

语言: 英语 / 德语。


片长:90 分钟。

又名: 异次元杀阵 / 立方体。




有六个人在CUBE(立方体)中误打误撞的相遇了。强壮的警察,善良的医生,聪明的学生,悒郁的公司职员,一名智障少年,还有一个窃贼——逃狱专家。他们 简短的交流了自己来到CUBE的经历,几乎没有什么线索。有人是打开冰箱的一瞬被送到这里,有人是睡眠中醒来发现自己身处CUBE。毫无理由。逃狱专家用 鞋带绑上靴子扔出去探路,躲过了刀锋、火焰喷射器,但是没有生命的靴子无法探测出毒气。窃贼很快被腐蚀药水喷中,他的头部只剩下一个凹形的空壳。剩下的五 个人继续前进。学生发现在每个房间通向别的房间的出口,总有三个三位数字雕刻在金属牌上,她发现一旦其中有一个是质数,则通向的房间必然有杀人利器。在她 不断地计算中,五个人艰难前行。没有食物,没有水……最后究竟谁能顺利走出呢?

试想像当你一觉醒来,发现独处高度精密且结构繁复,地下甚至天花也是由一个个正立方体切成的,没有食物、饮料,身上穿了囚犯般的简陋衣服,心乱如麻的你四 处试探,试图逃出生天。机关找到了,推门进去,是没完没了的密室。终于遇上黑人警察,继而是更多受害者。继续逃亡,他们发觉各人独有特殊技能可助离开这迷 宫。人性丑恶和自私在这生死边缘间显露无遗······

第二部:超级立方体2/心慌方2: 密室惊方


导演: Andrzej Sekula。

编剧: Sean Hood / Ernie Barbarash。

主演: 卡瑞·玛切特 / Geraint Wyn Davies / Grace Lynn Kung / Matthew Ferguson。

类型:恐怖 / 悬疑 / 科幻 / 惊悚。

制片国家/地区: 加拿大。

语言: 英语。


片长:95 分钟。

又名: 异次元杀阵2:超级立方体 / 心慌方·超立方体 / Cube²: Hypercube。



八个城中专业人士,一天醒来,赫然发现身处一个神秘密室,无人知道这是何等地方,眼前的只是一班完全不相识的人。密室是四方体的,上下左右前后 都有一道门,可以通往隔邻的另一密室,但总是逃不过每个密室的特设机关,他们开始相信自己会命丧于此。噩梦果真灵验,有人神秘暴毙,有人离奇遇害。究竟这 是真实,还是梦魇?


《搏击会》《移魂追凶》《变种DNA》皇牌班底深闯四度凶间,触发视觉恐慌!《危险人物》《落水狗》《美色杀人狂》 康城影展得主艾迪克索古拿创意无限作品!

密室布局,奇幻迷离,惊心杀戮,吓到弹起,密室来吓,有入无出!八个互不相识的人,一觉醒来,赫然发现身处一个神秘密室,无人知道这是何等地方,也无 人知道如何进入。密室是四方体的,上下左右前后都有一道门,可以通往隔邻的另一密室,但总是逃不过每个密室的特设机关,他们开始相信自己会命丧于此。噩梦 果真灵验,有人神秘暴毙,有人离奇遇害。究竟这是真实,还是梦魇?······



原 名:Cube:Zero。


导 演:Ernie Barbarash。

主 演:Zachary Bennett David Huband Stephanie Moore Tony Munch Joshua Peace Michael Riley Mike 'Nug' Nahrgang Diego Klattenhoff 。

上 映:2004年10月15日 ( 美国 ) 。

地 区:加拿大 ( 拍摄地 ) 。

对 白:英语。

字 幕:中文 。

评 分:5.7/10 (290 votes)。

类 型:科幻 / 恐怖 / 剧情 / 惊悚 / 悬念 。

分 级:R (美国)。


1997年的加拿大影片《心慌方》(Cube,又译异次元杀阵,立方体)是当代科幻史上最富盛名的独立电影之一,迅速赢得一大批cult影迷的本片在 2002年推出了野心勃勃的续集《心慌方。超立方体》,如今,该系列第三弹《心慌方。零》也已经悄然拍竣,将于明年1 月直发DVD.由狮门公司投拍的《心慌方。零》于上周在洛杉矶的“惊叫电影节”(Scream fest)举行了全球首映,观众反响非常热烈,并一举夺得最佳视觉效果奖。该片导演/编剧厄尼·巴巴拉什表示,虽然由安德烈·塞库拉执导的前作《超立方 体》差强人意,但他已经从中吸取了经验教训。


