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释义 | 歌手陈文雄简介中文名:陈文雄 外文名:Arthur Chen 国籍:中国台湾 民族:汉 出生地:台湾 出生日期:1977 星座:双子 身高:170 嗜好:旅行 看电影 听音乐 阅读 语言:普通话 台中市儒光慈爱协会创办人、理事长、国际心理咨询师、国际营养师、旅游人道关怀家、台湾籍维族歌手,“心灵歌手”创始人。因热爱维族音乐毅然从台湾移居去了新疆。 热情善良,喜欢结交朋友和帮助人,善于挑战困难,对生命和大自然充满热情。喜欢透过一个人的旅行藉由看到不同人文风情和不同的生命故事,静静省思品尝自己的人生历程从中修正自己对人生的感悟 。 制作人作为自己专辑的制作人,历时2年,制作出“灵魂歌者”专辑《美丽心灵》,新专辑中将大自然的美好光景和人们质朴的感情用音乐展现得美轮美奂,把远处那些美丽的欢笑、故事与歌声带给你。 陈文雄喜欢在旅行中看遍时间风景,体味人生百态,并用音乐记录下自己的生活感悟和沿途的所见所闻。此次即将推出的新专辑《美丽心灵》,是他在新疆的旅途中所感悟并谱写出来的音乐,并且所有歌的作词作曲全都是请到了维吾尔族的专家所完成的。 陈文雄同他们一起,将他在新疆的感受通过奇妙的音符原汁原味的展现给大家。让大家通过歌声在繁忙的生活中替下脚步,用心思考下自己的生命的意义。 专辑介绍这张专辑是是一个来自迷人的新疆与真实生活的歌声,这是一位用心在行走中找寻自我探索生命的游人,这是一颗痴情者的美丽心灵。 陈文雄将在2012年推出自己的全新专辑《美丽心灵》,这张专辑大量运用了新疆的传统乐器做为音乐元素并结合世界音乐的曲风呈现,除了他本人担任制作人之外,所有歌的作词作曲全都由维吾尔族的专家所完成,12首歌皆有不同的音乐风格,其中有抒情摇滚曲风、微慢摇曲风、阿拉伯曲风、英国吉他曲风、乌兹别克轻摇滚曲风等,皆大量结合了新疆本土音乐元素,希望这张专辑能带给听者耳目一新的感觉。 河南师范大学特聘教授简介姓名:陈文雄 性别:男 出生年月:1952年5月 民族:汉族 籍贯:河南新乡市人 1986 年中国科学院数学所博士毕业,2006年被聘为河南师范大学特聘教授。 兼职Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis杂志编辑 研究方向非线性偏微分方程,非线性泛函分析,几何分析 科研项目1. DMS 0604638, $123,400, for 2006, 07, and 08; title: `Nonlinear Problems in Convex and Conformal Geometry'. 2. DMS 0072328, $57,750, for 2000, 01, 02, and 03; title: 'Nonlinear PDEs in Geometric Analysis' . 3. DMS 9704861, $54,735, for 1997, 98, and 99; title: 'Nonlinear Elliptic Equations in Diferential Geometry'. 4. DMS 9403629, $24,166, for 1994, 95, and 96; title: 'Nonlinear Elliptic Equations and Systems from Geometry'. 5. DMS 9116949, $15,109, for 1991; title: 'Methods for Solutions of Some Non- linear Elliptic Equations'. 6. DMS 8722998, for 1987, 88, and 89; title: 'Applications of Analysis to Problems in Geometry'.论文著作1. A sup + inf inequality near R = 0, Advances in Math., 220(2009) 219-245, with Congming Li.Read it. 2. An integral system and the Lane-Emdem conjecture, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys., in press, with Congming Li.Read it. 3. Classification of positive solutions for nonlinear differential and integral systems with critical exponents, Acta Mathematica Scientia, in press, with Congming Li.Read it. 4. The Best Constant in Some Weighted Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Inequality, Proc. AMS, 136(2008) 955-962, with Congming Li.Read it. 5. A Priori Estimate for the Nirenberg Problem, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys. S, 1(2008) 225-233, with Congming Li.Read it. 6. L_p Minkowski problem with not necessarily positive data, Advances in Math, 201 (2006) 77-89. Read it. 7. Classification of solutions for an integral equation, C.P.A.M., 59(2006) 330-343, with Congming Li and Biao Ou.Read it. 8. Qualitative properties of solutions for an integral equation, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys., 12(2005), 347-354, with Congming Li and Biao Ou.Read it. 9. Classification of solutions for a system of integral equations, Comm. in PDE, 30(2005), 59-65, with Congming Li and Biao Ou.Read it. 10. Regularity of solutions for a system of integral equations, C.P.A.A. 4(2005), 1-8, with Congming Li.Read it. 11. Weighted system of integral equations, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys., special edition (2005) 164-172, with Chao Jin, Congming Li, and Jisun Lim.Read it. 12. On a nonlinear parabolic system-modelling chemical reaction in rivers, C.P.A.A., 4(2005) 889-899, with Congming Li and Eric Wright.Read it. 13. A generalized affine isoperimetric inequality, J. Geom. Anal., 14(2004) 597-612, with Ralph Howard, Erwin Lutwak, Deane Yang, and Gaoyong Zhang.Read it. 14. Moving planes, moving spheres, and a priori estimates, J. of Differential Equations, 195(2003), 1-13, with C Li.Read it. 15. Gaussian curvature in the negative case, Proceedings of AMS, 131(2003) 741-744, with C Li.Read it. 16. Prescribing scalar curvature on S^n, Pacific J. Math, Vol. 199, 1(2001), 61-78, with C Li.Read