词条 | Blood On The Dance Floor |
释义 | 此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第六张个人专辑,第一次打破了MICHAEL每隔四年发行一张专辑的惯例。此辑前五首为新歌,后八首为历史专辑部分歌曲超级混音版。 基本信息BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR 赤色风暴(亦称:血洗舞池) (HISTORY IN THE MIX) (《历史》混音辑) BY MICHAEL JAKSON 歌手:迈克尔·杰克逊 发行日期:1997年5月20日 美国流行专辑榜:#24,美国R&B/Hip-Hop专辑榜:#12,英国专辑榜:#1 (2周) 专辑曲目1. Blood On The Dance Floor 血洗舞池4:13 2. Morphine 吗啡 6:28 3. Superfly Sister 女侦探(女毒枭)(也有盗版碟译成超级姐妹)6:27 4.Ghosts鬼魂 5:08 5. Is It Scary 惊心动魄 5:35 6. Scream Louder 惊声尖叫(Flyte Tyme Remix) 5:30 7. Money 钱(Fire Island Radio Edit) 4:23 8. Too Bad 可惜(Refugee Camp Mix) 3:32 9. Stranger In Moscow 莫斯科的游子(Tee's In-House Club Mix) 6:54 10. This Time Around 这一次(DM Radio Mix) 4:05 11.Earth Song 地球之歌(Hani's Club Experience) 7:55 12. You Are Not Alone 你不孤独(Classic Club Mix) 7:37 13. HIStory 历史 (Tony Moran's HIStory Lesson) 8:01 排行榜信息以及销量最高排名: 英国 #1 美国 #24 最新销量认证:英国 1白金 美国 1白金 最新销售数据: 英国超过50万张, 美国超过100万张 世界销售数据: 400万 (1997年年底数据). 最新销售数据:1100万 其他国家排名及销量: 澳大利亚: 70,000+ 巴西: 100,000+ 法国: 325,000+ 日本: 180,000+ 英国(Top 75) & 美国(Top 100)排行榜详情: 英国:1,1,4,12,22,31,35,39,21,10,15,21,27,40,58,64,出榜 美国:24,43,65,92,出榜 成功背后的故事这是史上销量最高混音专辑。 这张专辑只有5首新歌,还有8首来自于他1995年的双专辑 HIStory Past,Present and Future Book 1 中的舞曲混音。 不幸的是,从标题开始,专辑 Blood on the Dance Floor 很大程度上就是个不愉快的产物。Jackson的困扰并未在思想上得到解除:在新歌 Ghost 中,他在机械舞曲的调子中以嫉妒为名控诉着他的批评者们 Who gave you the right to shake my family tree Tell me,are you the ghost of jealousy。这位流行音乐之王竭力想在此“黑”上一把,而最后却使他着实烦恼。从在关于沉溺药物的歌曲 Morphine 中的双关语 Before I put it in,close your eyes and count to 10 在我将其放入之前,闭上你的眼睛数到十 到他在歌曲 Superfly Sister 中的呻吟"Love ain´t what it used to be Push it in,stick it out 在专辑中每处涉及到性的地方都用了隐语。 如果别无其他,那些混音曲目将能把听众从专辑里那些有着80年代的僵硬呆板节奏风格的新歌中解放出来。Terry Farley和Pete Heller游戏般地在他们给 Money 的混音中调用了Jackson1979年的经典之作 Don´t Stop ´til You Get Enough Fugees乐队Wyclef Jean 版本的 2 Bad 给专辑注入了一些砂砾般的Funk元素。而 Earth Song Hani´s Club Experience)”则是一出值得让人步入舞池的创意风景。 但这一切都无法摆脱Jackson痛苦的公众形象。他在标题歌曲中唱道:“It was blood on the dance floor,and I just can't take it.”(血洒舞池,我无法忍受。)就此来说,在极大程度上,我们也不能。 《Blood on The Dance Floor》于1997年5月发行。当时Michael Jackson正在进行“HIStory”巡演的第二阶段。它原本只是用于电台播放促销宣传之用,但最后反而发展成一张完整的 专辑了。整张专辑由5支新曲同《HIStory》第2张碟中的部分歌曲的混音组成。 事实上所谓的新曲也并非“全新”。《Blood on The Dance Floor》是在《Dangerous》时期录制的,而“Is It Scary”则原本是用做《亚当斯一家》续集的主题曲。但后因为93事件的发生,计划也被迫取消。之后“Is It Scary”同歌词雷同的“Ghosts”一起用做Michael Jackson的音乐电影《Ghosts》的插曲。“Morphine”和“Superfly Sister”则很可能是在“HIStory”巡演期间创作并录制的作品。 发行初期专辑的销售势头很猛,尤其是在欧洲,当时Michael Jackson正在欧洲做巡演,因此该专辑轻而易举成了英国、荷兰、法国,、丹麦、以及土耳其榜上的#1。与此同时,它也是印度、新西兰的第1名,澳大利亚、以色列、 德国、爱尔兰、比利时、挪威以及奥地利的第2名。直至97年年底,专辑在欧洲卖出200万张。作为一张混音碟,该专辑取得的成绩是不错的。而在美国,由于没有任何促销宣传活动, 没有巡演的造势以及单曲在电台的失败表现都造成专辑滞留在主流专辑榜的#24及R&B专辑榜的#16。 同Michael Jackson以往的专辑成绩相比,该专辑的长期销售状况令人失望。由于宣传期过短,它在世界各地的专辑榜上并没有停留多长时间。尽管它之后达到了1100万的销量,但这实在无法同Michael Jackson以往专辑的成绩相比。而作为一张混音专辑,《Blood on The Dance Floor》成了有史以来最畅销的混音辑。也有人作此猜测:由于这是一张混音专辑,所以基本上只有那些喜欢“HIStory”单曲混音的Michael Jackson歌迷会买这张专辑。所以权衡来讲,《Blood on The Dance Floor》仍然还是成功的。 可以做得更好吗? 《Blood on The Dance Floor》销售初期的势头较猛,但由于只有1到2支单曲得到了发行且配合专辑的音乐电影《Ghosts》曝光率太低,由此失去了大批潜在的购买群体。 无论是“Blood on The Dance Floor”还是“HIStory/Ghosts”,专辑都没有发行足够的单曲。“Is It Scary”是非洲电台榜的#1大热门。“Morphine”也可以成为热门歌曲。单曲发行计划的失败反射出“HIStory”单曲遇到的同样问题。这不禁让人想搞清Sony Music高层究竟是在打什么主意。事实上,如果上面提及的两首歌曲可以发行做单曲,《Blood on The Dance Floor》至少可以在专辑榜上再停留6个月。同样,制作精良的电影《Ghosts》也应该同期在全球各大电视台放映。但不知道Sony Music是不愿大力宣传电影还是对电视台的播映权要价太高,总之《Ghosts》遭到了公司的彻底冷遇。