

词条 半导体光学



1 Introduction

1.1 Aims and Concepts

1.2 Outline of the Book and a lot of References

1.3 Some Personal Thoughts

1.4 Problems

References to Chap. I

2 Maxwell's Equations, Photons and the Density of States

2.1 Maxwell's Equations

2.2 Electromagnetic Radiation in Vacuum

2.3 Electromagnetic Radiation in Matter; Linear Optics

2.4 Transverse, Longitudinal and Surface Waves

2.5 Photons and Some Aspects of Quantum Mechanics and of Dispersion Relations

2.6 Density of States and Occupation Probabilities

2.7 Problems

References to Chap. 2

3 Interaction of Light with Matter

3.1 Macroscopic Aspects for Solids

3.2 Microscopic Aspects

3.3 Problems References to Chap. 3

4 Ensemble of Uncoupled Oscillators

4.1 Equations of Motion and the Dielectric Function

4.2 Corrections Due to Quantum Mechanics and Local Fields

4.3 Spectra of the Dielectric Function and of the Complex Index of Refraction

4.4 The Spectra of Reflection and Transmission

4.5 Interaction of Close Lying Resonances

4.6 Problems

References to Chap. 4

5 The Concept of Polaritons

5.1 Polaritons as New Quasiparticles

5.2 Dispersion Relation of Polaritons

5.3 Polaritons in Solids, Liquids and Gases and from the IR to the X-ray Region

5.4 Coupled Oscillators and Polaritons with Spatial Dispersion

5.5 Real and Imaginary Parts of Wave Vector and Frequency

5.6 Surface Polaritons

5.7 Problems

References to Chap. 5

6 Kramers-Kronig Relations

6.1 General Concepts

6.2 Problem

References to Chap. 6

7 Crystals, Lattices, Lattice Vibrations and Phonons

7.1 Adiabatic Approximation

7.2 Lattices and Crystal Structures in Real and Reciprocal Space

7.3 Vibrations of a String

7.4 Linear Chains

7.5 Three-Dimensional Crystals

7.6 Quantization of Lattice Vibrations:

Phonons and the Concept of Quasiparticles

7.7 The Density of States and Phonon Statistics

7.8 P honons in Alloys

7.9 Defects and Localized Phonon Modes

7.10 Phonons in Superlattices and in other Structures of Reduced Dimensionality

7.11 Problems

References to Chap. 7

8 Electrons in a Periodic Crystal

8.1 Bloch's Theorem

8.2 Metals, Semiconductors, Insulators

8.3 An Overview of Semiconducting Materials

8.4 Electrons and Holes in Crystals as New Quasiparticles

8.5 The Effective-Mass Concept

8.6 The Polaron Concept and Other Electron-Phonon Interaction Processes

8.7 Some Basic Approaches to Band Structure Calculations

8.8 Bandstructures of Real Semiconductors

8.9 Density of States, Occupation Probability and Critical Points

8.10 Electrons and Holes in Quantum Wells and Superlattices

8.11 Growth of Quantum Wells and of Superlattices

8.12 Quantum Wires

8.13 Quantum Dots

8.14 Defects, Defect States and Doping

8.15 Disordered Systems and Localization

8.16 Problems

References to Chap. 8

9 Excitons Biexcitons and Trions

9.1 Wannier and Frenkel Excitons

9.2 Corrections to the Simple Exciton Model

9.3 The Influence of Dimensionality

9.4 Biexcitons and Trions

9.5 Bound Exciton Complexes

9.6 Excitons in Disordered Systems

9.7 Problems

References to Chap. 9

10 Plasmons, Magnons and some Further Elementary Excitations

10.1 Plasmons, Pair Excitations and Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States

10.2 Magnons and Magnetic Polarons

10.3 Problems

References to Chap. 10

11 Optical Properties of Phonons

11.1 Phonons in Bulk Semiconductors

11.2 Phonons in Superlattices

11.3 Phonons in Quantum Dots

11.4 Problems

References to Chap. 11

12 Optical Properties of Plasmons,Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States and of Magnons

12.1 Surface Plasmons

12.2 Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States

12.3 Plasmons in Systems of Reduced Dimensionality

12.4 Optical Properties of Magnons

12.5 Problems

References to Chap. 12

