

词条 Billy McLaughlin

Billy McLaughlin出生在美国的明尼阿波利斯市,并在这个城市长大,之后在南加州大学(University of Southern California)学习音乐,在此钻研作曲以及指弹吉他,并在毕业伊始的1989年即独立发行了一对黑胶唱片:《吸入粉色(Inhale Pink)》、《呼出蓝色(Exhale Blue)》。随后便开始了他的演出生涯,高峰的时候每年的演出时间都在200天以上,1993年推出第三张专辑《吉他之箭(The Archery of Guitar)》后被明尼苏达音乐奖授予"New Age Artist of the Year”的称号,1994年推出《冬歌&老调(Wintersongs & Traditionals)》,并在一年后与Hindu Rodeo成员共同录制《弓与箭(The Bow and Arrow)》。1996年的《指舞(Fingerdance)》是其在Narada label的首次录音,1999年录制《失控(Out of Hand)》,紧接着第二年《风暴探索者(Stormseekers)》出炉……


The Best Of Billy McLaughlinBilly 专辑是Billy被诊断出Focal Dystonia(也就是所谓的 局部肌张力不全症 患者的手部会蜷缩在一起)之后发行的精选集。精选了billy的经典曲目。当然。2006年billy尝试变换自己弹琴的方式(如同大提琴一样).并且变成右手姿势。并且开了几场回归音乐会。


每次听到hold on to 4ever 并想到billy得经历。就会很感动。



If I have learned anything in the last few years it is this:

If you have a dream, believe in it now — your heart already knows where you belong. Don’t wait. You are now in partnership with the Almighty — there are no obstacles which you cannot overcome.

Many challenges, including my own ongoing struggle with focal dystonia, have helped me understand this simple truth. Along the way I have learned that I could not do it alone — the music I make now is a thank you for all your prayers and generosity.

Most of my music has no words, but now you know what I’m trying to say.

Thanks for listening


Hold on to Forever 点弦柔情佳作!

Helms Place 指弹界的For the love of God

Fingerdance 你真的可以感受到手指在舞蹈 daddad调弦

County Wicklow Mystic


1. Tsavo (Edit)

2. II

3. County Wicklow Mystic

4. Fingerdance

5. Bow and the Arrow

6. Breaking of the Shells

7. Candleman

8. Coffee Break

9. Jardin Secreto

10. Helms Place

11. Hold on to Forever

12. Norma's Shuffle





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