

词条 论文及其他早期政治著作


出版社: 中国政法大学出版社; 第1版

丛书名: 剑桥政治思想史原著系列


ISBN: 9787562023739, 7562023735

条形码: 9787562023739

尺寸: 20.8 x 14.6 x 2.2 cm

重量: 481 g




The work of Jean - Jacques Rousseau is presented in the series Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought in two volumes, together forming the most comprehensive collection of Roussea`s political writings in English. This first volume contains the earlier writings, the Firs and Second Discourses ,the publication of which signalled the power and challenge of Rousseau`s thinding. It also includes Rousseau`s extensive Replies to critis of these Discourses. he Essay on the Origin of Lmguages and the Letter to Voltaire on Providence, as well as several neglected but important early writings, the Discourse on Heroic Virtue and the essay on the Method on the Composition of a Book. Broadly speaking these earlier writings may be viewed as primarily analytic or diagnostic.

Rousseau's influence was wide reaching, and has continued to grow since his derth in 1778: the American and the French Revolutions were profoundly affected by his thought, as were Romanticism and Idealism.

This volume, like its successor further provides extensive editorial material that should prove useful to both students and specialists of these seminal works: a comprehensive introduction, a chronology, a guide to further reading, a discussion of Rousseau's vocabulary, detailed editorial notes and an index. The translations are literal and consistent throughout.

VICTOR GOUREVITCH, the editor and translator, is the William Griffin Professor of Philosophy at Wesleyan University.




Chronology of Fean-Facques Rousseau

A brief guide to further reading

A note on the texts

A note on the translations

A note on the editorial notes and index

Dicourse on the Sciences and Arts or First Discourse




Replies to Critics

Letter to M.l’Abbe Raynal


Letter to Grimm

Last Reply

Letter about a New Refutation

Preface to Narcissus

Preface of a Second Letter to Bordes

Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men or Second Discourse

Epistle Dedicatory




Rousseau's Notes

Replies to Critics

Letter to Philopolis

Reply to Charles-Georges Le Roy

Letter to Voltaire

Essay on the Origin of Languages

Idea of the Method in the Composition of a Book

Discourse on the Virtue a Hero Most Nedds or On Heroic Virtue

List of abbreviations and textual conventions

Editorial nots

Index of editors, translators, and annotators

General index





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