词条 | 交通运输工程专业英语 |
释义 | 基本信息作者:赵娅丽 出版社:同济大学出版社 ISBN:9787560835174 出版日期:2007 年2月 内容介绍《交通运输工程专业英语》根据历年来同济大学交通运输工程学科专业英语教学的实际情况,参考已出版的国外专业读物编写而成。主要内容包括:道路工程(第1章),交通工程(第2章),交通信息工程(第3章),物流工程(第4章),轨道工程(第5章),铁建工程(第6章)。 《交通运输工程专业英语》可供从事交通工程专业英语教学的教师,交通运输工程专业大学生、研究生及交通运输领域相关人员使用。 章节目录chapter one road engineering unit1 traffic analysis unit2 soils and granular materisals unit3 subgrade structure unit4 pavement design unit5 cement concrete roads unit6 road construction unit7 pavement management system glossary chapter two traffic engineering unit1 transportation viewed as a system unit2 vehical and human characteristics unit3 traffic flow characteristics unit4 dtat-collection methods unit5 transport planning unit6 traffic signals glossary chapter three traffic information engineering unit1 automatic train control system unit2 maglev guideway on the yamanashi test line unit3 global positioning system unit4 intellingent transportation system in japan unit5 high-speed communication network traffic modelling glossary chapter four logistics engineering unit1 new directions in logistics unit2 formulating logistics strategy unit3 making warehouses work more efficiently unit4 planning the location of depots unit5 multimodal transportation and logistics unit6 planning for urban delivery glossary chapter five rail transportation unit1 the railroad track unit2 passenger rolling stock unit3 railcars unit4 railway passenger terminals unit5 railway yard operations glossary wuliuku.logistics chapter six rail construction engineering unit1 built for speed:all about dedicated high speed railway lines(1) unit2 built for speed:all about dedicated high speed railway lines(2) unit3 eurostar unit4 development of noise absorbing material for track unit5 pads ease track transitions unit6 advanced maglev technology glossary references |
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