

词条 周选围

周选围(1962-),男,陕西咸阳人,上海交通大学副研究员 硕士生导师


1980~1984 陕西理工大学(原汉中师范学院)生物系就读

1984~1990 陕西理工大学任助教,讲师

1990~1991 华东师范大学硕士进修班进修

1991~2004 陕西理工大学任副教授,教授,陕西省资源生物重点实验室主任助理,兼任陕西省食品学会理事、汉中市食品与生物工程学会秘书长

2004~至今 上海交通大学农业与生物学院植物生物技术研究中心


(1)周选围主持:利用DNA改组技术优化真菌免疫调节蛋白基因”, 2007国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:30771500);资助经费:29万元;执行年限: 2008.1-2010.12.

(2)周选围主持:“产紫杉醇内生真菌基因工程改良的研究”2007上海市科委中药现代化专项基金,经费:60万元,执行年限: 2007.9-2010.9.

(3)周选围主持:“灵芝生药质量分子检测技术的研究”,2005年上海市科委专项基金(05DZ05007),经费:15/55万,执行年限: 2005.10-2007.10。





在多年教学科研工作中,先后获陕西省教育厅科技进步二等奖(第1)和教育部办公厅“世界银行贷款 师范教育发展项目改革课题”优秀成果三等奖(第3)各1项;主编《天然抗癌植物资源与开发利用》(西北大学出版社,1999)、参编《体外培养的原理和技术》(科学出版社,2001)、《中草药生物技术》(复旦大学出版社,2005)等专著和教材共8部,在国内外杂志公开发表论文百余篇。


陕西省教育厅科技进步二等奖 (第1)

教育部办公厅“世界银行贷款-师范教育发展项目改革课题”优秀成果三等奖 (第3)

主编《天然抗癌植物资源与开发利用》 (西北大学出版社,1999)

参编《体外培养的原理和技术》 (科学出版社,2001)

《中草药生物技术》 (复旦大学出版社,2005)


1. Xuanwei Zhou, Juan Lin, Lei Zhang, Zhonghai Chen, Yizhou Yin, Binhui Guo, Xiaofen Sun and Kexuan Tang. The Development of Biotechnology Education in China. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2006, 34(2): 141-147.

2. Zhou Xuanwei, Li Qizhang, Yin Yizhou, Chen Yiyuan, Lin Juan. Identification of Medicinal Ganoderma Species Based on PCR with Specific Primers and PCR-RFLP. Planta Medica. 2008, 74(2): 197-200.

3. Xuanwei Zhou, Juan Lin, Yizhou Yin, Jingya Zhao Xiaofen Sun, Kexuan Tang. Ganodermataceae: Natural Products and Their Related Pharmacological Functions. American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2007, 35(4): 559-574.

4. Xuanwei Zhou, Juan Lin, Yizhou Yin, Xiaofen Sun and Kexuan Tang. Participation in Research Program: a novel course in undergraduate education of life science. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2007, 35(5):322-327

5. Xuanwei Zhou, Juan Lin, Yizhou Yin, Qizhang Li, Jingya Zhao, Kexuan Tang. Comparison of Rapid DNA Extraction Methods Applied to PCR Identification of Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma spp. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology. 2007, 37(4):369-380.

6. Xuanwei Zhou, Hua Jiang, Juan Lin, Kexuan Tang. Cytotoxic activities of Coriolus versicolor (Yunzhi) extracts on human liver cancer and breast cancer cell line. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2007, 6(15):1740-1743.

7. Xuanwei Zhou, Zinan Wang, Keji Jiang, Yamin Wei, Juan Lin, Xiaofen Sun, Kexuan tang. Screening of taxol-producing endophytic fungi from Taxus chinensis var. mairei. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2007, 43(4):439-443.

8. 周选围,林娟,李奇璋,尹燡周,孙小芬,唐克轩. 灵芝蛋白类活性成分的研究进展. 天然产物开发与研究. 2007, 19(5): 916~924.

9. 周选围, 陈文强, 邓百万,王智,彭浩,林娟. 生物技术在药用真菌资源开发与保护中的应用.中草药. 2005, 36(3):451~455.

10. 周选围,林娟,孙小芬, 唐克轩. 中药指纹图谱与灵芝质量标准研究方法.中草药. 2006, 37(8): 1121-1125.

11. 周选围, 王子楠,魏雅敏,林娟,孙小芬,谈峰, 苗志奇,唐克轩. 红豆杉内生真菌发酵培养基和原生质体制备酶系统的筛选.应用与环境生物学报. 2006, 12 (2):176-181.

11.Zhou XW, Lin J, Yin YZ, Zhao JY, Sun XF, Tang KX. Ganodermataceae: natural products and their related pharmacological functions. American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2007, 35(4): 559-574.

12.Zhou XW, Lin J, Yin YZ, Sun XF, Tang KX. Participation in research program: a novel course in undergraduate education of life science. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2007, 35(5):322-327.

13.Zhou XW, Lin J, Yin YZ, Li QZ, Zhao JY, Tang KX. Comparison of rapid DNA extraction methods applied to PCR identification of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma spp. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology. 2007, 37(4):369-380.

14.Zhou XW, Jiang H, Lin J, Tang KX. Cytotoxic activities of Coriolus versicolor (Yunzhi) extracts on human liver cancer and breast cancer cell line. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2007, 6(15):1740-1743.

15.Zhou XW, Wang ZN, Jiang KJ, Wei YM, Lin J, Sun XF, Tang KX. Screening of taxol-producing endophytic fungi from Taxus chinensis var. mairei. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2007, 43(4):439-443.

16.Zhou XW, Lin J, Zhang L, Chen ZH, Yin YZ, Guo BH, Sun XF, Tang KX. The development of biotechnology education in china. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 2006, 34(2): 141-147.

17.Lin J, Zhou XW, Gao S, Wu WS, Liu XJ, Sun XF, Tang KX. Authentication of Pinellia ternata and its adulterants based on PCR with specific primers. Planta Med. 2006, 72(9): 844-847.

18.Lin J, Zhou XW, Fei J, Liao ZH, Sun XF, Wang J, Tang KX. Genomic cloning and characterization of a PPA gene encoding a mannose-binding lectin from Pinellia pedatisecta. Biocell. 2006, 30(1):15-25.

19.Guo BH, Wang YC, Zhou XW, Hu K, Tan F, Miao ZQ, Tang KX. An endophytic Taxol-producing fungus BT2 isolated from Taxus chinensis var. mairei.





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