很可惜,Michael Jackson倾尽全力演绎的《Ghosts》只有少数国家的一部分Michael Jackson迷有机会欣赏到。 假使得到合适应有的宣传,《Ghosts》将会成为另一个《Thriller》 ,而进而将《Blood on The Dance Floor》和《HIStory》以火箭般速度送上排行榜。 《Blood on The Dance Floor》的未来: 除非电影《Ghosts》得到大面积发行,否则《Blood on The Dance Floor》的销量永远无法与正规发行的录音室专辑相比。该专辑很有可能再无销售高峰,但仍然可以在Michael Jackson吸取新歌迷的同时保持稳定销量。 但相信挚爱着他的歌迷们不会离开,他们一直都在,一直都爱着他,爱着这个拥有致命吸引力的神奇男人。一切子虚乌有的诽谤诬陷和所谓丑闻---小报的垃圾排泄物都不会影响他在歌迷心中的完美形象 --因为他是Michael Jackson,独一无二的Michael Jackson,永远的King Of Pop,rock and soul、 就算全世界都遗弃他,否认他所有的辉煌成就和用一生所做的无人能及的慈善事业, 但,歌迷们永远在这里,守候着他、他是那么的爱歌迷们,全身心的爱,而且他说,他不是把我们当作整体来爱,他是一个一个的爱我们。 "will you be there"?-yes,we are always there. 歌迷永远记着他温柔的一次次的“i love you”、“i love you all with all my hearts。” 和一次次与歌迷们斗嘴:“no,i love you more ”“you bet,i love you most!” 歌词Blood On The Dance FloorWritten and Composed by Michael Jackson,& Teddy Riley. She got your number She know your game She put you under It's so insane Since you seduced her How does it feel To know that woman Is out to kill Every night stance is like takin' a chance It's not about love and romance And now you're gonna get it Every hot man is out takin' a chance It's not about love and romance And now you do regret it To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance And it seemed that everything was on my side (Blood on my side) She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance And now she's out to get me And I just can't take it Just can't break it Susie got your number And Susie ain't your friend Look who took you under With seven inches in Blood is on the dance floor Blood is on the knife Susie's got your number And Susie says its right She got your number How does it feel To know this stranger Is out to kill She got your baby It happened fast If you could only Erase the past Every night stance is like takin a chances It's not about love and romance And now you're gonna get it Every hot man is out takin' a chance It's not about love and romance And now you do regret it To escape the world I got to enjoy this simple dance And it seemed that everything was on my side (Blood on my side) It seemed sincere like it was love and true romance And now she's out to get me And I just can't take it Just can't break it Susie got your number And Susie ain't your friend Look who took you under With seven inches in Blood is on the dance floor Blood is on the knife Susie got your number You know Susie says its right Susie's got your number Susie ain't your friend Look who took you under She put seven inches in Blood is on the dance floor Blood is on the knife Susie's got your number Susie says its right It was blood on the dance floor (blood on the dance floor) It was blood on the dance floor (blood on the dance floor) It was blood on the dance floor (blood on the dance floor) It was blood on the dance floor (blood on the dance floor) And I just can't take it The girl won't break it Ooo... Morphinewritten & composed by Michael Jackson He got flat baby Kicked in the back baby A heart attack baby I need your body A hot kiss honey He's just a bitch baby You make me sick baby So unreliable I'm such a swine baby All down the line daddy I hate your kind baby So unreliable A hot buzz baby He's one of us baby Another drug baby You're so desirable Trust in me Trust in me Put all your trust in me You're doin' morphine Hoo! They got place baby Kicked in the face baby You hate your race