《心慌方》是低成本电影中以创意取胜的经典案例,第一集的主要破解线索是立方体房间中的一组组数字密码,第二集《超立方体》更进一步,那些无穷多的、 完全相同的连锁空间升级成“仅在理论上存在的四维立方体”,不仅处在不断旋转的恒常运动下,而且空间内不再有简单的机械机关,而是出现了平行宇宙、重力场 迁移、时间加快减慢等各种让人叹为观止的物理现象。《心慌方。零》的不同之处则是多了一个“立方体外的观察者”。





 If you move a square parallel in space and join the corresponding corners, you get the perspective sight of the cube.

 If you move a cube parallel in space and join the corresponding corners, you get the perspective sight of the hypercube.

The hypercube has 16 corners (derived from 2 cubes) and 32 edges (2 cubes and joining lines).


The hypercube has 24 squares.

 The cube is covered by six squares.
In the same way eight cubes
form the hypercube.

The numbers 134, 124, 234, 123 indicate the base vectors (declared below). If you know the 3D view, you can look at the hypercube three-dimensionally, too.

Central Projection


...... The cube is distorted in a central projection. 4 of the 6 squares appear as trapeziums, which lie between the small and the big square.

. A representation of the hypercube has been developed of this.
(Viktor Schlegel, 1888)

 6 of the 8 cubes appear as pyramid stumps,
which lie between the small and the big cube. 

4 cubes, 6 squares, and 4 edges meet at each corner.

3 cubes and 3 squares meet at each edge.

2 cubes meet at each square. Nets top

...... If you spread out the cube, you get its net. Together the six squares have 6x4=24 sides. 2x5=10 sides (red) are bound. If you build a cube, you have to stick the remaining 14 sides in pairs.
There are 11 nets.

... If you spread out the hypercube, you get its net as an arrangement of 8 cubes. Together the eight cubes have 8x6=48 squares. 2x7=14 squares are bound. If you "build" a hypercube, you have to stick the remaining 34 squares in pairs.
How many nets are there?
Peter Turney and Dan Hoey counted 261 cases.



..... A cube (more exact: a cube with the edges 1) is produced by three unit vectors (red) perpendicular to each other.
They form a coordinate system.

............ A triplet formed by the numbers 0 or 1 describes the corners. The triplet (011) belongs to the point P. You reach P by going from the origin O first in x2 direction and then in x3 direction. This way is fixed by 011.

... You describe all the 8 corners by coordinates in this manner. All combinations of three numbers using 0 or 1 occur as coordinates.

............... If you add the coordinates of one point, you get the sums 0,1,2, or 3. The sums 0 and 3 belong to opposite corners. They are ending points of a diagonal (green). If you join the points with the sums 1 or 2, you get triangles (red).

If you write x1+x2+x3=a and substitute all numbers between 0 and 3 with a, you find to every value another plane. The hexagon corresponding to a=1.5 is famous.


 Corresponding to the cube four basic vectors (red) produce the hypercube. All combinations of four numbers using 0 or 1 occur as coordinates.

If you add the coordinates of one point, you get the sums 0,1,2,3, or 4. The sums 0 and 4 belong to opposite corners. They are ending points of a diagonal (green). If you join the points with the sums 1 or 3, you get two tetrahedra (red).
If you join the points with the sum 2, you get an octohedron (blue). If you write x1+x2+x3+x4=a and substitute all numbers between 0 and 4 with a, you find another body as a section to every value.
The section is perpendicular to the diagonal from (0000) to (1111). More Drawings in Perspective top






The n-dimensional Cube


The hypercube is a construct of ideas. You receive a plausible explanation for its features by the "permanent principle", which often is used in mathematics to get from the "known to the unknown".

Cubes with the dimensions 1, 2 and 3 have the properties as follows.

The data of the hypercube might follow in the next line. Dimension=4 and corners=16 are clear.

There are formulas for continuing the sequence for the edges and squares.

If you take n=4, you get the data of the hypercube.

Encore: Data of the 5-dimensional cube





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