

词条 亮白曲霉

类 型: F 编 号:

分 类: cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Fungi/Metazoa group; Fungi; Ascomycota; Pezizomycotina; Eurotiomycetes; Eurotiales; Trichocomaceae; mitosporic Trichocomaceae; Aspergillus

拉丁学名:Aspergillus candidus

中文菌名: 亮白曲霉

拉丁别名: Aspergillus okazakii Saito Sterigmatocystis okazakii (Saito) Sacc.

菌株来源: ATCC 42565 42566 34331 36008 26930 20023 201969 201970 1002 13686 11380 11381 16871 44054 20022 48133 12070 34330 JCM 1859 CBS 102.13 118.28 119.28 120.38 566.65 567.65 175.68 225.80 266.81 283.95 112449 114385 116945 117270

参考文献: 1.Yen, Gow-Chin et al. (2003) The protective effects of Aspergillus candidus metabolites against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative damage to Int 407 cells. Food Chem Toxicol 41: 1561-7. 2.Yen, G C et al. (2001) Isolation and characterization of antioxidant compounds from Aspergillus candidus broth filtrate. J Agric Food Chem 49: 1426-31. 3.Krysinska-Traczyk, E et al. (2000) Aspergillus candidus: a respiratory hazard associated with grain dust. Ann Agric Environ M 7: 101-9. 4.G C et al. (1999) Medium optimization for the production of antioxidants from Aspergillus candidus. J Food Prot 62: 657-61. 5.Alvi, K A et al. (1999) Asterriquinones produced by Aspergillus candidus inhibit binding of the Grb-2 adapter to phosphorylated EGF receptor tyrosine kinase. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 52: 215-23. 6.Stead, P et al. (1999) Isolation and characterisation of a prenylated p-terphenyl metabolite of Aspergillus candidus possessing potent and selective cytotoxic activity; studies on mechanism of action. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 52: 89-95. 7.Kamigauchi, T et al. (1998) Terprenins, novel immunosuppressants produced by Aspergillus candidus. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 51: 445-50. 8.Kunhi, A A et al. (1981) Standardization of assay procedure and some properties of ribonuclease from Aspergillus candidus. Folia Microbiol (Pr 26: 328-33. 9.Chattopadhyay, S K et al. (1987) A new mycotoxin from Aspergillus candidus Link isolated from rough rice. Mycopathologia 98: 21-6. 10.Wheeler, K A et al. (1988) Water relations of Paecilomyces variotii, Eurotium amstelodami, Aspergillus candidus and Aspergillus sydowii, xerophilic fungi isolated from Indonesian dried fish. Int J Food Microbio 7: 73-8.

采 集 地: 广泛分布于自然界中。

用 途: 在印度尼西亚,中国,日本,米根霉被用来发酵生产食品和酒精饮料,该菌属干生性菌,能引起含水量低的粮食发热霉变,陈粮易染病。乳糖酶生产菌种。

形 态: 分生孢子头大小不一,直径100~250um。初球形,后裂为几个疏松的短柱。分生孢子梗长短不一,顶囊球形或近球形,小梗双层,在顶囊全部着生。分生孢子球形至近球形,光滑,大小2.5—3,5um。菌落特征:呈绒状,初为白色,老后为淡黄色,背面无色或浅黄色。

培 养: 葡萄糖,琼脂培养基,温度30℃,最适生长温度28℃,相对湿度72%~75%。

保藏温度: -70 摄氏度





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