

词条 周伟军

周伟军,博士。男,浙江鄞县人,1962年12月出生。先后在海外多所大学与研究所研修及工作,与国外同行建立了很好合作关系。现任国际SCI刊物《Australian Journal of Agricultural Research》编委,十余种国际SCI刊物指定审稿人,中国作物学会理事会理事、作物生理学组副组长,中国作物学会油料作物专业委员会理事,浙江省农作物品种审定委员会油菜专业组组长,浙江省“151人才工程”第一层次人员,挂职浙江大学外事处副处长等。


浙江大学 作物科学研究所 农学系系主任、教授



1994.09–1998.06: 浙江农业大学环境资源学院,理学博士(生态学)

1987.09–1988.09: 英国Birmingham University生物学院,理学硕士(生物学)

1979.11–1983.06: 浙江农业大学农学系,农学学士


1998.09–至 今: 浙江大学农业与生物技术学院,教授、博士生导师(2000.3)

1994.12–1998.08: 浙江农业大学农学系,副教授

1991.03–1994.12: 浙江农业大学农学系,讲师

1983.08–1991.03: 浙江农业大学农学系,助教


2007.11–2007.11: 美国Cornell University, North Carolina State University学术交流

2007.09–2007.09: 澳大利亚CSIRO Publishing, University of Western Australia学术交流

2007.01–2007.01: 美国University of California洛杉矶分校, Davis分校学术交流

2004.06–2004.06: 南非德班市举行的第八届国际寄生植物研讨会科学委员会委员

2001.09–2003.09: 日本Utsunomiya University野生植物研究中心特别研究员(JSPS)

2001.03–2001.06: 英国John Innes Centre作物遗传学系合作研究

2000.03–2000.08: 德国Kiel University农业与营养学院合作研究

1998.12–1999.11: 瑞典Svalof Weibull AB Nilsson-Ehle实验中心研修

1988.03–1988.04: 以色列Hebrew University of Jerusalem农学院学术访问

1987.07–1987.09: 英国Aston University英语教学部进修

































Zhang W.F, F. Zhang, Raziuddin, H.J. Gong, Z.M. Yang, L. Lu, Q.F. Ye & W.J. Zhou*. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on oilseed rape seedling growth under herbicide toxicity stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, in press.

Subrahmaniyan K. & Zhou W.J. Soil temperature associated with degradable, non-degradable plastic and organic mulches and their effect on biomass production, enzyme activities and seed yield of winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2007, in press.

Subrahmaniyan K., Kalaiselvan P., Balasubramanian T.N. & Zhou W.J. Soil properties and yield of groundnut associated with herbicides, plant geometry and plastic mulch. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2007, in press.

Gong H J, Chen K M, Zhao Z G, Chen G C, Zhou W J*. Regulation of silicon on antioxidant defense of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at different developmental stages in field drought conditions. Biologia Plantarum, 2007, accepted.

Song W. J., W. J. Zhou, Z. L. Jin, D. Zhang, K. Yoneyama, Y. Takeuchi & D. M. Joel. Growth regulators restore germination of Orobancheseeds that are conditioned under water stress and suboptimal temperature. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2006, 57 (11): 1195-1201

Zhang G.Q. & W.J. Zhou*. Genetic analyses of agronomic and seed quality traits of synthetic oilseed Brassica napus produced from interspecific hybridization of B. campestris and B. oleracea. Journal of Genetics, 2006, 85 (1): 45-51

Zhang Z.J., H.Z. Li, W.J. Zhou*, Y. Takeuchi & K. Yoneyama. Effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid on development and salt tolerance of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) microtubers in vitro. Plant Growth Regulation, 2006, 49 (1): 27-34

Zhang G.Q., Y. He, L. Xu, G.X. Tang & W.J. Zhou*. Genetic analyses of agronomic and seed quality traits of doubled haploid population inBrassica napus through microspore culture. Euphytica, 2006, 149 (1-2): 169-177

Zhou W.J.*, G.Q. Zhang, S. Tuvesson, C. Dayteg & B. Gertsson. Genetic survey of Chinese and Swedish oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) by simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2006, 53 (3): 443-447

Zhang Z.J., W.J. Zhou*, H.Z. Li, G.Q. Zhang, K. Subrahmaniyan & J.Q. Yu. Effect of jasmonic acid on in vitro explant growth and microtuberization in potato. Biologia Plantarum, 2006, 50 (3): 453-456

