

词条 老外的中国缘


书 名: 老外的中国缘

作 者:绿杨

出版社: 新世界出版社

出版时间: 2010年01月

ISBN: 9787510406782

开本: 16开

定价: 78.00 元


《老外的中国缘(英文版)》内容简介:This is the third collection thatfollows two previously publishedbooks entitled, Living in China andDreaming Big in China. Seventeenpeople have been interviewed andfeatured here because of theirremarkable yuan or "predestinedrelationship" with China, and each ofthem cherishes their yuan. In thisbook, they recount their stories withChina and the Chinese people. Thesestories are the most direct andconcrete explanations of the ancientphenomenon ofyuan. Some havepermanently remained in China,others have simply lived in China formany years and some for only atemporary amount of time. Regard-less, their connections are deeplyrooted to the Chinese people andthey consider China their secondhomeland. Their unusual lifeexperiences and thoughts give us abetter understanding and feelingabout yuan, and are deeply moving.


Lu Yang, the pen name of YangZhen, a senior journalist of theJapanese-language version ofPeople's China magazine, hasworked in foreign publishing,communications and culturalexchanges for more than 20 years.He has written many articles onChinese history and culture, as wellas China's reform and opening-up,and has won worldwide acclaimfrom readers both at home andabroad. Some articles have beencollected into books and some havereceived awards. In recent years, hehas focused his interests on theconditions of foreigners living inChina, and so was invited to be theleading writer of the book Living inChina and Dreaming Big in China.


Remembering Ma Haide / 1

A Sunny Boy / 19

Kyoka in the Two Capitals / 37

The Big Bull's Amazing Year of the Ox / 55

Beautiful Chef/69

A "Chinese Girl" from America / 81

Doctor Mo / 93

A Chinese Tie Lasting for Half a Century / 113

Long Live Chinese Cattle / 123

Opportunities in China Brought by Kung Fu / 139

A Woman Waking Up Chinese Mornings / 151

A Practitioner of China-Japan Communication / 161

The Special Life of a Finn / 175

French Taoist Nun, Discovering the Way / 193

Realization of a Foreigner's Dream in Childhood / 203

The Story of"Foreign Anchor" in China / 211

Her Ties with Chinese Movies and Television / 223






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