

词条 保罗·西蒙

保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon),1941年10月13日生于美国新泽西州的纽瓦克,从小崇拜歌星普莱斯利,十一、二岁时开始学习唱歌和弹吉它,16岁时与中学同窗好友阿特·加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)组成男声二重唱,开始了早期的演唱生涯。后来西蒙进入大学学习法律,1964年从法学院退学只身赴英国学习文学。


Adult Contemporary(成人时代)Album Rock(专辑摇滚)




Soft Rock(慢摇滚)

西蒙和加芬克尔(Simon and Garfunkel)


七十年代初,保罗·西蒙与加芬克尔各自去独立开创事业,在各自的艺术道路上都建树颇丰。保罗·西蒙的音乐风格有所改变,他迷上了第三世界音乐,他把南美音乐、牙买加音乐和爵士乐都融入到自己的音乐当中,推出的第一张个人专辑《保罗·西蒙》反响很好。他开始脱离原来的民摇摇滚风格,成为了浒音乐中最引人注目的控索者之一。1975年他的专辑《这些年来仍然疯狂》使他达到了个人成就的第一个高峰,获得当年格莱美奖中的最佳专辑和最佳浒歌手两项大奖。1986年,了为纪念“猫王”普莱斯利逝世十周年,西蒙花了一年时间深入南非,运用当地音乐素材精心制作的专辑《恩赐大地》出版,乐评界称之为流行音乐风潮中吹进的一股清风。在流行摇滚全球融合方面从前的伤口都不及《恩赐大地》这么深刻,它将多种形式的南部非洲黑人民摇和美国摇滚结合在一起,配合以奇妙的音响效果,形成一种全然不同、形式古怪的歌曲,整个唱片的卓越的艺术飘逸和控索性令人兴奋。 这张专辑两年获得格莱美大奖。





Paul Frederic Simon,1941年10月13日出生于美国新泽西州纽华克市,他首次与其伙伴Art Garfunkel以一种二人组合“Tom And Jerry”的形式进入音乐届。 1957年,他们以一首颇有影响力的摇滚乐《Hey,Schoolgirl》冲击了美国金曲排行榜。在出过一部专辑后,他们分开了,主要是为了能返回学校学习。尽管后来,Simon主要还是为CaroleKing唱片公司工作,他还是没能再出唱片,直到60年代初。Simon曾使用更种不同的化名在1962至1963年期间出过一些在美国来说的二流歌曲,比如说以Tico And The Triumphs名义出的《Motorcycle》和以Jerry Landis名义出的《The LoneTeen-Ranger》。

1964年,他移居欧洲后,开始在巴黎和英国伦敦各种民间俱尔部中演出。返回纽约后,他与CBS的唱片公司签约,制作人为TomWilson,并且重新与他的老搭档Garfunkel合作。他们在1964年录制的专辑《WednesdayMorning》,其中包括歌曲《The Sound Of Silence》的销量不是很好,使得Simon返回伦敦。同时,他制作了《PaulSimon歌曲集》,这是一个单独工作,他在预算几乎是零的情况下,对这些歌曲进行了录制工作。这其中包括一些现在已是众所周知的作品,如《I AmA Rock》、《A Most Peculiar Man》和《Kathy'sSong》。他返回美国后,他与Garfunkel的事业得到了其制作人的支持,将他们的作品《Sound Of Silence》重新进行电子处理,并改名为《The Sounds Of Silence》,制作出了一部民间摇滚金曲,并使销量剧增到美国市场最高点。在1965年到1970年期间,Simon和Garfunkel成为美国流行乐坛历史上最成功的唱片二人组。他们的伙伴关系由于对音乐理解的不同,最终还是结束了。合作中止后,Simon开始在纽约从事写歌工作,准备发展一种不同形式的独奏专辑--Paul Simon专辑。他的工作融入了拉丁、瑞格和爵士舞曲的风格,代表作有《Mother And ChildReunion》和《Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard》。

