词条 | 倩碧男士洁面紧肤水 |
释义 | 基本介绍商品品牌: Clinique 倩碧 计量单位: 瓶 规格:200ml 商品重量: 0.250 kg 商品简介: 倩碧男士护理系列,倩碧爽肤水系列 市场价格: ¥220.00 详细介绍Clinique Scruffing Lotion 3.5 200ml/6.7oz Removes dead flakes from skin's surface. 1.5 is for sensitive skin, 2.5 is for dry to average skin, 3.5 for oily skin, 4.5 for very oily skin. · Helps skin renew itself faster. · Controls excess oil; lessens chance of pore-clogging, trouble spots. · Perfect for men with oily skin. · 6.7-fluid-ounce bottle. How to Use: Twice a day after Face Soap-preferable after shaving. Apply with 100% cotton ball in one direction over areas not shaved, always avoiding eyes and mouth. Removes dead flakes from skin's surface. Helps skin renew itself faster. Controls excess oil; lessens chance of pore-clogging, trouble spots. Perfect for men with very oily skin. Twice a day after Face Soap-preferable after shaving. Apply with 100% cotton ball in one direction over areas not shaved, always avoiding eyes and mouth. Clinique 倩碧男士洁面紧肤水3.5号 200ml 清除肌肤上枯萎皮屑,减少毛孔阻塞及暗疮出现。适合混合性偏油皮肤。 有效祛除油性肌肤表面死皮细胞。含有抗菌成份,能有效防止剃须划伤引起感染。包装结实,便于旅行携带。 温和有效祛除油性肌肤表面死皮细胞,使剃须更加方便,紧致肌肤。含有抗菌成份,能有效防止剃须划伤引起感染。控制油脂分泌(黑头)。改善肌肤瑕疵。使衣领保持清洁。包装结实,便于旅行携带。皮肤科医生配方。 不含油份的配方,能清除乾枯的死皮皮屑、控制过多的油脂分泌,减低毛发倒生的可能性,及避免毛孔阻塞,令皮肤乾净顺滑,不易长出暗疮。 使用方法早、晚各一次,用于洁面后,剃须前较佳。用棉球沾取适量洁肤水,以一个方向在面部和颈部擦拭,请避开剃须部位及眼唇部。 |
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