词条 | Worm/Centar.a |
释义 | I-Worm/Centar.a 病毒长度:28,672 bytes 病毒类型:网络蠕虫 危害等级:* 影响平台:Win9X/2000/XP/NT/Me I-Worm/Centar.a是一群发邮件蠕虫,它可以结束一些反病毒软件的进程。通过搜索扩展名为 .htm, .html, .htt, .dbx 的文件查找邮件地址,并向其发送病毒邮件进行传播。 传播过程及特征: 1.复制自身为: %Temp%\\SProcess.exe %Temp%\\Great_Virus_Creation_Kit.exe 或者 %Temp%\\Win_Security_Patch_2602.exed %Windir%\\Explorer.exe %Windir%\\System\\Explorer.exe 2.结束包含下列字符串的进程: avp kav nav scan anti alert mon check 3.该蠕虫病毒还会在临时文件夹下生成一个LogData.vbs脚本文件,用于发送病毒邮件。邮件特征: 主题: Very important patch! 内容: Hi. Here i've attached a very important patch, very useful to find and fix a lot of bugs in windows and to improve the security of your windows. If installed, this patch it's able to prevent virus infections or other dangerous things. I hope that this will be useful! Bye! 附件可能是下列之一: Win_Security_Patch_2602.exe SProcess.exe Great_Virus_Creation_Kit.exe 注:%Windir%为变量,一般为C:\\Windows 或 C:\\Winnt; %System%为变量,一般为C:\\Windows\\System (Windows 95/98/Me), C:\\Winnt\\System32 (Windows NT/2000), 或 C:\\Windows\\System32 (Windows XP)。 |
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