词条 | TH801热缩管收缩机 |
释义 | TH-801履带式自动热缩管加热机是一款卧式全自动热缩管加热设备。操作员可以在机器前端连续将线束喂入履带输送系统,履带可以对线束自动传输,通过加热区完成热缩加工,然后在履带输送系统末端自动冷却和落料。 线束加热时间通过在面板上调节线束经过加热区的速度来实现,速度控制采用计算机控制的步进电机,精度高,使用寿命长,免维护。加热温度可以在机器后端的控制箱面板上进行设定,温控器采用OMRON设备,温控精度和稳定度有充分保证。 TH-801有完备的保护和报警功能。对电机停转、加热断线、加热腔打开、温度超限、电源误关断、工作温度偏差等均有对应控制。对机器使用时间、加工数量可以自动记录。 TH-801是目前国内唯一被各大汽车配套厂商认可的、替代同类进口设备的产品。如冈自控有限公司也是该类产品的行业标准制定者。 主要技术指标: 输入电压: 220V,50Hz 功率:2000W 温控范围:室温 ~ 600°C 温控精度:±1°C (设定测试环境中) 时控范围:23 ~ 240秒 时控精度:999级调节 最大线束加热长度:75mm 最大线束加热直径:25mm 尺寸:约1500L × 500W × 604H(mm) 重量: 约100kg 目前主要用户:德尔福、莱尼、李尔、波特呢、南通大地、南通友金、台州吉利、白城金事达,玉林金事达、太仓科络普、重庆强大电气、江淮汽车、秦川电子、万卡信、格力空调等等 TH-801 Belt Feed Tube Shrink Heater TH-801 belt feed tube shrink heater is an automatic shrinkable tube feeding and heating machine. The operator can continuously feed wires with shrinkable tubes into the machine convey belt from the machine front end. The wires on convey belt will travel through the heating area with given speed and temperature to complete the heating process. At the end of the machine the wires will be cooled down by fans and dropped into collection tray. TH-801 has complete erratic operation proof and safety functions: overheating prevention circuit, heating unit wire and belt motor speed monitor, working temperature range monitor and associated wire feed control, heating chamber open monitor etc. It also can count wires processed and clock process time. TH-801 has been widely used in Delphi, Leoni, Leer factories in China since 2006. Main Specs: Input Voltage: 220~240V, 50~60Hz Power Consumption: 2000W Temperature Control: room temperature ~ 600°C, ±1°C (in specified test environment) Timing Control: 23~240 s, 999 stages Max. Wire Length: 75mm Max. Wire Diameter: 25mm Size (approx): 1500L × 500W × 604H(mm) Weight (approx): 100kg |
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