Lin X.Q., W.J. Zhou*, D.F. Zhu, H.Z. Chen & Y.P. Zhang. Nitrogen accumulation, remobilization and partitioning of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under an improved irrigation practice. Field Crops Research, 2006, 96 (2-3): 448-454

Zhang G.Q., D.Q. Zhang, G.X. Tang, Y. He & W.J. Zhou*. Plant development from microspore-derived embryos in oilseed rape as affected by chilling, desiccation and cotyledon excision. Biologia Plantarum, 2006, 50 (2): 180-186

Feng L., H. Fang, W.J. Zhou, M. Huang & Y. He. Nitrogen stress measurement of canola based on multi-spectral charged coupled device imaging sensor. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2006, 26 (9): 1749-1752

Song W.J., W.J. Zhou*, Z.L. Jin, D.D. Cao, D.M. Joel, Y. Takeuchi & K. Yoneyama. Germination response of Orobanche seeds subjected to conditioning temperature, water potential and growth regulator treatments. Weed Research, 2005, 45: 467-476

Li H.Z., W.J. Zhou*, Z.J. Zhang, H.H. Gu, Y. Takeuchi & K. Yoneyama. Effect of gamma radiation on development, yield and quality of microtubers in vitro in Solanum tuberosum L. Biologia Plantarum, 2005, 49 (4): 625-628

Lin X.Q., W.J. Zhou, D.F. Zhu & Y.B. Zhang. Effect of SWD irrigation on photosynthesis and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Field Crops Research, 2005, 94 (1): 67-75

Zhou W.J., K. Yoneyama, Y. Takeuchi, S. Iso, S. Rungmekarat, S.H. Chae, D. Sato & D.M. Joel. In vitro infection of host roots by differentiated calli of the parasitic plant Orobanche. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2004, 55 (398): 899-907

Zhang G.Q., G.X. Tang, W.J. Song & W.J. Zhou*. Resynthesizing Brassica napus from interspecific hybridization between Brassica rapa andB. oleracea through ovary culture. Euphytica, 2004, 140 (3): 181-187

Gu H.H., P. Hagberg & W.J. Zhou*. Cold pretreatment enhances microspore embryogenesis in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Plant Growth Regulation, 2004, 42 (2): 137-143

Gu H.H., W.J. Zhou* & P. Hagberg. High frequency spontaneous production of doubled haploid plants in microspore cultures of Brassicarapa spp. chinensis. Euphytica, 2003, 134 (3): 239-245

Zhang G.Q., Zhou W.J.*, Gu H.H., Song W.J. & Momoh E.J.J. Plant regeneration from the hybridization of Brassica juncea and B. napusthrough embryo culture. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2003, 189 (5): 347-350

Tang G.X., Zhou W.J.*, Li H.Z., Mao B.Z., He Z.H. & Yoneyama K. Medium, explant and genotype factors influencing shoot regeneration in oilseed Brassica spp. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2003, 189 (5): 351-358

Momoh E.J.J., Zhou W.J.* & Kristiansson B. Variation in the development of secondary dormancy in oilseed rape genotypes under conditions of stress. Weed Research, 2002, 42: 446-455

Zhou W.J.*, Hagberg P. & Tang G.X. Increasing embryogenesis and doubling efficiency by immediate colchicine treatment of isolated microspores in spring Brassica napus. Euphytica, 2002, 128: 27-34

George M.S., Lu G.Q. & Zhou W.J. Genotypic variation for potassium uptake and utilization efficiency in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Field Crops Research, 2002, 77: 7-15

Zhou W.J.*, Tang G.X. & Hagberg P. Efficient production of doubled haploid plants by immediate colchicine treatment of isolated microspores in winter Brassica napus. Plant Growth Regulation, 2002, 37: 185-192

Momoh E.J.J. & Zhou W.J.*. Growth and yield responses to plant density and stage of transplanting in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napusL.). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2001, 186: 253-259

Zhou W.J.* & Leul M. Uniconazole-induced tolerance of rape plants to heat stress in relation to changes in hormonal levels, enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation. Plant Growth Regulation, 1999, 27: 99-104

Leul M. & Zhou W.J.*. Alleviation of waterlogging damage in winter rape by uniconazole application: Effects on enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation and membrane integrity. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 1999, 18: 9-14

Leul M. & Zhou W.J.*. Alleviation of waterlogging damage in winter rape by application of uniconazole: Effects on morphological characteristics, hormones and photosynthesis. Field Crops Research, 1998, 59: 121-127

Zhou W.J.* & Leul M. Uniconazole-induced alleviation of freezing injury in relation to changes in hormonal balance, enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in winter rape. Plant Growth Regulation, 1998, 26: 41-47

