词条 | 中学生百科英语 |
释义 | 基本信息作者:(美)阿克特,(美)李 编著 ISBN:10位[7302136823] 13位[9787302136828] 出版社:清华大学出版社 出版日期:2006-11-1 定价:¥29.00 元 内容提要《中学生百科英语》是为广大中学生朋友引进出版的一套知识性很强的阅读教材。它以动物、植物、音乐、探险、发明等百科知识为线索,循序渐进地引导读者在愉快的阅读、思考、练习、听朗读、欣赏CNN节目、做游戏的过程中逐步提高阅读能力,迅速扩大词汇量。 本教材选材丰富生动、课程编排科学完整、版式新颖活泼、配套课件原汁原味,完美匹配我国中学英语现行教学要求,是不可多得的中学英语阅读教材。本系列教材共四个级别,可供不同层次的学生选用。初中低年级的学生可以使用第1册,4册学完后,达到并超过高考要求水平。 编辑推荐本书以提高学生阅读理解能力、稳步扩大词汇量为核心,兼顾语法、听说、写作和思维与情感的发展。 本读物对阅读技能的训练层层递进,并配有大量精心编排的由浅入深、循序渐进的练习,可供学生自学使用,亦可作为课堂教学的辅助教材。 图书目录出版说明 本书使用说明 Unit1 Animals Lesson1 The Kiwi Lesson2 The Camel Lesson3 The Polar Bear Lesson4 The Hippopotamus Lesson5 The Dolphin Word Study Extension Activities Video Highlights:CNN Video Dolphins in Honduras Activity Page Dictionary Page:Finding Antonyms Unit2 How?Why? Lesson1 Why Do We Yawn? Lesson2 Why Do People Laugh? Lesson3 Why Is the Sea Salty? Lesson4 How Can a Plant Kill? Lesson5 How Do Many Hearing-Impaired People Talk? Word Study Extension Activities Video Highlights:CNN Video A New Kind of Tourism in Braxzil Activity Page Dictionary Page:Learning Word Forms Unit3 Plants Lesson1 The Date Palm Lesson2 The Water Hyacinth Lesson3 Rice Lesson4 Oranges Lesson5 The Coffee Plant Word Study Extension Activities Video Highlights:CNN Video The Bakas of Comeroon Activity Page Dictionary Page:Finding the Correct Spelling Unit4 Music Lesson1 Music and Behavior Lesson2 Blues and Jazz Lesson3 Rock and Roll Lesson4 Country-Western Music Lesson5 Latin Music and Salsa Word Study Extension Activities Video Highlights:CNN Video The New Countrg Songwriters Activity Page Dictionary Page:Understanding Grammar Unit5 Word andLeisure Lesson1 Work Hours Lesson2 Salaries Lesson3 Family-Friendly Companies Lesson4 Work Clothes Lesson5 Tiem Off Word Study Extension Activities Video Highlights:CNN Video Volunteer Firefighters in Los Angeles Activity Page Dictionary Page:Learning Word Forms Unit6 Interesting People of the Word Lesson1 The Sami of Northern Europe Lesson2 The Ainu of Japan Lesson3 The Yanomami of the Amazon Lesson4 The Hopi of Arizona Lesson5 The Maori of New Zealand Word Study …… Unit7 Exploration and Adventure Unit Quiz Vocabulary Skills Index Irregular Verbs Video Transcripts |
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