

词条 The Dream of the Red Chamber


出版社: TUTTLE PUB (2010年9月10日)

外文书名: 红楼梦(套装上下册)(人民文学版新版)

丛书名: Tuttle Classics

平装: 992页

正文语种: 英语

ISBN: 0804840962

条形码: 9780804840965

尺寸: 20.1 x 13.2 x 4.8 cm

重量: 9 g


曹雪芹(1715/1724~1763/1764/1765),清代小说家。名沾(读作zhān ),字梦阮,雪芹是其号,又号芹圃、芹溪。祖籍辽宁辽阳(一说辽宁铁岭,一说沈阳,一说河北丰润),先世原是汉族,后为满洲正白旗“包衣”人(“包衣”系满语音译,意思是家奴)。

高鹗,生卒年: 约1738—约1815,清代文学家。字兰墅,一字云士。因酷爱小说《红楼梦》,别号“红楼外史”。汉军镶黄旗内务府人。祖籍铁岭(今属辽宁),先世清初即寓居北京。少年时喜冶游。中年一度在外课馆。熟谙经史,工于八股文,诗词、小说、戏曲、绘画及金石之学亦颇通晓。诗宗盛唐,词风近于花间派,论文则“辞必端其本,修之乃立诚”,强调以意为主。他热衷仕进,累试不第,乾隆五十三年(1788),始为顺天乡试举人。六十年进士。历官内阁中书,内阁侍读。嘉庆六年(1801)为顺天乡试同考官。十四年,由侍读选江南道监察御史。十八年,升刑科给事中。在任以“操守谨、政事勤、才具长”见称。晚年家贫官冷,两袖清风。所以虽著作如林,却多未及问世而赍志以终。

Cao Xueqin was born into a wealthy family whose status and fortune diminished when he was a child. He spent the remainder of his life in poverty. The Dream of the Red Chamber, which he devoted ten years of his life to writing, was not published until thirty years after his death.

H. Bencraft Joly was Vice-Consulate of Macao at the time he translated The Dream of the Red Chamber in an effort to advance appreciation of Chinese literature among Western scholars.



The Dream of the Red Chamber is one of the "Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese Literature." It is renowned for its huge scope, large cast of characters and telling observations on the life and social structures of 18th century China and is considered by many to be the pinnacle of the classical Chinese novel.

The "Red Chamber" is an expression used for the sheltered area where the daughters of wealthy Chinese families lived. Believed to be based on the author's own life and intended as a memorial to the women that he knew in his youth, The Dream of the Red Chamber is a multilayered story that offers up key insights into Chinese culture.




The Dream of the Red Chamber is one of the oFour Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature." It is renowned for its huge scope, large cast of characters, and telling observations on the life and social structures of 18th century China and is considered by many to be the pinnacle of classical Chinese novels. The oRed Chambero is an expression used for the sheltered area where the daughters of wealthy Chinese families lived. Believed to be based on the authorAEs own life and intended as a memorial to the women that he knew in his youth, The Dream of the Red Chamber is a multilayered story that offers up key insights into Chinese culture.





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