一年后,Simon终于东山再起,他的专辑获得了很成功的销售,他的两支主打歌曲《Kodachrome》和《Take Me To TheMardi Gras》为他争得很高的商业收入。他举办的巡回演出音乐会“LiveRhymin音乐会”取得了很大成功,音乐会上的部分歌曲带有明显的Simon和Garfunkel合作的风格。1975年,他的艺术之路走到顶峰,其作品《Still Crazy After All TheseYears》获得了两项格莱美大奖(当年的最佳唱片奖和最优秀的流行歌曲男歌手表演奖)。这部专辑里面的一首歌《50 Ways To LeaveYour Lover》将Simon捧上美国单曲排行第一的宝座,同时,与Garfunkel合作的《My LittleTown》也表现不俗。后来,Simon曾出现在Woody Allen公司的电影《AnnieHall》的制作过程中,他与Garfunkel以及James Taylor完成了一首杰出单曲《(What A) WonderfulWorld》的制作,继而又推出了一部专辑颇受欢迎,其中还包括主打单曲《Slip Slidin'Away》。他还将唱片商标由CBS唱片公司改投华纳兄弟唱片公司门下。1980年,他又推出了专辑《One-TrickPony》取材于他的同名电影。这部电影中包括两个由Lovin' Spoonfu和TinyTim出演的片段,但是这部专辑并没收到预期的效果,甚至于它还远不如一些“与摇滚有关的”的音乐形式。

在明白这一点后,Simon下了很大力气也花了很多时间在写歌的问题上,并且他还推迟了他当时下一部专辑的推出。其间,Simon和Garfunkel合作的在中心公园录制的专辑销量却特别好。这明显说明了制作人之间的联合还是会出成果的,但是这种情况并没有马上得到应用。相反,Simon集中全力发展他的下一部专辑,这部专辑最终是于1983年推出的,题为《Hearts AndBones》。但它的销售情况并没有像想像之中那么好,尽管其中包括单曲《The Late Great JohnnyAce》(暗示昏暗的50年代及被杀害的披头士主唱JohnLennon)。面对这部专辑销售不好以及面临诸多批评的情况,Simon感到惊慌失措,他觉得他已经处于创作失灵的边缘。这种情况到1984年就有了改变,当时有人向Simon介绍了充满活力的南非黑人音乐。

在USA For Africa乐队录制了《We Are TheWorld'》之后,Simon就完全沉浸了这种黑非洲音乐中了。此后,Simon出了一部专辑名为《Graceland》,成为80年代最迷人也是商业利益最好的专辑,在制作过程中,有很多人为它做出了贡献,有Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Los Lobos, LindaRonstadt和Rockin' Dopsie以及TheTwisters。这种音乐形式以及后来的巡回演出却引起了一些指控(美国反种族隔离委员会的误解),他们称Simon破坏了对南非文化的联合抵制行动。这部文化联合传统而形成的专辑获得的成功,是演员将自己的表演融入民间音乐的一个典型事例。Simon还将R&B、卡里普索曲和布鲁斯曲融入了他早期的节目中。这部专辑中包括几支著名的曲子《The Boy In The Bubble》(带有技术图片)和《You Can Call MeAl》(从一次有趣的认错人的事情中得到的灵感)。尽管《Graceland》在当时看起来再进行下去是不可能的了,但是Simon还是继续着他与Rhythm Of The Saints联合进行的神文化研究工作,这家公司主要研究非洲与巴西人音乐文化因素。

1994年,Simon与Edie Brickell结婚。然后,他就开始进行他在百老汇的音乐专辑《TheCapeman》的创作,其构思来源主要是基于一个发生在萨尔瓦多的真实故事,一个波多黎各的富人团伙成员因为在1959在纽约谋杀了两名白人少年而入狱。这部专辑在制作过程中也曾与诗人Derek Walcott和百老汇老艺人Jerry Zaks及JoeyMcKneely合作过,但是这部专辑歌曲在进行了59次预演和68次正式演出后,不得不于1998年3月28日停演。原因是涉及本案人员的亲属进行了不断的抗议。Simon和他手下的投资者据称损失了1100万美元的收入。这位歌手不得不重新进入工作室制作他十年以来的第一张专辑《You'reTheOne》。在这部专辑中,Simon的歌曲结构有点像是他最熟悉的西方东向歌曲(不像《Graceland》,主要在形式上是非洲的)。感觉上的这种改变非常引人注目,受来自不同大陆的音乐家的影响,西方传统乐器正在用于这部专辑的制作。