baby You're just a liar Your every lick baby Your dog's a bitch baby You make me sick baby You soul survivor She never cut from me She never cut baby I got to work baby You just a rival Always to please daddy Right up and leave daddy You're throwing shame daddy So undesirable Trust in me Just in me Put all your trust in me You're doin' morphine Go'on babe Relax This won't hurt you Before I put it in Close your eyes and count to 10 Don't cry I won't convert you There's no need to dismay Close your eyes and drift away Demerol Demerol Oh God he's taking Demerol Demerol Demerol Oh God he's taking Demerol He's tried Hard to convince her To be over what he had Today he wants it twice as bad Don't cry I won't resent you Yesterday you had his trust Today he's taking twice as much Demerol Demerol Oh God he's taking demerol Hee-hee Demerol Demerol Oh my it's God it's Demerol Hee Oooh Oh! He got shit baby Your dog's a bitch baby You make me sick baby You are a liar Is truth a game daddy To win the fame baby It's all the same baby You're so reliable Trust in me Trust in me Put all your trust in me She's doin' morphine Hoo! You just sit around just talkin' about it You're takin' morphine Hoo! Go'on baby You just sit around just talking about it You're takin' morphine Hoo-hoo! Just sit around just talking nothing about it You're takin' morphine You just sit around just talking about it You're taking morphine Hoo-hoo You just sit around just talkin' about it And takin' morphine Hoo-hoo I'm going down baby You're talkin' Morphine Go'on baby! Hoo! Hoo! Morphine! Do it! Hoo! He's takin' morphine Morphine! Morphine! (c) 1997 Mijac Music Superfly Sisterwritten by Michael Jackson composed by Michael Jackson and Bryan Loren Love ain't what it used to be That is what they're tellin' me Push it in stick it out That ain't what it's all about He wanna do something keen to you He wanna wrap his arms all around you girl He wanna shake it up shake it down Doing it right He wanna jump back half flap doing it right He wanna lay you down Turn it up Kicking it loose He wanna fly high nigh high Baby for you He wanna motormouth Float around Baby the back He wanna shake it up shake it down Moving round ha ha Love ain't what it used to be (Hee!) That is what the're tellin' me Push it in stick it out That ain't what it's all about (Oh) Susie like to agitate Get the boy and make him wait Mother's preaching Abraham Brothers they don't give a damn (Oh) He wanna do something keen to you He wanna wrap his arms all around you girl He wanna do it up keep it high Deep in the night He wanna eye ball Get hard Playing it right He wanna turn the key Hurt the sheets Move to the left He wanna hot stuff Hot love Making it wet He wanna give hot jump shot Move to the left He wanna time bar Slam dunk ha ha ha Hoo! Hee! Keep it goin' Party now Ho! Ho! Love ain't what it used to be (Hoo!) That is what they're tellin' me Push it in stick it out That ain't what it's all about Sister say she love him some (She's doin' it,she's doin' it) God is jammin' on the run Mother's preaching Abraham (Hee!) Brothers they don't give a damn (Oh) (Ha!) (Ho!) Johnny's begging pretty please (Keep the brother on his knees) Keep the brother on his knees (Hee hee!) Susie likes to agitate (Keep doin' it,keep doin' it) Get the boy and make him wait Sisters marry to a hood Sayin' that she got it