词条 | 交替传译笔记:速成课程 |
释义 | 基本信息出版社: 上海外语教育出版社; 第1版 (2009年10月1日) 平装: 239页 正文语种: 中文, 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787544614375, 7544614379 条形码: 9787544614375 内容简介《交替传译笔记:速成课程》就交替传译中的笔记技巧进行了分步骤的、实践性的阐述。全书基于作者作为欧盟译员的大量实战经验,提供了丰富的例证和练习。除了具体介绍笔记技巧之外,《交替传译笔记:速成课程》还非常细地介绍了交替传译的各种背景知识,包括在国际组织中专业传的重要性和现实性。《交替传译笔记:速成课程》避开了笔记认知学层面上的学术争论,旨在帮助口译学生在开始学习时就掌握一套有效、简易的笔记系统,为他们提供常见问题惯常的解决方法,从而为他们节省时问和精力。 编辑推荐《交替传译笔记:速成课程》:外教社翻译硕士专业(MTI)系列教材,口译实践指南丛书。 作者简介作者:(英国)吉利斯(Gillies.A.) 合著者:张爱玲安德鲁·吉利斯(Andrew Gillies),长期担任欧盟职业译员,是国际会议口译员协会(AIIC)会员。他还是一名经验丰富的培训师,每年定期与欧洲议会合作开办会议口译员培训项目。 目录Part Ⅰ The Basics Step-by-step Introduction What is consecutive interpreting? When is consecutive interpreting used? About this book Note-taking for consecutive interpreting About the notes About the examples How to use the book Miscellaneous Chapter 1. Speech Analysis Speech writing guides Structure maps Mini-summaries Mind maps Chapter 2. Recognizing and Splitting Ideas Chapter 3. The Beginning of Notes Chapter 4. Links Moving On... Taking notes directly Reproducing speeches from notes Note-taking from the spoken word Chapter 5. Verticality and Hierarchies of Values Parallel values Shifting values Parallel values 2 Use of brackets Chapter 6. Symbols What is a symbol? Why use symbols? what to note with symbols How to use symbols Organic symbols where to find symbols Chapter 7. Memory Prompts Structure can help recall information Things right in front of you Note the simple for the complicated Stories and jokes It depends on what you already know Chapter 8. What to NotePart Ⅱ Fine-tuning 1. Clauses 2. Rules of Abbreviation 3. Verbs 4. The Recall Line 5. Uses of the Margin 6. Implicit Links 7. Pro-forms 8. Noting Sooner, or Later 9. How You Write it 10. More on Symbols 11. Things You Didn't Catch 12. The End Part Ⅲ The Back of the Book 1. Notes with Commentary Speech 1-Hodgson Speech 2-Patten Speech 3-Torry Speech 4-MacShane 2. Versions of the Tasks Set 3. The Examples 4. Where to Find Practice Material Glossary Further Reading References Index |
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