Paul Simon 个人专辑列表


The Paul Simon Songbook

1. I Am A Rock

2. Leaves That Are Green

3. A Church Is Burning

4. April Come She Will

5. The Sound Of Silence

6. A Most Peculiar Man

7. He Was My Brother

8. Kathy's Song

9. The Side Of A Hill

10. A Simple Desultory Philippic

11. Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall

12. Patterns

Paul Simon

1. Mother And Child Reunion

2. Duncan

3. Everything Put Together Falls Apart

4. Run That Body Down

5. Armistice Day

6. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

7. Peace Like A River

8. Papa Hobo

9. Hobo's Blues (Simon & Grappelli)

10. Paranoia Blues

11. Congratulations

There Goes Rhymin' Simon

1. Kodachrome

2. Tenderness

3. Take Me To The Mardi Gras

4. Something So Right

5. One Man´s Ceiling Is Another Man´s Floor

6. American Tune

7. Was A Sunny Day

8. Learn How To Fall

9. St. Judy´s Comet

10. Loves Me Like A Rock

Paul Simon in Concert: Live Rhymin'

1. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

2. Homeward Bound

3. American Tune

4. El Condor Pasa (If I Could) (D. Robles / J. Milchberg / Paul)

5. Duncan

6. The Boxer

7. Mother And Child Reunion

8. The Sound Of Silence

9. Jesus Is The Answer (A. & S. Crouch)

10. Bridge Over Troubled Water

11. Loves Me Like A Rock

12. America

Still Crazy After All These Year

1. Still Crazy After All These Years

2. My Little Town (Simon & Garfunkel)

3. I Do It For Your Love

4. Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover

5. Night Game

6. Gone At Last (Duet with Phoebe Snow)

7. Some Folks´ Lives Roll Easy

8. Have A Good Time

9. You´re Kind

10. Silent Eyes

Greatest Hits, Etc.(新歌+精选)

1. Slip Slidin´ Away

2. Stranded In A Limousine

3. Still Crazy After All These Years

4. Have A Good Time

5. Duncan

6. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

7. Something So Right

8. Kodachrome

9. I Do It For Your Love

10. Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover

11. American Tune

12. Mother And Child Reunion

13. Loves Me Like A Rock

14. Take Me To The Mardi Gras

One-Trick Pony

1. Late In The Evening

2. That's Why God Made The Movies

3. One-Trick Pony

4. How The Heart Approaches What It Yearns

5. Oh, Marion

6. Ace In The Hole

7. Nobody

8. Jonah

9. God Bless The Absentee

10. Long, Long Day

Hearts and Bone

1. Allergies

2. Hearts And Bones

3. When Numbers Get Serious


5. Song About The Moon

6. Think Too Much (a)

7. Train In The Distance

8. Rene And Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War

9. Cars Are Cars

10. The Late Great Johnny Ace


1. The Boy In The Bubble

2. Graceland

3. I Know What I Know

4. Gumboots (With The Boyoyo Boys)

5. Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes

6. You Can Call Me Al

7. Under African Skies

8. Homeless (With Ladysmith Black Mambazo)

9. Crazy Love, Vol. II

10. That Was Your Mother

11. All Around The World or The Myth Of Fingerprints

Negotiations and Love Songs 1971-1986

1. Mother And Child Reunion

2. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

3. Something So Right

4. St. Judy's Comet

5. Loves Me Like A Rock

6. Kodachrome

7. Have A Good Time

8. Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover

9. Still Crazy After All These Years

10. Late In The Evening

11. Slip Slidin' Away

12. Hearts And Bones

13. Train In The Distance

14. Rene & Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War

15. Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes

16. You Can Call Me Al

17. Graceland

The Rhythm of the Saint

1. The Obvious Child

2. Can't Run But

3. The Coast

4. Proof

5. Further To Fly

6. She Moves On

7. Born At The Right Time

8. The Cool, Cool River

9. Spirit Voices

10. The Rhythm Of The Saints

Concert in the Park [LIVE]

1. The Obvious Child

2. The Boy In The Bubble

3. She Moves On

4. Kodachrome

5. Born At The Right Time

6. Train In The Distance

7. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

8. I Know What I Know

9. The Cool, Cool River

10. Bridge Over Troubled Water

11. Proof

12. The Coast

13. Graceland

14. You Can Call Me Al

15. Still Crazy After All These Years

16. Loves Me Like A Rock

17. Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes

18. Hearts And Bones

19. Late In The Evening

20. America

21. The Boxer

22. Cecilia

23. The Sound Of Silence

Paul Simon 1964-1993(精选)