13 Optical Properties of Intrinsic Excitons in Bulk Semiconductors

13.1 Excitons with strong Oscillator Strength

13.2 Forbidden Exciton Transitions

13.3 Intraexcitonic Transitions

13.4 Problems

References to Chap.13

14 Optical Properties of Bound and Localized Excitons and of Defect States

14.1 Bound-Exciton and Multi-exciton Complexes

14.2 Donor-Acceptor Pairs and Related Transitions

14.3 Internal Transitions and Deep Centers

14.4 Excitons in Disordered Systems

14.5 Problems

References to Chap. 14

15 Optical Properties of Excitons in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality

15.1 Qantum Wells

15.2 Coupled Quantum Wells and Superlattices

15.3 Quantum Wires

15.4 Quantum Dots

15.5 Problems

References to Chap. 15

16 Excitons Under the Influence of External Fields

16.1 Magnetic Fields

16.2 Electric Fields

16.3 Strain Fields

16.4 Problems

References to Chap. 16

17 From Cavity Polaritons to Photonic Crystals

17.1 Cavity Polaritons

17.2 Photonic Crystals and Photonic Band Gap Structures

17.3 Photonic Atoms, Molecules and Crystals

17.4 Further Developments of Photonic Crystals

17.5 A Few Words about Metamaterials

17.6 Problems

References to Chap. 17

18 Review of the Linear Optical Properties

18.1 Review of the Linear Optical Properties

18.2 Problem

References to Chap. 18

19 High Excitation Effects and Nonlinear Optics

19.1 Introduction and Definition

19.2 General Scenario for High Excitation Effects

19.3 Beyond the X(n) Approximations

19.4 Problems

References to Chap. 19

20 The Intermediate Density Regime

20.1 Two-Photon Absorption by Excitons

20.2 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Processes

20.3 Biexcitons and Trions

20.4 Optical or ac Stark Effect

20.5 Excitonic Bose-Einstein Condensation

20.6 Photo-thermal Optical Nonlinearities

20.7 Problems

References to Chap. 20

21 The Electron-Hole Plasma

21.1 The Mott Density

21.2 Band Gap Renormalization and Phase Diagram

21.3 Electron-Hole Plasmas in Bulk Semiconductors

21.4 Electron-Hole Plasma in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality

21.5 Inter-subband Transitions in Unipolar and Bipolar Plasmas

21.6 Problems

References to Chap. 21

22 Stimulated Emission and Laser Processes

22.1 Excitonic Processes

22.2 Electron-Hole Plasmas

22.3 Basic Concepts of Laser Diodes and Present Research Trends

22.4 Problems

References to Chap. 22

23 Time Resolved Spectroscopy

23.1 The Basic Time Constants

23.2 Decoherence and Phase Relaxation

23.3 Intra-Subband and Inter-Subband Relaxation

23.4 Interband Recombination

23.5 Problems

References to Chap. 23

24 Optical Bistability, Optical Computing, Spintronics and Quantum Computing

24.1 Optical Bistability

24.2 Device Ideas, Digital Optical Computing and Why It Failed

24.3 Spintronics

24.4 Quantum Computing

24.5 Problems

References to Chap. 24

25 Experimental Methods

25.1 Linear Optical Spectroscopy

25.2 Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy

25.3 Time-Resolved Spectroscopy

25.4 Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy

25.5 Spectroscopy Under the Influence of External Fields

25.6 Problems

References to Chap. 25

26 Group Theory in Semiconductor Optics

26.1 Introductory Remarks

26.2 Some Aspects of Abstract Group Theory for Crystals

26.3 Theory of Representations and of Characters

26.4 Hamilton Operator and Group Theory

26.5 Applications to Semiconductors Optics

26.6 Some Selected Group Tables

26.7 Problems

References to Chap. 26

27 Semiconductor Bloch Equations

27.1 Dynamics of a Two-Level System

27.2 Optical Bloch Equations

27.3 Semiconductor Bloch Equations

27.4 Coherent Processes

27.5 Problems

References to Chap. 27

The Final Problem

Subject Index





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