

词条 Tal Nutag

中文名称:Tal Nutag



专辑歌手:Urna Chahar-Tugchi 乌仁娜




专辑名称: Tal Nutag

专辑歌手: Urna Chahar-Tugchi 乌仁娜

发行日期: 1995年

专辑语种: Mongolian

专辑类型: Acoustic

唱片公司: 大大树

压缩比率: 192Kbps





这是Sony在西藏拍摄的DV广告用的广告词,配乐正是用Urna这张专辑中的Hodoo。敬畏广告无边的力量,能够将原本无人问津的音乐推到世人耳旁。婉转,凄美,清澈,自然是Vaaalen听后想到的形容词,尽管这并不能将Urna的特质表达出来,除非有机会聆听到这样的嗓音,否则决然无法想象到有这样的另一个世界存在。95年问世的Tal Nutag让西方人深深领略到了东方音乐的魅力。遗憾的是,如此绚烂的东方音乐是在德国发行的。不由让我想到也许在东方世界的某个角落是不是还有像Urna一样的艺术家需要远渡重洋,才能将民族的精粹借由西方伯乐的慧眼传达给整个世界。当然也就不要追究Sony是不是真的不知道蒙古与西藏的区别了,至少让大众听到Urna的歌声,这本身就是一种积德。

你还可以找到不少耳熟能详的旋律。Nomundalai中文版别人也唱过,但豪迈之气比之蒙古语实在逊色;Jigder nana早几年在立邦漆广告里配合着牧民们一齐刷着油漆,可惜这样的场景真正的蒙古牧民们能否经历到;Beijing lam也是知名的蒙古民歌,最后的爽朗笑声让Vaaalen对草原无比的憧憬。-----by Vaaalen



Music of intimate tranquillity and deep moving expression. The almost classical recording presents Mongolian songs and improvisations in the fine acoustic of a little Bavarian church.



Translated by Vaaalen

About Urna:

Urna Chahar-Tugchi was born into a family of livestock farmers in the grasslands of the Ordos district in the Southwest region of Inner Mongolia. Today Urna is regarded as one of the most outstanding female vocalists of Asia. Based in Bavaria, Germany, Urna continues to carry the spirit of her homeland in her music as she performs around the world.


Urna's developed her musical talent and instincts while learning the Yangqin (Chinese dulcimer) in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia, with a visiting professor from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. At the age of eighteen, Urna decided to leave Mongolia to study at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music – an extraordinarily brave decision, for at the time she did not speak one word of Mandarin Chinese and her family knew very little of Shanghai, let alone its location. With this move, Urna's life and career took a dramatic turn.


One Russian music critic named Urna, along with the Tuvan singer Sainkho, one of the "two Asian Divas". In the summer of 2003, Urna sealed her place as a major contributor to world music in Europe when she was awarded the RUTH prize in Germany for Best International Artist.


Urna is gifted with the ability to genuinely communicate with her listeners through her music, as she transcends all linguistic and cultural barriers with her dynamic, soaring voice. Many of Urna’s songs evoke the immense grasslands of Mongolia and tell of the Mongolian ways of life, and her performances are unforgettable to those who witness or participate in her music. Many describe Urna's singing as akin to the experience of a religious ceremony -- although her music does not necessarily speak of religion, she explains, “I interpret my songs with all my life and energy; therefore, I feel rebirth after each performance.”


While Urna is rooted in the traditional music of her homeland, she continues to take her music in new directions. Her latest compositions emphasize free, brushstroke-like improvisations, which have been inspired by her recent experiences with other cultures and musicians and her life outside of Mongolia.

With this constant yearning to take her music beyond convention, Urna has collaborated with many internationally-renown musicians including the Hungarian violinist Zoltan Lantos, Ramesh Shotham from India, and Muhammud Reza and Saam Schlamminger from Central Asia, and Jerzy Bawol from the Polish band Kroke.

在深深扎根于故乡的传统音乐的同时,Urna不断将她的音乐向新的方向发展。最新的创作强调自由,白描一般的即兴演唱,灵感则来自于她最近与蒙古以外的文化和音乐家碰撞的结果。向来意欲突破传统的音乐理念,Uran与众多国际知名的音乐家进行了合作,其中包括匈牙利小提琴家Zoltan Lantos, 印度的Ramesh Shotham, 中亚的Muhammud Reza与Saam Schlamminger, 以及来自于波兰乐队Kroke的Jerzy Bawol。

Urna's latest recording, Amilal (Life), is a collaborative effort that features accompaniment from the highly acclaimed Zarb percussion masters from Iran, Djamchid Chemirani and Keyvan Chemirani. Completed in 2004, Amilal is Urna’s personal record of her travels after leaving Mongolia, and portrays her views of the world and human beings, as well as her wish for a peaceful world. Musically, Amilal is a departure from the traditional focus of Urna’s past recordings, which center on the traditional songs, life and memories of her childhood in Mongolia. With the new compositions on this recording, Urna maintains the dignity and the spirit of a Mongolian while embracing a newly-emerging identity as a “world citizen.”

Urna 最新专辑Amilal(生命)云集了众多音乐家的心血,包括广受赞誉的Zarb乐器大家Djamchid Chemirani和Keyvan Chemirani。完成于2004年的Amilal是她远离蒙古后的心路历程,刻画了其对世界和人类的理解以及对于和平世界的期冀。风格上,之前几张专辑主要来源于儿时的蒙古传统音乐,而Amilal脱离了原先的音乐理念,以“世界公民”作为全新的定位,同时又保持了原有的蒙古性格和精神。

Translated by Vaaalen

相关下载:About Urna.PDF 点击下载


Tal Nutag









1. Yanzagan zootoi saaral mori

2. Jaran hailaas

3. Improvisation I

4. Dünjidmaa

5. Beijing lam

6. Ondor uul

7. Improvisation II

8. Jigder nana

9. Hodoo

10. Zandan hüren

11. Siilenhuar

12. Nomundalai

13. Improvisation III






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