词条 | CSS:使用指南 |
释义 | 基本信息原书名: CSS: The Missing Manual原出版社: O'Reilly Media, Inc. 作者: David Sawyer McFarland 丛书名: 东南大学出版社O'REILLY图书系列 出版社:东南大学出版社 ISBN:9787564107734 上架时间:2007-9-17 出版日期:2007 年6月 开本:16开 页码:476 版次:1-1 内容简介层叠样式表(css)能让你内心的设计思想迸发出来并得以实现。不过,将css与网站底层的html页面进行整合是一件非常困难的工作,有时甚至复杂得令人沮丧——这导致多数web设计者不得不放弃一些奇思妙想。《css: the missing manual》可以消除web设计工作的痛苦,并且带给你: html——重新入门。如果你是html新手,你会学到如何以css友好的方式进行基本页面构造。若你是html高手,你将学会如何像css设计者那样思考。 鲜活实例。100多页颇具实用价值的教程帮助你循序渐进地学习。你马上就可以实践所学到的概念。 设计导引。超越css基础,发现专业人员最为实用和最具视觉冲击力的页面布局技巧。 真实世界的css。本书向你展示如何调试你的css,以兼容任何浏览器——包括internet explorer 7。 目录the missing credits. introduction part one: css basics chapter 1: rethinking html for css html: past and present html past: whatever looked good html present: scaffolding for css writing html for css think structure two new html tags to learn html to forget tips to guide your way the importance of the doctype chapter 2: creating styles and style sheets anatomy of a style understanding style sheets internal or external-how to choose internal style sheets external style sheets linking a style sheet using html . linking a style sheet using css tutorial: creating your first styles creating an inline style creating an internal style sheet creating an external style sheet chapter 3: selector basics: identifying what to style tag selectors: page-wide styling class selectors: pinpoint control id seledors: specific page elements styling tags within tags the html family tree building descendent seledors styling groups of tags constructing group selectors the universal seledor (asterisk) pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements styles for links more pseudo-classes and -elements advanced seledors child selectors adjacent siblings altribute selectors tutorial: selector sampler creating a group selector creating and applying a class selector creating and applying an id seledor creating a descendent selector chapter 4: saving time with inheritance what is inheritance? how inheritance streamlines style sheets the limits of inheritance tutorial: inheritance a basic example: one level of inheritance using inheritance to resle an entire page inheritance inaction chapter 5: managing multiple styles: the cascade how styles cascade inherited styles accumulate nearest ancestor wins the directly applied style wins one tag, many styles specificity: which style wins the tiebreaker: last style wins …… part two: applied css chapter 6: formatting text chapter 7: margins, padding, and borders chapter 8: adding graphics to web pages chapter 9: sprucing up your site's navigation chapter 10: formatting tables and forms part three: css page layout chapter 11: building float-based layouts chapter 12: positioning elements on a web page part four: advanced css chapter 13: css for the printed page chapter 14: improving your css habits part five: appendixes appendix a: css property reference appendix b: css in dreamweaver 8 appendix c: css resources index |
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