词条 | 杜民权 |
释义 | 杜民权 姓 名:杜民权 性 别:男 出生年月:1966年5月 民 族:汉 籍 贯:湖北 毕业院校:武汉大学口腔医学院 (原湖北医学院口腔系) 最高学位:博士学位 研究专业:预防口腔医学 研究领域:龋病的预防、氟化物防龋 兼职情况 全国牙病防治指导组氟防龋专业委员会成员 湖北省牙病防治指导组成员 在研的科研项目: 1 孕产妇口腔健康与早产低体重儿的研究 省卫生厅青年科技人才基金 2005-2007 (5万) 2 社区口腔卫生保健项目 美国Poject HOPE 2004-2007年 (8万) 研究领域: 龋病的预防、氟化物防龋 代表性论文: 1. Du MQ, Tai BJ, Jiang H, Lo EC, Fan MW, Bian Z. A Two-year Randomized Clinical Trial of Chlorhexidine Varnish on Dental Caries in Chinese Preschool Children. Journal of Dental Research. 2006;85(6):557-9. 2. Tai BJ, Bian Z, Hiang H, Greenspan DC, Zhong J, Clark AE, Du MQ*. Anti-gingivitis effect of a dentifrice containing bioactive glass (NovaMin) particulate. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2006;33(2):86-91. 3. Jiang H, Bian Z, Tai BJ, Du MQ, Peng B*. The effect of a bi-annual professional application of APF foam on dental caries increment in primary teeth: 24-month clinical trial. Journal of Dental Research. 2005;84(3):265-8. 4. Du MQ, Jiang H, Wu ZR, Bedi R. HIV and AIDS in China: Attitudes of dentists towards provision of care and infection control- a pilot study. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 2002;40(2):36-39. 5. Du MQ, Bedi R* Guo LH, Champion J, Fan MW, Holt R. Oral health status of heroin users in a rehabilitation center in Hubei province, China. Community Dental Health 2001;18 (2): 94-98 6. Du MQ, Petersen PE* Fan MW, Bian Z, Tai BJ .Oral health services in PR China as evaluated by dentists and patients. International Dental Journal 2000; 50(5): 250-256 7. Du MQ, Bian Z, Guo L, Holt R, Champion J, Bedi R*. Caries patterns and their relationship to infant feeding and socio-economic status in 2-4-year-old Chinese children. International Dental Journal 2000; (6): 385-389 |
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