good Holy Mary Mercy me Can't believe the things I see Thinkin' that they got it great (Hoo!) They doin' what they used to hate Push it in stick it out (Keep doin' it,keep doin' it) That ain't what it's all about (That ain't what it's all about) Holy Mary Mercy me (She's holy Mary moly Mary) I can't believe the things I see (Keep on doin' it) (Hee Hee!) Mother's preaching Abraham (She's doin' it,she's doin' it) Brothers they don't give a damn (Holy Mary moly Mary) Sister say she love him some (She's goin' down) (Hoo!) God is jammin' on the run (God is jammin') (Hee hee!) Holy Mary Mercy me (She's holy Mary moly Mary) I can't believe the things I see (Keep on goin') (Hee!) (Hee!) You're doin' it You're dirty Keep doin' it You're dirty Keep nasty You're nasty You're doin' it You're dirty You're dirty You're doin' it You're nasty You're doin' it Keep dirty Keep dirty You really don' want it Oooh! Hoo! Hoo! (Go'on now) Hoo! Hoo! (Doh) (Close your eyes) (I gotta make) (Close the door) (She's doin' it) (She's done it) (She's oh) (She's) (Hee!) (Keep on goin') (Party down) Holy Mary mercy me (Hoo!) I can't believe the things I see Push it in stick it out That ain't what it's all about (c) 1997 Mijac Music,Sorcerous Labyrinth Ghostwritten & composed by Michael Jackson and Teddy Riley There's a ghost out in the hall There's a ghoul under the bed There's something in the walls There's blood up on the stairs And it's floating through the room And there's nothing I can see And I know that that's the truth Because now it's haunting me. I don't understand it Hey! I don't understand it! Aaow! There's a thumpin' in the floor There's a creak behind the door There's a rocking in the chair But there's no-one sitting there There's a ghostly smell around But nobody to be found And a coffin that lay open Where a restless soul is going Don't understand it Hey! Don't understand it And who gave you the right to shake my family? And who gave you the right to shake my baby, She needs me And who gave you the right to shake my family tree? You put a knife in my back Shot an arrow in me! Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy The ghost of jealousy There's a thumpin' in the floor There's a creak behind the door There's a rocking in the chair But nobody's sitting there There's a ghostly smell around But nobody to be found And a coffin that lay open Where a restless soul is going Don't understand it! Yeah Yeah! Don't understand it! Your just a doggone! Aaow! And who gave you the right to scare my family? And who gave you the right to scare my baby, She needs me And who gave you the right to shake my family tree? And who gave you the right to take intrusion, To see me? And who gave you the right to shake my family? And who gave you the right to hurt my baby, She needs me And who gave you the right to shake my family tree? You put a knife in my back, Shot an arrow in me! Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy A suckin' ghost of jealousy Aaow! And who gave you the right to shake my family? And who gave you the right to shake my baby, She needs me And who gave you the right to shake my family tree? And who gave you the right to take intrusion To see me? And who gave you the right to hurt my family? And who gave you the right to hurt my baby, She needs me And who gave you the right to shake my family tree? You put a knife in my back Shot an arrow in me! Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy The ghost of jealousy Aaow! Tell me Are you the ghost of jealousy (c) 1996 Mijac Music,Zomba Enterprises Inc.,Donril Music -----------------------------------------------> Is It Scarywritten & composed by Michael Jackson,James Harris III and Terry Lewis There's a ghost out in the hall There's a ghoul beneath the bed Now it's coming through the walls Now it's climbing up the stairs There's a spirit in the dark Hear the beating of its heart Can you feel it in the air Ghosts be hiding everywhere I'm gonna be Exactly what you wanna see It's you who's taunting me Because you're warning me To be the stranger in the night Am I amusing you Or just confusing you Am I the beast you visualize And if you wanna see Eccentric oddities I'll be grotesque before your eyes Let them all materialize Is that scary for you baby Am I scary for you boy Is it scary for you babe Is it scary for you You know the stranger is you Is it scary for you baby Yeah There's a creaking in the floor There's a creak behind the door There's a rocking in the chair But nobody sitting there There's a ghastly smell around But nobody to be found And a coffin nearly open Where a restless soul is floating I'm gonna be exactly what you gonna see So did you come to me To see your fantasies Performed before your very eyes A haunting ghostly treat The ghoulish trickery And spirits dancing in the night But if you came to see The truth of purity It's here inside a lonely heart So let the performance start Is that scary for you baby Am I scary for you boy Am I scary for you babe Am I scary for you boy So tell me is this scary for you baby Tell me Hoo! So tell me is that crazy for you baby Am I scary for you You know that stranger is you Am I scary for ya Masquerade the heart Is the heart of burning souls Just not what you see girl in me Cos the heart reveals the proof Like a mirror reveals the truth See the evil one is you Is that scary for you baby Am I scary for you oh boy Am I scary for you baby Am I scary for you oh So tell me am I scary for you baby Hoo! Am I scary for you baby Is it scary for you baby Am I scary for you boy Wanna talk about it Tell me Don't wanna talk about it I don't wanna talk about it I don't wanna talk about it What's scary for you baby Hoo Hoo Is it scary for you I'm tired of being abused You know you're scaring me too I think the evil is you Is it scary for you baby oh Oooh babe too bad 可惜Told me that you’re doin’ wrong 承认自己错了吧 Word out shockin’ all alone 四处危言骇听闻 Cryin’ wolf ain’t like a man 鬼哭狼嚎无人样 Throwin’ rocks to hide your hands 攻击后却不承认 You ain’t done enough for me 对我的所作所为已经够了 You ain’t done enough for me 对我的所作所为已经够了 You are disgustin’ me,yeah yeah 你面目可憎,yeah yeah You’re aiming just for me 你把我成当靶子 You are disgustin’ me 你另我很是厌恶 Just want your cut from me 你只想中伤于我 But too bad,too bad 但可惜啊,可惜 Look who just walked in the place 看是谁在丢人现眼 Dead and stuffy in the face 沉闷死板的一张脸 Look who’s standing if you please 看看是谁坚挺不拔 Though you tried to bring me to my knees 尽管试图另我屈膝 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,为你遗憾 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Hell all up in Hollywood 好莱坞是个地狱 Sayin’ that you got it good 却说它很适合你 Creepin’ from a dusty hole 浑浊不堪中求生 Tales of what somebody told 流言蜚语满天飞 What do you want from me? 你到底想干嘛? What do you want from me? 