it. 17. A Note on a Class of Higher Order Conformally Covariant Equations, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys., Vol.7, 2(2001), 275-281, with Alice Chang.Read it. 18. Harmonic maps on complete manifolds, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys., 4(1999), 799-805, with C Li.Read it. 19. Some new approaches in prescribing Gaussian and scalar curvature, Proc. of International Confer. on D.S. and D.E.,1998, 148-159, with CLi. 20. Indefinite elliptic problems with critical exponent, Advances in Nonlinear PDE and Related Areas, World Scientific, 1998, 67-79, with CLi.Read it. 21. A priori estimates for prescribing scalar curvature equations, Annals of Math. 145(1997) 547-564, with CLi.Read it. 22. Indefinite Elliptic Problems in a Domain, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys., 3(1997), 333-340, with C Li.Read it. 23. A Note on Kazdan-Warner conditions, J. of Diff. Geom. 41(1995), 259-268, with CLi.Read it. 24. A necessary and sufficient condition for the Nirenberg's problem, Comm. Pure. & Appl. Math., Vol. XLVIII(1995), 657-667, with CLi.Read it 25. What kinds of singular metric can admit constant curvature , Duke Math. J., 2(1995) 437-451, with CLi.Read it. 26. Qualitative Properties of solutions to some nonlinear elliptic equations in R^2, Duke Math. J., 71(1993) 427-439, with CLi.Read it. 27. A priori estimates for solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 122(1993) 145-157, with CLi.Read it. 28. Gaussian curvature on singular surfaces, J. Geom. Analysis, 3(1993) 315-334, with CLi.Read it. 29. Distribution of mass principle and its applications, Proc. of the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, 1993. 30. Classification of solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations, Duke Math. J., 63(1991) 615-622, with CLi.Read it. 31. Prescribing Gaussian curvature on surfaces with conical singularities, J. Geom. Analysis, 1(1991) 359-372, with CLi.Read it. 32. Infinitely many solutions for a nonlinear elliptic equation involving critical Sobolev exponents, Acta Math. Sci., 11(1991) 128-135. 33. A Trudinger inequality on surfaces with conical singularities, Proc. AMS, 108(1990) 821-832.Read it. 34. Scalar curvature on S^n, Math. Annalen, 283(1989) 353-365.Read it. 35. Differential Equations Exam File, Engineering Press, Inc. San Jose, CA.1989, with 26 other professors. 36. A problem concerning the scalar curvature on S^2, Kexue Tongbao (Science Bulletin of China), 33(1988) 533-537, with W.Ding. 37. Scalar curvature on S^2, Trans. AMS, 303(1987) 365-382, with W.Ding.Read it. 38. The existence of multiple solutions for a nonlinear elliptic equation with critical Soblev exponent, Acta Math. Sci., 7(1987) 349-352, with C.Wang. 39. The numerical curvature problem on S^2, Kexue Tongbao, 32(1987) 4-7, with W.Ding. 40. The existence and stability of the Cauchy-Dirichlet problems for nonlinear parabolic equations, J. Hangzhou Univ., 1987, with C.Wang. 41. A non-local boundary value problem for elliptic equations of higher order, J. Hangzhou Univ., 13(1986) 403-408, with C.Wang. 42. The existence of infinitely many solutions for a class of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems, Annual J. Math., 7A(1986) 154-160, with C.Wang. 43. The existence of infinitely many solutions of non-local boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations, Acta Math. Sci., 5(1985) 223-231,with C.Wang. 44. The existence of solutions for nonlinear Dirichlet problems at resonance, J.Hangzhou Univ., 11(1984) 182-189. 45. A class of boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations, J. Hangzhou Univ., 10(1983) 458-465. 科学成就1.美国国家科学基金奖(2000-2004) Nonliear Analysis in Geometry 2.美国国家科学基金奖(2006-2008) Nonlinear Analysis in Convex and Conformal Geometry |
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