词条 | 金融英语(第2版) |
释义 | 基本信息作者: 金融英语教材编写委员会 丛书名: 上海紧缺人才培训工程教学系列丛书出版社:清华大学出版社 ISBN:9787302270522 上架时间:2011-11-17 出版日期:2011 年10月 开本:16开 页码:402 版次:2-1 内容简介《金融英语(第2版)》系上海紧缺人才培训工程金融英语岗位资格证书考试用书。由上海国际金融学院、外交部高级译审、上海外国语学院翻译学院、花旗银行、美林集团、博思艾伦咨询公司等权威机构代表组成的金融英语项目专家委员会,经反复修订,历时两年精心完成。 《金融英语(第2版)》根据金融混业经营趋势和中国人世后需要编写。具有实用性、实务性和实战性特点。适应范围为银行、证券、保险、期货、基金、外汇等金融服务业。 《金融英语(第2版)》共有4部分:商业银行、投资银行、金融衍生品和保险。共21个单元,包括实例阅读、对话、听力、模拟试题、术语解释、练习、案例分析。另附两部分选修内容:金融职业伦理和反洗钱知识。 《金融英语(第2版)》适用于有一定英语基础并有志于金融职业生涯者和高等院校金融专业学生及教师。 目录《金融英语(第2版)》 commercial banking part i the banking system part ii retail banking: bank accounts part iii retail banking: loans part iv retail banking: foreign currency part v corporate banking: loans part vi corporate banking: credit lines; trade finance part vii corporate banking: other services investment banking part i introduction part ii the financial marketplace part iii debt securities part iv equity securities part v research part vi trading exercises derivatives part i introduction part ii options .part iii futures and forwards exercises insurance part i introduction part ii the insurance market part iii life insurance part iv personal property and liability insurance part v automobile insurance exercises elective course a ethics 1. ethical behaviour 2. politics 3. good ethics means good business 4. ethics and decision-making case study lincoln savings and loan association questions for discussion elective course b money laundering 1. money laundering and crime 2. benefits of laundering money 3. some history 4. money laundering schemes 5. the money laundering process 6. preventing money laundering 7. customer due diligence--know your customer 8. effects of money laundering 9. case studies |
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