

词条 蒋正武



1997年本科毕业于重庆建筑大学(现重庆大学),2002年博士毕业于同济大学。2002留校工作,2007-2008赴加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学作访问学者,2010年受聘同济大学教授。兼任中国建筑学会建材分会理事、中国建筑学会防水技术专业委员会副主任、中国建筑学会混凝土外加剂应用技术委员会委员、中国土木工程学会混凝土外加剂专业委员会委员、美国混凝土协会(ACI)会员等。获上海市优秀青年教师、同济大学青年骨干教师、同济大学优秀青年教师等。兼任国家自然科学基金,上海市自然科学基金、上海市科委等科研项目评审人;Cement and Concrete Research, Materials in Civil Engineering, Frontier of Materials Science in China, The Open Journal of Construction Materials,建筑材料学报,硅酸盐学报等学术期刊审稿人。


l 高性能与特种功能混凝土及其耐久性

l 混凝土修补科学、材料与技术

l 混凝土工程防水及混凝土外加剂技术

l 建筑节能、环境与功能建筑材料

l 固体废弃物资源化综合利用及环境评价

l 特种新材料等。










1 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超低温下混凝土的力学行为及冻融循环破坏机制

2 国家十二五科技支撑项目,废石膏复合胶凝材料与储能材料的研究与开发子课题

3 中国解放军后勤装备部重点项目,水下快速修补材料研究

4 上海市建交委重点科研项目,墙体企业绿色生物燃料应用技术与河道淤泥自保温砖的开发研究

5 铁道部科技研究开发计划重大项目子课题,蒸养混凝土的性能与微细观结构研究

6 浙江省重大科技专项项目,矿山高附加值产品与废弃物资源化综合利用研究

7 贵州省交通厅重大科技项目,北盘江大桥施工关键技术之石灰岩质集料混凝土长期性能研究

8 贵州省科技厅重点项目,粒化电炉磷渣粉在公路路面中的推广应用

9 贵阳市科技局重点项目,贵阳环城高速公路南环线花溪特大桥钢管拱自密实混凝土技术应用等


1. Zhengwu Jiang, Nemkumar Banthia, Size Effects in Flexural Toughness of Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Journal of testing and evaluation, 38(3): 197-165

2. JIANG Zheng-wu, Xu Hai-yuan, Wang Peiming, Long Guangcheng, Xie Youjun,Study on hydration process of compound cementitious materials under steam curing condition,the 7th international symposium on cement and concrete, 2010.5, 1502-1507

3. JIANG Zheng-wu, Xu Hai-yuan, Wang Peiming, Long Guangcheng, Xie Youjun,Study on hydration process of compound cementitious materials under steam curing condition,Journal of Ceramics,2010.9,38(9): 1120

4. JIANG Zheng-wu, Li Xiong-ying,Experimental study on mechanical properties of mortars at ultra-low temperature,Proceedings of 2 Int. Symposium on Service Life Design for Infrastructures, Delft, Netherlands, 4-6 October 2010, Volume 2, 723-731

5. Zhengwu Jiang, Nemkumar Banthia and sarah delbar, Effect of cellulose fiber on properties of self-compacting concrete with high-volume mineral admixtures, Proceedings of the 2 International symposium on design, performance and use of self-consolidating concrete, 2009.6, 495-505

6. Zhengwu Jiang, Nemkumar Banthia, Mechanical properties of concrete reinforced polypropylene hybrid fibers in different dimensions, Proceedings of the 4 International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural implications, Volume 2, 2009.8, 1015-1022

7. Zhengwu Jiang, Xiangtao Li, Zhenping Sun and Peiming Wang, Preparation and application off self-compacting concrete-filled steel tube using polymer admixtures, Proceedings of the 6 Asia symposium on polymers in concrete, 2009.10, 546-551

8. Zhengwu Jiang, Shilong Mei, Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete with Machine-Made Sand and High-Volume Mineral Admixtures, The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 2008, 2, 96-102

9. Zhengwu Jiang, Xingfeng, Sun Zhengping, Wang Peiming, Microstructure and mechanism of cracks rehabilitation in reinforced concrete using electrodeposition technique, Proceedings of the first international conference on microstructure related durability of cementitious composites, published by RILEM Publications S.A.R.L, 2008.10.13~15,Volume 1, 375-384

10. Zhengwu Jiang, Xingfeng, Sun Zhengping, Wang Peiming, Study on healing effectiveness of cracks in reinforced concrete using electrodeposition, Journal of Wuhan Univerisity of Technology, 2008.12, 23(6) : 917-922.

11. Zhengwu Jiang, Zhenping Sun and Peiming Wang, Internal relative humidity distribution in cement paste due to moisture diffusion and self-desiccation, Cement and Concrete Research, Feb. 2006, 36(2): 320-325.

12. Zhengwu Jiang, Zhenping Sun and Peiming Wang, Effect of cement minerals on properties of polycarboxic admixtures,the 6 international symposium on cement and concrete, 2006.9,volume 2, 1502-1507

13. Zhengwu Jiang, Zhenping Sun and Peiming Wang,Effects of polymers on properties of underwater anti-washout self-compacting concrete, 1 International symposium on design, performance and use of self-consolidating concrete, 2005.5, 135-160

14. Zhengwu Jiang, Zhenping Sun and Peiming Wang,Autogenous relative humidity change and autogenous shrinkage of high-performance cement pastes,Cement and Concrete Research,35(8), August 2005:1539-1545





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