

词条 A Fine Frenzy



A Fine Frenzy


Alison Sudol






来自美国的年轻女孩A Fine Frenzy在7月份发行了自己的第一盘专集,整盘专集顺畅的表达了A Fine Frenzy特有的那股特有犹豫和伤感,看了A Fine Frenzy详细的资料,并没有发现她的成长中有过太大的苦难,但却把忧伤演绎的这样优美和完整;当你孤单受伤或夜晚思念的时候不妨来听听A Fine Frenzy的轻吟,你会找到许多共鸣,让那颗受过伤的心灵找到一丝安慰;其实她的音乐本身没有太多值得称赞的亮点,但带上耳机听着A Fine Frenzy的音乐,自己却变的非常安静.

她,无师自通一手好琴艺!她,饶富细腻感受的创作文采,大多于她喜爱的深夜时分之中完成。来自于美国西雅图,钟爱文学本名为Alison Sudol的「美丽瞬间A Fine Frenzy」,摘下莎士比亚知名作品《仲夏夜之梦》书中的一个字词「A Fine Frenzy」,自在地迈开她充满诗意的音乐之路。在成长的过程当中,A Fine Frenzy自然地呼吸着Classical、Motown、Swing、Rock、Folk…等不同类型音乐。无论是从经典大师Aretha Franklin、Ella Fitzgerald、Elton John、Louis Armstrong、The Beatles,或是到新世代的音乐人Radiohead、Coldplay、Sigur Ros,在《美丽瞬间》MV中 A Fine Frenzy全都在他们的身上,寻觅到各式各样的灵感养份,「贪婪地」灌注在自己的创作土壤里。

2006年,藉由一张自己寄出的 demo,这个全身围绕着文艺气息的音乐创作人,立刻获得了EMI唱片合约。再发行几张颇受好评的单曲,以及参与无数现场表演的历练之后,创作力惊人的A Fine Frenzy终于带着她的首张专辑《沧海一粟One Cell In The Sea》,找来两大制作人,以大量钢琴音符、空心吉他线条、以及无重力的嗓音,建构出一个充满想象画面的唯美世界。创作里散发独树一格的音乐氛围,立刻抓住众多好耳朵的关爱,美国星巴克娱乐副总为之深深着迷,并公开赞誉:“A Fine Frenzy是音乐界里的稀有品种,藉由她的音乐,你将立即前往一个温暖且萦绕的诗意天地。”美国权威娱乐杂志Paste Magazine也大力称许:“A Fine Frenzy的首张专辑,美丽又神秘!她过人的丰采,绝对是文字创作世界里的下一个明日之星。”18岁时有感而发所创作的〈Almost Lover〉,是这张专辑里的首发单曲,这首爱恋挽歌除了在欧洲引起广大回响,更在斯洛维尼亚Slovenia夺下冠军宝座,更被MTV真人实境节目【The Hills】,以及知名电视剧【Big Shots】,不约而同地选作配乐;并作为插曲出现在电影《梦游》中.


5岁时父母离异,从此与母亲搬去洛山矶,很少再见父亲16岁高中毕业,她觉得自己又呆又乖,进入大学生活还太早,于是用2年时间想为曾经的音乐道路探索出个究竟,18岁时组建第一支乐队Monro. 从此一发不可收拾。

她对文学十分着迷,曾沉浸于狄更司等诸多作家作品当中,莎士比亚知名作品《仲夏夜之梦》中的一句:"The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven"(“诗人的眼,有精美的迷乱滚动,转瞬即是天堂地狱,地狱天堂”)便是她艺名”精美的迷乱“的出处。


"I think some people may be surprised," says Alison Sudol. "They think that I'm all fragile and ethereal—and that's lovely, it's flattering. It's all I've really let anyone see, up to this point. But I have a wild side too. I like to bang on things and cause a ruckus every now and then. I'm a quiet person with a loud streak. I like both. This record is a testament to that."

Sudol, age 24, is the leader of A Fine Frenzy, which she introduced to the world with the 2007 album ONE CELL IN THE SEA. The project established her as one of the most talented young singers and songwriters around; it received rave reviews, was widely exposed through songs being licensed to numerous television shows, and reached Number One on Billboard's "Heatseeker" charts. A Fine Frenzy was chosen as a VH1 "You Oughta Know" artist, and much was made of the young redheaded singer's literary interests (including a band name taken from Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream).

"On tour, I discovered that, while I love being behind the piano and having quiet moments with the audience, I also love rocking out and having a good time. I started expanding my tastes, listening to as much music as I could get my hands on. Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan and the Talking Heads changed my life."

A sweeping rock ballad, complete with bombastic drums-and-vocal break, the song became the pivot point for BOMB IN A BIRDCAGE. "It was the most unruly I'd ever been," says Sudol. "When I wrote it, I knew it had to be enormous- giant guitars, raucous drums. I was scared by it at first and wanted to put it aside. But the songs I tend to love the most in the end are often the ones that, initially, I wanted to do away with. They're overwhelming when they first come along. Change scares me—but I know that about myself. Usually when I'm scared, it's an indication that I ought to plow ahead. It's not particularly easy and I would love if it weren't the case, but it tends to work."

Though the album reaches into such unexpected sonic styles as the bouncy dance-pop of "Electric Twist" and the breezy, propulsive "Blow Away," Sudol's lyrics remain rooted in the natural world. Born in Seatlle and raised in Los Angeles, it's clear that no matter how much of her life is spent on stages and in studios, she retains a close relationship to the outdoors, and to the spirit of fantasy she found in writers like Lewis Carroll and C.S. Lewis.

"That's who I am, that's the way I see the world," she says. "It's broadened, but it hasn't changed. On tour, some of the most amazing moments came in seeing the world: parks, mountains, rivers, oceans. That reminds me of who I am as a human being, and whatever I do, I'll find a way to work with those elements."

"I felt like being daring," she says. "I wasn't interested in doing more of the same. That doesn't inspire me, so I just went with whatever was exciting me. And now, I can't wait to get on the road with this stuff! It's going to be quite an undertaking, but I'm up for it."


01 almost lover 02 ashes and wine 03 elements 04 blow away 05 happier 06 swan song 07 electric twist 08 the beacon 09 near to you 10 think of you 11 last of days 12 bird of the summer

专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

Bomb in a Birdcage 2009-07-01 英语

专辑曲目(11)01 What I Wouldn't Do 02 New Heights 03 Electric Twist 04 Blow Away 05 Happier 06 Swan Song 07 Elements 08 World Without 09 Bird Of The Summer 10 Stood Up 11 Beacon

Oh Blue Christmas 2009-01-23 英语

专辑曲目(6)01 Blue Christmas (Billy Hayes, Jay W. Johnson) 02 Winter Wonderland (Felix Bernard, Richard B. Smith) 03 Redribbon Foxes (Alison Sudol) 04 Winter White (Sudol) 05 Wish You Well (Sudol) 06 Christmas Time Is Here (Vince Guaraldi, Lee Mendelson)cv

one cell in the sea 2007-07-17

唱片公司:Virgin Records
专辑曲目(14)01 hope for the hopeless 02 come on, come out 03 almost lover 04 liar, liar 05 Ashes And Wine 06 Borrowed Time 07 Last Of Days 08 Lifesize 09 Near To You 10 Rangers 11 The Minnow & The Trout 12 Think Of You 13 Whisper 14 You Picked Me





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