

词条 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Bird

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds 是一只成立于2010年,来自英国的乐队.从这个略带偏执的名字中不难发现其亮点所在——Noel gallagher.作为乐队冠名权拥有者,Noel Gallagher曾是前英伦摇滚班霸Oasis(现已解散)的lead guitarist和songwriter,在Oasis期间肩负着乐队绝对强权领袖和无与伦比天才双重任务,一直为受众所津津乐道. 在Oasis解散两年后,Noel Gallagher自组乐队 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds 再次冲击英伦乐坛,发行了首张同名大碟《Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds》(album).

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds除核心主唱Noel gallagher外,另有四名成员:前Oasis录音钢琴伴奏Mike Rowe担任钢琴手,The Zutons 乐队的Russell Pritchard负责贝斯,主音吉他Tim Smith,鼓手则是来自The Lemon Trees的Jeremy Stacey. 自2009年8月,Noel gallagher正式宣布脱离Oasis以来,关于他可能发行Solo album的传闻就甚嚣尘上.2011年7月,Noel gallagher举行新闻发布会确认“Solo album即将面市”,并告诉记者第二张专辑将与Amorphous Androgynous合作,最迟在2012年发行;关于其胞弟Liam gallagher指责“自己听过Solo album里面大部分歌曲,并曾经试唱”,Noel gallagher笑称纯属谣言.

《Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds》(album) 中,"The Death of You and Me", "If I Had a Gun...", "AKA... What a Life!"以及"Dream On"四首作为独立单曲发售,其中"AKA... What a Life!" 作为Vauxhall的广告曲首次面市.Noel gallagher表示,专辑发布后的一个星期,Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds将会开始巡回演出;他解释道:“We're going to go out on tour a week after the album is out. We're going to start off slow in small theatres. If it's good enough to get bigger than that then it'll get bigger than that. I don't think there'll be a huge great big tour this year. I think this year it'll be a quick whizz around the world and try and do the major cities and then it will probably be a bigger tour next year ”.

在参加电视节目The Jonathan Ross Show 中Noel gallagher谈到Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds名字由来时说,有两个缘由激发了他的灵感:一是有天在刷盘子时候听到了Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac这张专辑,觉得也许把Noel gallagher作为前缀加在乐队名字前很有意思;而名字后半部分的则是来源于Jefferson Airplane歌曲"High Flying Bird" .


1 History
1.1 Break-up of Oasis (2009–2010)
1.2 High Flying Birds & Amorphous Androgynous Sessions (2011–present)
2 Discography
3 Members
4 Awards and nominations
4.1 Brit Awards
4.2 NME Awards


Break-up of Oasis (2009–2010)

Oasis的专辑《Dig out your soul》发行后,外界一直盛传Noel gallagher更愿意Solo,而厌倦了继续呆在Oasis.2009年7月12日,Oasis发言人对外解释那些传闻并非真实.

可是就在两个月后,事情的走向完全崩坏了。在Oasis演出的后台,Gallagher两兄弟大打出手,据报道,起因是在口角争执后,Liam gallagher狂怒冲动之下砸坏了其兄Noel gallagher最心爱的吉他. 紧接着,2009年8月28日,Oasis官方宣布取消还有数分钟即将开始的 The Rock en Seine festival 的演出场次,还有即将开始的欧洲巡演,并正式宣布:“Oasis再不存在了.”( "does not exist anymore".)

两个小时后,Noel gallagher的个人声明赫然出现在Oasis官方网站上,Noel gallagher用这样的理由解释了所有的一切:"with some sadness and great relief...I quit Oasis tonight. People will write and say what they like, but I simply could not go on working with Liam a day longer."

High Flying Birds (2011–present)

在Oasis解散以后,Noel gallagher开始慎重考虑他的Solo计划,2011年的7月6日,Noel gallagher在伦敦召开新闻发布会,宣告Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds将于2011年10月17日发表同名专辑.而第二张专辑将于 Amorphous Androgynous合作,并定在2012年发布.

在2011年7月,Noel gallagher放出首支单曲《The Death of You and Me》,获得了诸多好评.在《The Death of You and Me》大受欢迎的情况下,Noel gallagher在官网上确认2011年11月11日在全英发行另一单曲《AKA... What a Life!》.《If I Had a Gun...》作为《Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds》首只美国单曲,2011年11月20日登陆 Apple Store,全面发售.