你到底想干嘛? Tired of you haunting me,厌倦了与你纠缠 yeah yeah You’re aiming just for me 你把我当成靶子 You are disgustin’ me 你另我很是厌恶 You got blood lust for me 你对我有杀戮欲 But too bad,too bad 但可惜啊,可惜 Look who got slapped in the face 看看谁在给自己掌嘴 It’s dead and stuffy in the place 这有多么沉闷兼乏味 I’m right back where I wanna be 我能马上回到状态中 I’m standin’ though you’re kickin’ me 你踢不倒一个不倒翁 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜啊,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、我为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 Too bad too bad about it 可惜啊,真是可惜 Why don’t you scream and shout it 你怎么不抓狂 Too bad too bad about it 可惜、我为你遗憾 Why don’t you just scream and shout it 你怎么不呼天抢地 相关的单曲英国发行的单曲版本 #1 (Epic 664462 2) 1. Blood On The Dance Floor 4:13 2. Blood On The Dance Floor (TM's Switchblade Mix) 8:38 3. Blood On The Dance Floor (Refugee Camp Mix) 5:26 4. Blood On The Dance Floor (Fire Island Vocal Mix) 8:55 5. Blood On The Dance Floor (Fire Island Dub) 8:55 英国限量发行的单曲版本 #2 (Epic 664462 5) 1. Blood On The Dance Floor 4:13 2. Blood On The Dance Floor (TM's Switchblade Edit) 3:21 3. Blood On The Dance Floor (Fire Island Radio Edit) 3:50 4. Dangerous (Roger's Dangerous Club Mix) 6:54 美国发行的单曲版本(Epic 49K 78008) 1. Blood On The Dance Floor 4:13 2. Blood On The Dance Floor (TM's Switchblade Edit - long) 4:10 3. Blood On The Dance Floor (Refugee Camp Edit) 3:20 4. Blood On The Dance Floor (Fire Island Radio Edit) 3:50 5. Blood On The Dance Floor (TM's Switchblade Mix - long) 10:00 6. Dangerous (Roger's Dangerous Club Mix) 6:54 排行榜信息英国: #1 美国: #42 英国单曲排行榜具体排名情况: 1,8,21,36,43,52,63,65,74,88,92,出榜1 周,78,出榜 美国单曲排行榜具体排名情况:42,44,48,57,59,68,72,86,91,93,96,出榜 英国销量:185,000张 “Blood on the Dance Floor”是《HIStory》混音专辑中发行的第一支单曲,于97年5月发行。该曲事实是Michael Jackson在《Dangerous》时期同Teddy Riley录制的,但却在当时被剔除。 该曲首周成功进驻英国单曲榜#1但随后只在前40位停留了4周。除此之外,它也是“HIStory/BOTDF”总宣传销售工程中第3支冠军单曲。该曲在前100位的末了名次中徘徊了12周。这一切表明Michael Jackson仍然在英国榜上占有一定的地位。 在美国该曲受到的便是另一番截然不同的遭遇。由于没有半点宣传计划及极少的电台点播率(电台点播率榜的#69),该曲停滞在美国单曲榜的#42。在R&B榜上境况稍好些,最高排名为#19。该曲的销量勉强过得去,它是热门销售榜的#30和R&B 销售榜的#14以及Maxi单曲销售榜的#2。另外它也是不错的俱乐部舞曲(在俱乐部舞曲榜上的排名为#10)。这表明该曲之所以没有成为热门单曲的原因在于它遇到了这样一个阻碍:大型主流电台在完全忽视或拒绝播放Michael Jackson单曲方面达成暗中默契。自“You Are Not Alone”以来,这已经成为破坏Michael Jackson单曲在美国成功发行的主要问题。Sony Music美国公司没有对该曲做必要的宣传也是该曲失败的重要原因之一。很多人基本上从未听说或听过该曲。当然,该曲的风格显然更适合欧洲大陆舞曲迷口味一些,这也是不可忽视的一方面。 该曲在世界其他范围内取得了成功。它是西班牙、爱沙尼亚、荷兰、新西兰、丹麦以及芬兰的#1。另外也是欧洲榜的#2并在榜上驻留了12周。 其他国家排名:德国: #5 法国: #10 意大利: #2 澳大利亚: #4 现场表演“Blood on the Dance Floor”是1997年“HIStory”巡演第二阶段的必备曲目。该曲的现场表演没有任何特别的舞蹈部分,只有Michael Jackson独自在舞台上演绎。整首歌曲的演唱似乎采用了对口型方式。 歌曲MV1997年5月,舞曲混音专辑《Blood On The Dance Floor》发行。 在全球卖出600万张,成为有史以来最畅销的混音专辑。 导演:Michael Jackson & Vincent Paterson 制作人:Beth Anthony 首映日期:1997/3/30 编舞:Michael Jackson & Vincent Paterson 片长:5'26 分 注:该版本被收录在“HIStory On Film - Volume II”里 简评:该音乐录影描绘了一个着装帅气颇具拉丁风味的Michael Jackson在俱乐部跳舞的情景。“Blood on the Dance Floor”是他演艺生涯中一个有趣的尝试。音乐录影中,Michael拥有一个同类群体——Disco地狱的居民团体。在那里,妄想狂是唯一信奉的真理,而表现不够酷则是唯一的罪行。Michael粉饰艳抹,看起来像是18世纪的人。扎着蜈蚣麻花辫,身着红色紧身皮裤以及红色绸缎衬衫,Michael是这群酷人中最酷的家伙。但他又一次陷入了这个伤害人的世界。“Blood on the Dance Floor”歌词中心观点贯穿着歌曲的始终。有一半时间,Michael还是个沾沾自喜的观察者——“She got your baby,it happened fast If you could only erase the past”,而另一半时间他则成了个倒霉的受害者。Michael在音乐录影中一袭红装及探戈风格的舞蹈引起了一场小轰动。 导演的其他作品:"Will You Be There" Michael粉饰艳抹,扎着蜈蚣麻花辫,身着红色紧身皮裤以及红色绸缎衬衫, 描绘了一个着装帅气颇具拉丁风味的Michael Jackson在俱乐部跳舞的情景。
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