

词条 卡洛儿·安·苏西

《生活大爆炸》里Howard妈妈那个粗犷而又声嘶力竭的叫喊声的配音。该剧播出4季以来,Howard妈妈声音出现的次数相当频繁,但是长久以来这个“神秘人士”都处于只闻其声不见其人状态。近日这位“神秘人士”就接受了《电视指南》的采访。原来她就是曾经在《宋飞正传》和《丑女贝蒂》中出现过的女演员Carol Ann Susi。

TV Guide Magazine: First things first: When will we see you on screen?

《电视指南杂志》:首先说说最重要的问题:我们什么时候才能看见你(扮演的Mrs. Wolowitz)出现在荧屏上?

Susi: I'm told never. In the second season, [creator] Chuck Lorre came up to me and said, "Do you mind if we never see you for the next 10 years? Because that voice is the voice of Carlton the Doorman." But I've always been an on-camera actress, so to suddenly be doing voice-over stuffis fabulous.

Susi:他们告诉我永远都不会(有这一天)。在第二季的时候,(制作人)Chuck Lorre找到我说:“你介不介意接下来10年都不会登上电视屏幕?因为这个声音是门卫Carlton的嗓音。”但是我之前扮演的都是会出现在镜头中的角色,所以突然让我扮演这个旁白的工作让我感觉很不错。

TV Guide Magazine: With all the yelling you do, you must need a lot of lozenges...


Susi: Yes! And a lot of water. I've now taken to singing every morning. It warms up the voice.


TV Guide Magazine: So do you ever get recognized in public by your voice?


Susi: Sometimes, yes. I once got outed by a waitress while having dinner. She started screaming, "Oh, my God! How-ard!" And I've even been outed by a bus driver. I don't drive. I live in L.A., but I take the bus. I know, I'm weird!

Susi:是的,有几次。有一次在外面吃饭的时候就被一位女服务生认出来过。她大喊着,“天哪!How-ard!(《生活大爆炸》里Mrs. Wolowitz就是这样叫Howard )”然后我还被公交车司机认出来过。我自己不开车。我住在洛杉矶,但是坐公共汽车,我这人很奇怪!





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