CD #1

1. Leaves That Are Green

2. The Sound Of Silence

3. Kathy's Song

4. America

5. Cecilia

6. El Condor Pasa

7. The Boxer

8. Mrs. Robinson

9. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Demo)

10. Bridge Over Troubled Water

11. The Breakup

12. Hey, Schoolgirl

13. My Little Town

14. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

15. Peace Like A River

16. Mother And Child Reunion

17. Congratulations

18. Duncan

19. American Tune

CD #2

1. Loves Me Like A Rock

2. Tenderness

3. Kodachrome

4. Gone At Last

5. Take Me To The Mardi Gras

6. St. Judy's Comet

7. Something So Right

8. Still Crazy After All These Years

9. Have A Good Time

10. Jonah

11. How The Heart Approaches What It Yearns

12. 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

13. Slip Slidin' Away

14. Late In The Evening

15. Hearts And Bones

16. Rene And Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The Wa

17. The Late Great Johnny Ace

CD #3

1. The Boy In The Bubble

2. Graceland

3. Under African Skies

4. That Was Your Mother

5. Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes

6. You Can Call Me Al

7. Homeless

8. Spirit Voices

9. The Obvious Child

10. Can't Run But

11. Thelma

12. Further To Fly

13. She Moves On

14. Born At The Right Time

15. The Cool, Cool River

16. The Sound Of Silence

The Paul Simon Anthology(精选)

Disk 1

1. The Sound Of Silence

2. Cecilia

3. El Condor Pasa

4. The Boxer

5. Mrs. Robinson

6. Bridge Over Troubled Water

7. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

8. Peace Like A River

9. Mother And Child Reunion

10. American Tune

11. Loves Me Like A Rock

12. Kodachrome

13. Gone At Last

14. Still Crazy After All These Years

15. Something So Right

16. 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

17. Slip Slidin' Away

18. Late In The Evening

19. Hearts And Bones

20. Rene And Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War

Disk 2

1. The Boy In The Bubble

2. Graceland

3. Under African Skies

4. That Was Your Mother

5. Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes

6. You Can Call Me Al

7. Homeless

8. Spirit Voices

9. The Obvious Child

10. Can't Run But

11. Thelma

12. Further To Fly

13. She Moves On

14. Born At The Right Time

15. The Cool Cool River

16. The Sound Of Silence

Songs from The Capeman

1. Adios Hermanos

2. Born In Puerto

3. Satin Summer Nights

4. Bernadette

5. The Vampires

6. Quality

7. Can I Forgive Him

8. Sunday Afternoon

9. Killer Wants To Go To College

10. Time Is An Ocean

11. Virgil

12. Killer Wants To Go To College II

13. Trailways Bus

Shining Like A National Guitar(精选)

1. Graceland

2. You Can Call Me Al

3. Mother And Child Reunion

4. The Cool Cool River

5. 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

6. The Obvious Child

7. The Boy In The Bubble

8. ReneAnd Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War

9. Late In The Evening

10. Bernadette

11. Slip Slidin' Away

12. Take Me To The Mardi Gras

13. Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes

14. Still Crazy After All These Years

15. Kodachrome

16. Loves Me Like A Rock

17. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

18. Hearts And Bones

19. Trailways Bus

You're the One

1. That’s Where I Belong

2. Darling Lorraine

3. Old

4. You’re The One

5. The Teacher

6. Look At That

7. Señorita With A Necklace Of Tears

8. Love

9. Pigs, Sheep & Wolves

10. Hurricane Eye

11. QuietOn My Way, Don't Know Where I'm Goin'(精选) DISC 1:

1. Mother And Child Reunion

2. Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

3. Kodachrome

4. Something So Right

5. Loves Me Like A Rock

6. 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

7. Still Crazy After All These Years

8. Late In The Evening

9. Slip Slidin' Away

10. Hearts And Bones

11. Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes (single version)

