

词条 Jean Nicod Prize


Jean Nicod Prize每年在巴黎颁发给在心灵哲学领域有重大贡献的哲学家(leading philosopher of mind)或者心灵哲学导向的认识论科学家(philosophically-oriented cognitive scientist).按照奖金规定,获奖者需做一个为期四次的演讲,其演讲由法国国家科研中心(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS))安排,以促法国国内对认知科学的跨学科之间的研究。1993年,为了纪念法国哲学家逻辑学家Jean Nicod(1893-1924)诞辰100周年,此项活动正式成立并被命名为为Jean Nicod Prize。除过CNRS,此项活动的发起者与组织者也包括École Normale Supérieure (ENS)与the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)。Jean Nicod的演讲者要做一个为期一个月至少四次的关于演讲者自己学术的思想的演讲,并且之后演讲内容将按照专论的形式收录入Jean Nicod Lectures series (MIT Press/Bradford Books; F. Recanati editor)并出版。


年代 姓名 所属大学 研究论文 视频 ISBN

1993 Jerry Fodor Rutgers UniversityThe Elm and the Expert: Mentalese and Its Semantics n/a ISBN 0-262-56093-3

1994 Fred Dretske Stanford UniversityNaturalizing the Mind n/a ISBN 0-262-54089-4

1995 Donald Davidson University of California, Berkeley n/a n/a n/a

1996 Hans Kamp University of StuttgartThinking and Talking about Things n/a n/a

1997 Jon Elster Columbia UniversityStrong Feelings. Emotion, Addiction, and Human Behavior n/a ISBN 0-262-05056-0

1998 Susan Carey New York UniversityThe Origins of Concepts: Evolution vs Culture n/a n/a

1999 John Perry Stanford UniversityKnowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness n/a ISBN 0-262-16199-0

2000 John Searle University of California, BerkeleyRationality in Action n/a ISBN 0-262-19463-5

2001 Daniel Dennett Tufts UniversitySweet Dreams. Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness n/a ISBN 0-262-04225-8

2002 Ruth Millikan University of ConnecticutVarieties of Meaning n/a ISBN 0-262-13444-6

2003 Ray Jackendoff Tufts UniversityMental Structures. Language, Society, Consciousness [1] ISBN 0-262-10119-X

2004 Zenon Pylyshyn Rutgers UniversityThings and Places. How the mind connects with the world [2] ISBN 0-262-16245-8

2005 Gilbert Harman Princeton UniversityThe Problem of Induction and Statistical Learning Theory n/a ISBN 0-262-08360-4

2006 Michael Tomasello Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, LeipzigOrigins of Human Communication [3] ISBN 0-262-20177-1

2007 Stephen Stich Rutgers UniversityMoral Theory Meets Cognitive Science: How the Cognitive Science Can Transform Traditional Debates [4] n/a

2008 Kim Sterelny Victoria University ofWellingtonThe Fate of the Third Chimpanzee n/a n/a

2009 Elizabeth Spelke Harvard UniversitySources of Human Knowledge n/a n/a





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