词条 | 化学专业基础英语1 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 北京大学出版社; 第1版 (2001年4月1日) 外文书名: Introductory Chemistry Specialty English 丛书名: 北京大学专业英语丛书 平装: 244页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 7301047472 条形码: 9787301047477 尺寸: 25.4 x 17.8 x 1 cm 重量: 358 g 内容简介《化学专业基础英语1》根据北京大学化学学院试用多年的讲义修订而成,无论从内容取舍还是从教学目的上看都是有开创性的。《化学专业基础英语1》在内容编排上试图训练学生在系统掌握专业英语词汇的基础上,学会用英语进行科学思维。经北大化学院多年教学使用,受到学生普遍欢迎。全书45万字,分成基础化学讲座、重要专业订语和化学文献选讲及附录四部分。附录中为读者提供了习题答案和试题、基本化学术语总汇以及一些阅读、会话、写作和翻译用资料及提高听力用的化学录像和光盘目录。 目录第一部分(Part I)基础化学讲座(Chemistry Lectures) 第1章(Chapter 1) 化学的本质(The Nature of Chemistry) Homework Set No.1 第2章(Chapter 2) 作为定量科学和物质科学的化学(Chemistry as a Quantitative Science and a Science of Matter) 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Numbers in Physical Quantities 2.3 Units of Measurement 2.4 The Dimensional Method and Problem Solving 2.5 Atoms and Elements 2.6 Atomic Structure:Five Classic Experiments 2.7 Nuclear Arithmetic 2.8 Kinds of Matter Homework Set No.2 第3章(Chapter 3) 原子、分子和离子(Atoms,Molecules,and lons) 3.1 Atoms and Ions in Combination 3.2 Atomic.Molecular and Molar Mass Relationships 3.3 Composition of a Chemical Compound.Simplest and Empirical Formulas.and Molecular Formulas Homework Set No.3 第4章(Chapter 4) 气态(The Gaseous State) 4.1 The Nature of Gases 4.2 Volume,Pressure,and Temperature Relationships 4.3 Mass,Molecular,and Molar Relationships 4.4 Behavior of Gas Molecules Homework Set No.4 第5章(Chapter 5) 化学反应和化学计算法(Chemical Reactions and StOichiOmetry) 5.1 Chemical Change:Equations and Types of Reactions 5.2 Stoichiometry Homework Set No.5 第6章(Chapter 6) 热化学(Thermochemistry) 6.1 Energy 6.2 Heats of Reaction and Other Enthalpy Changes 6.3 Measuring Heat Homework Set No.6 第7章(Chapter 7) 有机化合物和基团的命名(Nomenclature for Organic Compounds and Groups) 7.1 Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons 7.2 Functional Groups with Covalent Single Bonds 7.3 Functional Groups with Covalent Double Bonds Homework Set No.7 第二 部分(Part II) 重要专业术语(Significant Terms) 第8章(Chapter 8) 无机化学术语(Inorganic Chemical Terms) 第9章(Chapter 9) 有机化学术语(Organic Chemical Terms) 9.1 Hydrocarbons 9.2 Hydrocarbons and Energy 9.3 Some Introductory Concepts 第10章(Chapter 10) 物理化学术语(Physical Chemical Terms) 第11章(Chapter 11) 分析化学术语(Analytical Chemical Terms) 第12章(Chapter 12) 高分子化学术语(Polymer Chemical Terms) 12.1 Polymers 12.2 Natural Polymers 12.3 Polymer Nomenclature 12.4 Historical Introduction 第13章(Chapter 13) 生物化学术语(Biochemical Terms) 13.1 Biochemistry 1 3.2 Levels of Structures in Biological Macromolecules 第三部分(Part III) 化学文献选讲(Chernical Literature) 第14章(Chapter 14) 说明性短文(Descriptive Short Articles) 14.1 Laboratory Safety Rules 14.2 Keeping Records 14.3 Use of a Balance 14.4 An Experiment 14.5 Molecular Weight of a Substance 1 4.6 Tools of Chemistry:Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 14.7 Tools of Chemistry:The Computer 第15章(Chapter 15) 期刊论文(Periodical Papers) 15.1 Progesterone from 3-Acetoxybisnor-5-cholenaldehyde and 3-Ketobisnor-4-cholenaldehyde 15.2 Exact Shapes of Random Walks in Two Dimensions 第16章(Chapter 16) 获奖演说(Award-Receiving Speeches) 16.1 The Discovery of Crown Ethers by Charles J.Pedersen 16.2 Concept and Innovation in Polymer Science by Paul J.Flory 16.3 Scientific Research Moves towards the 21st Century by Sam Edwards 第四部分(Part IV) 附录(Appendices) 附录A 单位、常数等实用资料(Tables of Units,Constants and Other Useful Material、 Table A.1 Fundamental Constants Table A.2 Commonly Used Prefixes Table A.3 Base Units of the International System of Units Table A.4 Derived Units of the International System of Units Table A.5 Atomic Masses Listed Alphabetically Table A.6 Greek Alphabet Table A.7 List of Common Videotapes and CDs on Chemistrv 附录B 习题答案(Answers to Homework 2~7) 附录C 试题举例(Sample Final Exam with Answers) C.1 Questions and Problems in Chemistry(50%) C.2 Comprehension and Writing(50%) 附录D会话材料(Speaking Material) D.1 Plastics D.2 Oil D.3 Computers D.4 Lasers 附录E 速读及英译中材料(Speed Reading and English-to-Chinese Material E.1 Speed Reading E.2 English-to-Chinese Translation Exercises 附录F 中译英材料(Chinese-to-English Mfiterial) F.1 拉胀性高分子材料 F.2 发展中的中国科技. F.3 化学反应的实时观察与1999年诺贝尔化学奖 附录G 常见科技英语词汇(Word Study Material) G.1 Words from a Text in Reading G.2 Words from a Text in Speaking 附录H常见科技英语语法结构(Structure Study Material) 附录I 基本化学术语总汇(Basic Chemical Terms) I.1 Terms Listed in Order of Appearance in the Text I.2 Terms Listed Alphabetically 附录J 补充习题与试题(Additional Homework and Mid-term and Final Exams) J.1 Homework Set No.8 J.2 Homework Set No.9 J.3 Homework Set No.1 0 J.4 Sample Mid-term Exam J.5 Sample Final Exam |
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