

词条 曹心德


男,安徽省潜山县人。教授,博士生导师。1998年毕业于中国科技大学化学系,获博士学位。1998.7-2000.11南京大学任教;2000.12-2005.6美国 University of Florida 和Stevens Institute of Technology 博士后。2005.7-2007.11美国 University of Florida任 Environmental Chemist。自2007.12起,任上海交通大学教授。美国化学学会会员,美国土壤学会会员,北美华人土壤与植物学会会员。曾主讲«环境化学»、«无机及分析化学»等大学学位课程。主持和参与美国佛罗里达大学资源环境中心、美国国家自然科学基金、美国农业部、美国国防部、美国佛罗里达州环保局、中国国家自然科学基金等资助项目10余项。已在Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Pollution等国际期刊上发表SCI收录学术论文36篇,其中第一作者22篇。论文总体评估 H 因子为14。合作专著4本,其中英文2本。2004年因在稀土元素的环境化学行为及其对水生生态系统的影响方面的研究有突出贡献而获得中国国家教育部科技进步一等奖。2005年曾担任由美国科学院主办的第一届国际环境科学与技术大会组委会及学术委员会委员以及土壤污染与修复分会主席,并被美国化学学会授予2005 年度 “Awarded Chemist”。2006年因在土壤重金属污染表征与修复方面的研究具有开创性成果被美国化学与工程领域权威新闻杂志 Chemical and Engineering News 采访及详细报导。






Xinde Cao and W.G. Harris 2007 Magnesium and carbonate interactive effects on calcium phosphate precipitation. Environmental Science and Technology (published online ASAP: doi:10.1021/es0716709)

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, and Satya P Singh 2007 Phosphate-induced lead immobilization from different lead minerals in soils under varying pH conditions Environmental Pollution(published online ASAP: doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2007.05.008 )

Xinde Cao, D. Dermatas, X. Xu, and G. Shen 2007 Immobilization of lead in shooting range soils by means of cement, quicklime, and phosphate amendments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (published Online ASAP; doi: 10.1065/ espr2007.05.416)

Xinde Cao, and Dimitris Dermatas 2007 Evaluating the applicability of regulatory leaching tests for assessing lead leachability in shooting range soils. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (published online ASAP)

Xinde Cao, Willie G. Harris, Manohardeep S. Josan, and Vimala D. Nair 2007 Inhibition of calcium phosphate precipitation under environmentally-relevant conditions. Science of the Total Environment 383: 205-215

Xinde Cao and Lena Ma 2007 Transformation of lead bullets and phosphate-induced lead immobilization at shooting range sites. In R. H. Plattenberg, eds. Environmental Pollution: New Research. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 99-119.

Xinde Cao, Dimitris Dermatas, Gang Shen, and Lena Q. Ma 2005 Lead contamination and immobilization at shooting range sites, In A. Al-Tabbaa and J. A. Stegemann, eds. Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation. Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 315–321.

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Dean Rhue, and Chip Appel 2004 Mechanisms of lead, copper, and zinc retention by phosphate rock. Environmental Pollution 131:435-444 (One of the top 25 papers in 2004 in this journal)

Xinde Cao and Lena Q. Ma 2004 Effects of compost and phosphate on plant arsenic uptake from contaminated soils near pressure-treated wood. Environmental Pollution 132: 435-442

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, and Cong Tu 2004 Antioxidative responses to arsenic in the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. Environmental Pollution 128: 317-325

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Ming Chen, Donald Hardison, and Willie G. Harris 2003 Weathering of lead bullets and their environmental effects at outdoor shooting ranges Journal of Environmental Quality 32, 526-534

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Satya P. Singh, Ming Chen, and Willie G. Harris 2003 Phosphate-induced metal immobilization in a contaminated site Environmental Pollution 122, 19-28

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Ming Chen, and Willie G. Harris 2003 Lead transformation and distribution in the soils of shooting ranges in Florida, USA Science of the Total Environment 307, 179-189

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, and Aziz Shiralipour 2003 Effects of compost and phosphate amendments on the arsenic leachability in the soil and arsenic uptake by Brake fern (Pteris Vittata L.). Environmental Pollution 126, 157-167 Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Satya P. Singh, Ming Chen, and Willie G. Harris 2002 Impacts of phosphate amendments on lead biogeochemistry at a contaminated site. Environmental Science and Technology 36, 5296-5304





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