

词条 Band of Brother



Through soldiers' journals and letters, describes Easy Company's contributions to the campaigns in western Europe and recounts their stories of survival.

Amazon. co. uk Review

As grippingly as any novelist, preeminent World War II historian Stephen Ambrose uses Band of Brothers to tell the horrifying, hallucinatory saga of Easy Company, whose 147 members he calls the nonpareil combat paratroopers on earth circa 1941-45. Ambrose takes us along on Easy Company's trip from gruelling basic training to Utah Beach on D-day, where a dozen of them turned German cannons into dynamited ruins resembling "half-peeled bananas", on to the Battle of the Bulge, the liberation of part of the Dachau concentration camp, and a large party at Hitler's "Eagle's Nest", where they drank the his (surprisingly inferior) champagne. Of Ambrose's main sources, three soldiers became rich civilians; at least eight became teachers; one became Albert Speer's jailer; one prosecuted Robert Kennedy's assassin; another became a mountain recluse; the despised, sadistic CO who first trained Easy Company (and to whose strictness many soldiers attributed their survival of the war) wound up a suicidal loner whose own sons skipped his funeral. The Easy Company survivors describe the hell and confusion of any war: the senseless death of the nicest kid in the company when a souvenir Luger goes off in his pocket; the execution of a GI by his CO for disobeying an order not to get drunk. Despite the gratuitous horrors it relates, Band of Brothers illustrates what one of Ambrose's sources calls "the secret attractions of war ... the delight in comradeship, the delight in destruction ... war as spectacle". --Tim Appelo

Amazon. com Audibook Review

The men of E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne, volunteered for this elite fighting force because they wanted to be the best in the army--and avoid fighting alongside unmotivated, out-of-shape draftees. The price they paid for that desire was long, arduous, and sometimes sadistic training, followed by some of the most horrific battles of World War II. Actor Cotter Smith--a veteran of numerous TV movies and Broadway plays--spins Stephen Ambrose's tale with almost laconic ease. Anecdote by anecdote, he lets the power of the story build. By the time the company has gotten through D-day and seized Hitler's Eagle's Nest in Bavaria, we feel we know as much about the men and their missions as we do about our own brothers. (Running time: 5 hours, 4 cassettes) --Lou Schuler

Book Dimension

Height (mm) 234 Width (mm) 157






英文名称:Band of Brothers




电影导演:汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 迈克尔·塞罗蒙 Mikael Salomon

电影演员:汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 大卫·修蒙 David Schwimmer 德克斯特·弗莱彻Dexter Fletcher Dan van Husen 科林·汉克斯Colin Hanks 唐尼·沃尔伯格 Donnie Wahlberg Kirk Acevedo Doug Allen

简介:1942年,一群毫无经验的平民百姓,自愿参军受训,成为美军最新的一个团——空降部队。中尉索博魔鬼般的训练使他们吃尽了苦头,然而他们也成为了美军最精锐的部队。终于在1944年6月5日登上了飞机,奔赴法国“诺曼底”。 继《拯救大兵雷恩》后,好莱坞大导演斯皮尔伯格与两届奥斯卡影帝汤姆·汉克斯再度合作,推出有史以来造价最昂贵的电视连续剧《兄弟连》(Band of Brothers),这个由二战期间美军在欧洲大陆作战的真人真事改编而成的故事,总计拍摄成本高达1亿2000万美元。汤姆·汉克斯的儿子柯林汉克在剧中出演了重要角色。 在1998年为电影《拯救大兵瑞恩》宣传期间,男主角汤姆·汉克斯曾收到一名参加过二战的老兵亲手赠送的一本小说《战火兄弟连》。读完之后深受感动的汤姆·汉克斯后来把这部小说转赠给斯皮尔伯格,后者则后悔“没有早点看到这本书”,因此两人决定将其拍成电视剧。 6月6日是二次世界大战盟军进攻法国北部的57周年纪念日,汤姆汉克斯特别选择这个有意义的日子,当天,汤姆·汉克斯站在当年美国首度攻击的海岸上为二次大战电视影集《Band of Brothers》揭开序幕。 《Band of Brothers》是描写美国101空军部队的一个连队Easy Company的真实故事,他们参与了盟军进攻首日的任务,以及其后整个欧洲的战事。全片是由Stephen Ambrose的着作改编而成,他曾与Easy Company幸存者进行长时间的访谈、并研究美国大兵的家书后,写下了这本畅销作品。 自从1998年汤姆·汉克斯与史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格合作《抢救大兵瑞恩》之后,两人便构思了这部以二次大战为内容的电视影集,去年在英国经过八个月的拍摄,其中动用了五百个有台词的演员、一万个临时演员,由八个导演共同完成,号称美国电视史上耗资最庞大的一个电视影集。



国家/地区:日韩节目名称:Band.Of.Brothers(简称B.O.B )

节目分类:韩国综艺节目语言: 韩语 英语

参加人员:SJ 金希澈 强仁,TRAX 正模 JAY (SJ利特、神童、晟敏、银赫、东海小小客串)

节目集数:共13集 show case 热情洋溢的鼓手希澈,沉稳的贝斯手强仁 主场JAY 及华丽的吉他手正模呈现的精彩舞台

节目内容:Super junior成员 金希澈 强仁以及正模和JAY组成的兄弟乐队这是韩国Ment电视台特别推出的全新节目,在节目中,希澈、强仁等人组成的乐队每周都将从“披头士”、“Queen”“ABBA”等世界级乐队中挑选本次的主题,重现他们现场表演的样貌,为观众带来该乐队的经典歌曲。 “Band of Brothers”会将这些伟大乐队的演出重新演绎,还会穿着他们当时的服装,回忆跟那些明星有关的流行或是他们喜欢的食物等趣事。这样的复制乐队,会再次唤醒大家心中尘封已久的回忆,燃起曾经的摇滚激情! 2008年10月25日第一期开始。


081025Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP01 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY(乐队组建、模仿the Beatles披头士)

081101Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP02 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY(模仿Queen)

081108Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP03 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (模仿野菊花, MV拍摄)

081122Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP04 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (模仿Bon Jovi, MV拍摄)

081129Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP05 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (回顾)

081206Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP06 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (确定Showcase)

081213Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP07 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (确定演出场地, Shinee面试, 寻找MV女主角)

081220Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP08 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (圣诞特辑, 募捐, 联谊)

081227Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP09 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (采访, 宣传片拍摄)

090103Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP10 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (算命, 女子大学捣乱记)

090109Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP11 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (按摩, 泰妍探班, 游戏机房玩游戏)

090116Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP12 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY (Membership Training, 强仁过生日)

090123Mnet Band Of Brothers.EP13 希澈 强仁 正模 JAY(showcase 完结篇)


081111 Mnet.Band Of Brothers.未公开影像.希澈强仁.live

081127 Mnet.Band Of Brothers.未公开影像.希澈强仁.It's My Life.合奏

081127 Mnet.Band.Of.Brothers.未公开MV-It'sMyLife





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