

词条 scopephoto



ScopePhoto 简体中文版 3.0


1) 有多种格式进行图片保存,sft格式可包含各种图像信息:定标参数信息、图像图层测量数据信息等。

2) 可通过DirectShow和Twain两种模式进行图像设备调用,方便、通用。

3) 图像裁剪、复制、粘贴、保存。

4) 简便的图像处理操作,就像使用PS图像处理软件一样,对图像的色彩、亮度对比度、曲线等进行修正。

5) 创新的动态在线测量(操作更加方便)和静态测量。图层操作功能,可以便于使用各种几何图形测量工具:对面积、长度、角度、弧度、垂直线、平行线、同心圆、不规则图形的测量。

6) 包含各种图像滤波模块:噪音滤除、边缘识别、图像分割、图像增强过滤器、形态学滤波,卷积滤波

7) 图像运算(包含 AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, NOT, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Absolute, Min, Max, Average, Invert, Logarithm, Exponential, Square Root, Square, X to the power of Y operation)

8) 伪彩色附加、边缘分割、3D移动演示功能

9) 景深融合及扩展、图像缩放以及各种插件:细胞计数、傅立叶变换、光点测量…

The ScopePhoto has the following characteristic specially designed for the scientific analysis of the captured image through the camera or other image capture devices. The main functions of the ScopePhoto are listed as follows:

1) Image archival with data attachment (*.sft format, other formats are also supported)

2) Image capture through DirectShow, VFW(Video for Window) and Twain interface

3) Image cut & paste from image to image, image to file

4) Image basic operations like other similar software are included in the Image menu. At here you can adjust the image at ease

5) Image layer operation specially designed for the measurement operation (Layer technique is used to separate the measured results and the different results can be put on different layers)

6) Image processing filter for noise reduction and enhancement (Image enhancement filters, edge enhancement filters, morphology operation filters, User defined kernel filter, include convolution and morphological filters)

7) Image arithmetic operation between image and image, image and digital number (Including AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, NOT, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Absolute, Min, Max, Average, Invert, Logarithm, Exponential, Square Root, Square, X to the power of Y operation)

8) Image pseudocolor, range, segmentation operations are also include in the application

9) Image zooming and panning operations


3.0版本以后的产品支持Windows Vista(32Bit),Windows 2008系统







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