

词条 哈维玛德学院

哈维玛德学院(Harvey Mudd College)坐落在美国加州。



玛德还是Claremont盟校(http://www.claremont.edu/)之一。Claremont在洛山矶东南方向,是个大学城。CLAREMONT的几个学院,被称为claremont colleges:包括Scripps College, Harvey Mudd College, Pomona College, Pitzer College, Claremont McKenna College, Keck Graduate Institute, Claremont Graduate University.

学校联系方式:301 Platt Boulevard, Claremont, CA 91711 · (909) 621-8000


Home > About HMC

About HMC

Our name is Mudd, and we’re proud of it. We’re one of the premier math, science and engineering colleges in the nation. We’re also unique because we are a liberal arts college. Aren’t math, science and engineering mutually exclusive of the liberal arts? Maybe at some places, but not at HMC.

We educate engineers, scientists and mathematicians who become leaders in their fields and have a clear understanding of the impact their work has on society. That’s the big picture.

Now here’s how we make it work. Mudd offers nine math, science, and engineering-based majors, all grounded in a solid core curriculum that includes a healthy dose of humanities and social science courses. Why? Because we know that you don’t have to sacrifice your interest in music or art (or anything else) to be good scientists. And because an understanding of history and politics will make us more effective engineers, chemists, lawyers, doctors and human beings. Add to that all of the hands-on experience we get through our high-level research projects and through our world-renowned Clinic Program, and we fearless Mudders go into the world ready for anything.

Not that Mudd’s all academics. We’re people, too. Longboards get us around campus, the Honor Code gives us freedom and responsibility, pranks keep us laughing, and parties make us famous. So not only do we know how to get things done, we know how to have a good time.

And for all of this, we have Harvey S. Mudd to thank. In the 1950s Mudd, an accomplished mining engineer, wanted to overcome many of the shortcomings of traditional, narrow technical training of his day. Mudd, and his successors who helped establish the college, delivered on his vision in a big way. Not only did they understand the world of science, they understood the people behind it. And today we have Harvey Mudd College, a place created by and for future, forward thinking scientists.





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