12. Boy In The Bubble (single version)

13. Graceland

14. You Can Call Me Al

15. Spirit Voices

16. Cool, Cool River, The

17. Adios Hermanos

18. Love

19. Hurricane Eye


1. American Tune

2. Duncan - (previously unreleased)

3. Coast, The - (previously unreleased)

4. Bridge Over Troubled Water (previously unreleased, featuring Aaron Neville)

5. Mrs. Robinson - (previously unreleased)

The Studio Recordings 1972-2000

这是一个9CD的套装,包括了Paul Simon以前发行的9张个人专辑,这里只列出每张专辑新增的Bonus Track。

1972 Paul Simon Rhino

"Duncan" demo

"Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard" demo recorded in February 1971 in San Francisco,

"Paranoia Blues" unreleased version

1973 "There Goes Rhymin' Simon"

"Take Me to the Mardi Gras" acoustic demo

"Loves Me Like a Rock," acoustic demo

"American Tune" unfinished demo

"Let Me Live in Your City" work-in-progress rendition

1975 "Still Crazy After All These Years

"Slip Slidin' Away" alternate version

"Gone at Last" with the Jessy Dixon Singers demo

1980 "One Trick Pony"

"Soft Parachutes," unreleased song

"All Because of You," unreleased song

Spiral Highway" unreleased song

"Stranded in a Limousine"

1983 "Hearts and Bones"

"The Late Great Johnny Ace" acoustic demo

"Rene and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After the War" acoustic demo

"Train in the Distance" acoustic demo

"Shelter of Your Arms" previously unreleased work-in-progress track

1986 "Graceland"

"Homeless" demo

"Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes"

"All Around the World or the Myth of Fingerprints" early take

1990 "The Rhythm of the Saints"

"Thelma" outtake

"Born at the Right Time" acoustic demo

"The Coast" work-in-progress version

"Spirit Voices." work-in-progress version

1997 "Songs From the Capeman"

"Born in Puerto Rico" demo featuring Jose Feliciano,

"Can I Forgive Him" demo

"Shoplifting Clothes" unreleased song

2000 "You're the One"

“Old" live from Paris 2000

"That's Where I Belong" live from Paris 2000

"Hurricane Eye" live from Paris 2000


1. How Can You Live In The Northeast?

2. Everything About It Is A Love Song

3. Outrageous

4. Sure Don't Feel Like Love

5. Wartime Prayers

6. Beautiful

7. I Don't Believe

8. Another Galaxy

9. Once Upon A Time There Was An Ocean

10. That's Me

11. Father And Daughter

Recorded as Jerry Landi

1. Different Kind Of Love

2. Make A Wish

3. Loneless

4. Good Foundation For Love

5. Frame Without A Picture

6. Lipstick On Your Lips

7. An Angel Cries

8. North Wind

9. Rock 'N' Roll Skaters Waltz

10. Just A Kind

11. I Want You In My Stocking

12. That's How I Feel

13. Let's Make Pictures

14. When You Come Back To School

15. Educated Fool

16. One Way Love

17. Bigger And Better Things

18. Beat Love

The Essential Paul Simon (2 CD/DVD)

Disc 1

1 Mother & Child Reunion

2 Loves Me Like a Rock

3 Me and Julio Down by the School Yard

4 Duncan

5 Kodachrome

6 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover

7 Slip Slidin' Away

8 Gone at Last

9 Something So Right

10 Late in the Evening

11 Hearts and Bones

12 Take Me to the Mardi Gras

13 That Was Your Mother

14 American Tune

15 Peace Like a River

16 Stranded in a Limousine

17 Train in a Distance

18 The Late Great Johnny Ace

19 Still Crazy After All These Years

Disc 2

1 Graceland

2 Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes

3 Boy in the Bubble

4 You Can Call Me Al

5 Under the African Skies

6 Obvious Child

7 Born at the Right Time

8 The Cool, Cool River

9 Spirit Voices

10 Adios Hermanos

11 Born in Puerto Rico

12 Quality

13 Darlin' Lorraine

14 Hurricane Eye

15 Father and Daughter

16 Outrageous

17 Wartime Prayers

Disc 3 – DVD


"Me And Julio Down By The School Yard" (with Mickey Mantle)

"You Can Call Me Al" (with Chevy Chase)

"Boy In The Bubble"

"Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes"

"The Obvious Child"

"Father And Daughter"


"The Dick Cavett Show"

-"Mrs. Robinson" (1970) - interview/performance

"Saturday Night Live"

-"Loves Me Like A Rock" (1975) - performance

-"Sweeney Sisters" (1987) - comedy sketch

-"Homeward Bound" (with George Harrison) (1976) - performance





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