Zhou W.*, Zhao D. & Lin X. Effects of waterlogging on nitrogen accumulation and alleviation of waterlogging damage by application of nitrogen fertilizer and mixtalol in winter rape (Brassica napus L.). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 1997, 16: 47-53

Zhou W.* & Ye Q. Physiological and yield effects of uniconazole on winter rape (Brassica napus L.). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 1996, 15: 69-73

Zhou W.*, Tao S. & Zhao D. Physiological regulation of mixtalol in rape senescence and its yield effects. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 1995, 14: 37-40

Zhou W.J.* & Lin X.Q. Effects of waterlogging at different growth stages on physiological characteristics and seed yield of winter rape (Brassica napus L.). Field Crops Research, 1995, 44: 103-110

Zhou W.J.* & Xi H.F. Effects of mixtalol and paclobutrazol on photosynthesis and yield of rape (Brassica napus). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 1993, 12: 157-161


He Y., Wan G. L., Chen S. B., Jin Z. L., Xu L., Tang G. X., Zhou W. J.*. Effects of mutagenic treatments of isolated microspores and microspore-derived embryos on embryogenesis and plant regeneration in oilseed rape. In “GCIRC Proceedings of the 12 International Rapeseed Congress”, Vol. II, 2007, pp. 69-72. GCIRC, Wuhan (China), Science Press USA Inc.

He Y., Wan G. L., Jin Z. L., Xu L., Tang G. X., Zhou W. J.*. Mutagenic treatments of cotyledons for in vitro plant regeneration in oilseed rape. In “GCIRC Proceedings of the 12 International Rapeseed Congress”, Vol. II, 2007, pp. 54-57. GCIRC, Wuhan (China), Science Press USA Inc.

Jin Z.L, JY Ma, F Zhang, WF Zhang, QH Tang, L Lu, QF Ye, WJ Zhou*. Studies on the tolerance to new herbicide Pyribambenz-propyl in oilseed rape. In: GCIRC Proceedings of the 12 International Rapeseed Congress, 2007, Vol. IV, pp. 299-302, GCIRC, Wuhan (China), Science Press USA Inc.

Zhang F, J Lin, ZL Jin, WF Zhang, QH Tang, L Lu, QF Ye, WJ Zhou*. Effects of new herbicide Pyribambenz-propyl on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of different Brassica species. In: GCIRC Proceedings of the 12 International Rapeseed Congress, 2007, Vol. IV, pp. 310-313, GCIRC, Wuhan (China), Science Press USA Inc.

Zhang W.F., H.Q. Feng, F. Zhang, Z.L. Jin, Q.H. Tang, L. Lu, Q.F. Ye, W.J. Zhou*. Synergism of new herbicide pyribambenz-propyl and 5-aminolevulinic acid in relation to seedling growth and antioxidant activity in oilseed rape. In: GCIRC Proceedings of the 12 International Rapeseed Congress, 2007, Vol. IV, pp. 306-309, GCIRC, Wuhan (China), Science Press USA Inc.

Huang M, He Y, Zhou WJ, Cen HY. 2007. Predicting nitrogen status of oilseed rape based on Vis-NIR spectroscopy. In “GCIRC Proceedings of the 12 International Rapeseed Congress,” Vol. III, pp. 248-251. GCIRC, Wuhan (China), Science Press USA Inc.

Subrahmaniyan K, WJ Zhou and P Kalaiselvan. Use of biodegradable plastic mulch in winter rapeseed production. International Conference on Plasticulture and Precision Farming. 17-21 November 2005, New Delhi, India, 2005, 497

Subrahmaniyan K, TN Balasubramanian, P Kalaiselvan and WJ Zhou. Assessing weed management potential of different colours of polyethylene film mulch in groundnut. International Conference on Plasticulture and Precision Farming. 17-21 November 2005, New Delhi, India, 2005, 498

Joel DM, D Plakhine, SH Chae, WJ Zhou, K Yoneyama and Y Takeuchi. Influence of fluridone on conditioning and germination of Orobanche seeds. Joint Working Groups and MC meeting of COST Action 849. Broomrape Biology, Control and Management. 15-17 September 2005, The University of Reading, UK, 2005, 17

Song W.J., W.J. Zhou*, Z.L. Jin, D.D. Cao & K. Yoneyama. Changes in germination of Orobanche seeds in response to conditioning temperature and PGR treatments. Proceedings of 8th International Parasitic Weeds Symposium, Durban, South Africa, 2004, 28

