词条 | 刘儒勋 |
释义 | 1938.10.21生于青岛。1963.7毕业于北京大学数学力学系(六年制)。自1963.9起,在中国科学技术大学数学系任教,1985年晋升为副教授,1989年晋升为教授,1995年受聘为博士生导师。曾任两届中国计算数学会理事,中国计算物理学会理事、名誉理事,现为中国计算海洋物理专业委员会常委,科学与工程计算丛书常务编委。在国内其他大学和研究单位兼职,多次应邀讲学。曾经作为客座教授和研究学者,在意大利ICTP、美国等进行过合作研究。 一直从事计算数学和计算流体力学的教学和科研,博士和硕士生的培养工作,以及博士后的指导工作。曾长期参加过多项工程技术的科研工作,如黄河水利委员会的泥沙计算、强爆炸的数值模拟和建模、飞机和发动机的结构和温度场计算、石油物探的地震波反问题、海洋动力等的数学模型和数值模拟方法的研制。曾经获得国家、石油部和科学院的多种奖励。 从1981年来,已在国内外10多种不同的重要刊物上发表论文和专著100多篇。多次应邀参加全国水动力学研讨会,并作过大会报告。曾经承担了和正在承担着国家自然科学基金、博士点基金、其他部门和科学院特别支持基金,以及美国国家基金等各种科研项目。 主要研究方向是计算流体力学方法,和偏微分方程间断解方法的研究和应用。正在承担,并将于2003年底结题的国家自然科学基金《运动界面追踪问题的数值模拟方法研究和应用》(10071083)和《溃坝涌浪等畸变自由面问题数值模拟方法研究》(10371118),以及大气所和北京计算物理所的项目。 主要论著: [1]忻孝康,刘儒勋:《计算流体动力学》,国防科技大学出版社,1989.8 [2]刘儒勋,王志峰:《数值模拟方法和运动界面追踪》, 中国科学技术大学出版社,2001.10 [3]刘儒勋,舒其望:《计算流体力学的若干新方法》,科学出版社,2003.4 1999年以来的主要论文(与所带博士生): [1]Wang Jiwen and Liu Ruxun, The composite finite volume method on unstructured meshes for the two-dimensional shallow water equations,Inter. J Numer. Meth. in Fluids,37-8(2001) 933-949 [2]Wang Jin and Liu Ruxun,A New Approach to Design High-Order Schemes,J. Comput. Appl. Math.,134-1/2(2001)59-67, [3]Li Hong and Liu Ruxun, The discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the 2D shallow water equations, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,56-3(2001) )223-233 [4]RuXun Liu, Hong Li and ZhiFeng Wang, The discontinuous finite element method for red-and green light models for the traffic flow, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 56-1(2001)55-67 [5]Wang Jiwen and Liu Ruxun,The composite finite volume method on unstructured triangular meshes for 2D shallow water equations,Inter. J.Numer.Methods in Fluids,33(2001)933-949 [6]Wang Jiwen and Liu Ruxun,A comparative study of FVM on unstructured meshes for simulations of 2D shallow water wave, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,53(2000)171-184 [7]Liu Ruxun,et al.The designing approach of difference schemes by controlling the remainder- effect, Inter. J Numer. Meth. in Fluids, 31 (1999)523 [8]Luo Zhendong and Liu Ruxun,Mixed finite element analysis and numerical solitary solution for the RLW equation,SIAM J. Numerical Analysis,36-1(1999)89 [9]Zhang Peng and Liu Ruxun,Hyperbolic conservation laws with space-dependent flux: I. Characteristics theory and Riemann problem,JCAM.,156-1(2003)1-21 [10]Liu Ruxun,Liu Xiaoping,Zhang Lei and Wang Zhifeng, Tracking and reconstruction methods for moving interfaces, Applied Mathematicsand Mechanics, 25-3(2004)307-321 [11]Xu Zhenli and Liu Ruxun, Numerical simulation for solitary waves of RLW equation, J. Hydrodynamics, Ser.B 16-2(2004)130-135 [12]徐振礼,刘儒勋,邱建贤,双曲守恒律方程的加权本质无振荡格式新进展, 力学进展,34-1(2004)9-22 [13]Zhang Peng and Liu Ruxun, Generalization of Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method to LWR traffic flow model with inhomogeneous road conditions, Inter. J. Numer. Methods for PDE, 21-1(2005)80-88 [14]Zhang Peng and Liu Ruxun, Hyperbolic conservation laws with space-dependent flux: II. General study of numerical fluxes, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 176(2005)105-129 [15]Peng Zhang and Ruxun Liu and S.C.Wong, High-resolution numerical approximation of traffic flow problems with variable lanes and free-flow velocities, Physical Review E, 71(2005)056704;(SCI) [16]Liu Ruxun,Wu Lingling, Small-stencil Pade schemes to solve nonlinear evolution equations, Applied Mathematics and Mechamics, 26-7(2005)872-881;(SCI) [17]Ji-Wen Wang,Ru-Xun Liu, Combined finite volume-finite element method for shallow water equations, Computers & Fluids, 34(2005)1199-1222;(SCI) [18]P.Zhang,S.Q.Dai and R.X.Liu, Description and WENO numericaal approximation to nonlinear waves of a multi-class traffic flow LWR model, Appl.Math.and Mech.,26-6(2005)691-699;(SCI) [19]Xu Zhenli,Liu Ruxun, A high-order Pade scheme for KdV equations, J. Hydrodynamics, Ser.B 17-6(2005)130-135;(国内刊物,EI) |
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