在新专辑新闻发布会上,谈起关于Solo Album的创作内核以及团队合作时,Noel gallagher表示:“fucking far out. It's got like 18 tracks on it, some of it's krautrock, some of it's soul, some of it's funk and that's just the first song." 随后他也表示,担心第二张与Amorphous Androgynous合作的专辑发行后不甚理想:“A lot of people are looking forward to it, which I'm a bit nervous about. They're building it up in their own minds, thinking it's going to be something it might not be when they hear it. It's fucking good, but I probably shouldn't have announced it. But I just thought, 'It's finished, so fuck it, here's what I've been working on.'" He later found it hard to say "no comment" to journalists, adding, "I'm just cursed with an absolute endless stream of one-liners. I'm sorry about that. People say it's the way I talk in interviews that makes people interested. But they just mean I'm honest. 'Oh, he's got a way with honesty, that lad…' How depressing is that?"


Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds (2011)

详情参考:Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds discography

附录中国台湾地区关于《Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds》 唱片介绍:

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds / 高空飞行(Deluxe Edition / CD+DVD 限量精装盘) - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds / 诺尔盖勒赫(前Oasis 创作主脑/ 吉他手)


发行首周空降英国金榜+ 日本国际榜冠军!滚石杂志五星激赏:「这是诺尔自【(What's The Story) Morning Glory? 】以来最棒的专辑!」;MOJO杂志四星优评:「巅峰状态的诺尔盖勒赫神采再现!」;NME:「世界级的歌曲创作才华」…各大传媒佳评如潮

作为英伦摇滚标杆大团Oasis / 绿洲合唱团吉他手、创作主脑与制作人,Noel Gallagher 带领乐团连创7张发行首周空降英国金榜冠军的专辑,写下全球7000 万张专辑销售,连续推出包括8首冠军曲在内的22 首英国金榜Top10 畅销曲。自2009 年与Oasis 分道扬镳之后,Noel 在2011 年重返摇滚战场,带来滚石杂志盛赞是Noel 自Oasis 的【(What's The Story) Morning Glory?】以来最棒的一张专辑,同时给予5 颗星满分鉴赏的首张大碟【Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds】!

专辑以Noel Gallagher 新近合作的乐团命名,乐团成员包括吉他手David McDonnell、贝斯手Russell Pritchard,专辑由Noel 与制作过Oasis 最后两张专辑的Dave Sardy 携手制作。Noel 在专辑中将过往乐团时期的摇滚风格抛到九霄云外,走向新奇的摇滚领域:从饶富意大利国宝级电影音乐大师Ennio Morricone (「新天堂乐园」) 神采、戏剧张力十足的弦乐风格大作"Everybody's On The Run",弥漫温柔感伤情绪的年轻世代抒情摇滚国歌"If I Had A Gun…",表现多切分节奏的纽奥良传统爵士乐精髓的"The Death Of You And Me",神圣且震撼心灵的摇滚大作"(I Wanna Live In A Dream In My) Record Machine",散发迪斯科经典风格、Noel 自嘲听起来像是玛丹娜才会唱的动感摇滚曲"AKA…What A Life!",到观看伊拉克战争新闻有感而发、对比呈现叛逆与感伤情绪的"Soldier Boys And Jesus Freaks",成就一张深具开创性格,音乐色彩缤纷多样的史诗大碟。



01. Everybody's On The Run

02. Dream On

03. If I Had A Gun...

04. The Death Of You And Me

05. (I Wanna Live In A Dream In My) Record Machine

06. AKA...What A Life!

07. Soldier Boys And Jesus Freaks

08. AKA...Broken Arrow

09. (Stranded On) The Wrong Beach

10. Stop The Clocks


01. It's Never Too Late To Be What U Might Have Been (The Making Of Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds)

02. The Death Of You And Me [Video]

03. The Making Of ‘The Death Of You And Me’ Video


Noel Gallagher – lead vocals, guitars

Russell Pritchard - bass guitar, backing vocals

Mike Rowe – keyboards

Tim Smith - guitars

Jeremy Stacey – drums, percussion

Awards and nomination

Brit Award

Year Nominated work Award Result

2012 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds British Male Solo Artist Nominated

NME Award

Year Nominated work Award Result

2012 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds Best Solo Artist Nominated

2012 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds Best Album Nominated

2012 Noel Gallagher launches his solo career
with press conference Greatest Music Moment
Of The Year Nominated

2012 Noel Gallagher Hero Of The Year Nominated

2012 Noel Gallagher Godlike Genius Won





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