Zhou W.J.*, W.J. Song, K. Yoneyama, Y. Takeuchi & D.M. Joel. Callus production of Orobanche and its novel aseptic infection on host roots. Proceedings of 8th International Parasitic Weeds Symposium, Durban, South Africa, 2004, 18

ZhouW.J.*, XieX.N., SongW.J., Sato D., Takeuchi Y. & Yoneyama K. Changes of germination and ABA levels in Orobanche seeds under conditions of stress. Proceedings of Chemical Regulation of Plants, Nagoya, Japan, 2003, 41-42 [Abstract appears in Regulation of Plant Growth and Development, 2003, 38 (S): 41]

SongW.J., ZhouW.J.*, XieX.N., Takeuchi Y. & Yoneyama K. Germination response of Orobanche seeds subjected to temperature and PGR treatments. Proceedings of Chemical Regulation of Plants, Nagoya, Japan, 2003, 75-76 [Abstract appears in Regulation of Plant Growth and Development, 2003, 38 (S): 75]

Tang G.X., Zhou W.J.*, Yoneyama K. & Takeuchi Y. Effects of 2,4-D and CuSO4 on the induction of embryogenic callii and the regeneration of plants in barley. Proceedings of Chemical Regulation of Plants, Sapporo, Japan, 2002, 151-152 (ISSN 0919-1887)

Zhang Z.J., Zhou W.J.*, Li H.Z., Yoneyama K. & Takeuchi Y. Effect of AgNO3 on in vitro microtuber induction in potato. Proceedings of Chemical Regulation of Plants, Sapporo, Japan, 2002, 17-18 (ISSN 0919-1887)

Zhou W.J.*, Iso S., Yoneyama K., Takeuchi Y., Song W.J. & Tang G.X. Seed germination stimulation of root parasites by Brassica spp., red clover and Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of Chemical Regulation of Plants, Sapporo, Japan, 2002, 149-150 (ISSN 0919-1887)

Zhou W.J.*, Iso S., Joel D.M., Yoneyama K. & Takeuchi Y. In vitro culture of Orobanche ramosa, O. aegyptiaca and O. minor. Proceedings of Chemical Regulation of Plants, Sapporo, Japan, 2002, 139-140 (ISSN 0919-1887)

Bruck H., Lugert I., Zhou W.J. & Sattelmacher B. Why is physiological water-use efficiency lower under low nitrogen supply? XIV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Hannover, Germany, 2001, 130-132


Xu L., U. Najeeb, G.X. Tang, H.H. Gu, G.Q. Zhang, Y. He & W.J. Zhou*. Chapter 7. Haploid and doubled haploid technology. In: Advances in Botanical Research - Volume 45: Rapeseed Breeding, S.K. Gupta (ed.), Academic Press / Elsevier Ltd., San Diego, California, USA, 2007, 181-216.

张国平, 周伟军主编. 植物生理生态学. 杭州: 浙江大学出版社, 2005

谢 皓, 周伟军. 种业产业化教程(种子的形成与发育章),全国高等农林院校十五规划教材. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2003, 218-257

张国平, 周伟军主编. 作物栽培学. 杭州: 浙江大学出版社, 2001

周伟军, 张吕望. 农作物种子生产与质量控制技术(油菜章),杭州: 浙江大学出版社, 2001, 78-95

周伟军. 浙江农事手册(油料作物篇). 北京: 中国农业科技出版社, 2000, 69-74

周伟军. 知识经济与农业生产(作物遗传改良、植物保护章). 杭州: 浙江大学出版社, 1999, 41-79、122-137

程家安, 周伟军主编. 跨世纪农业发展研究. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社, 1998

周伟军. 作物栽培学(油料作物总论、油菜、向日葵章). 上海: 上海科学技术出版社, 1994, 349-397


Kasirajan Subrahmaniyan博士后访问教授, 2004-2005, Physiological and ecological responses of cover mulch in oilseed Brassica napus L.

Raziuddin博士后访问教授, 2006-2007, Assessing toxic effects of heavy metals on growth related parameters in Brassica, wheat and rice.

宫海军 师资博士后, 2006- , 硅对小麦水分代谢的调控及除草剂丙酯草醚的作用机理研究.

Muhammad Rasheed博士后访问教授, 2007- , Improvement of quality attributes and stress tolerance in rapeseed genotypes through mutagenesis.

Zammurad Iqbal Ahmed博士后访问教授, 2007- , Research on plant nutrition and heavy metal in various rapeseed genotypes.





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