

词条 中国钢铁检测有限公司

中国钢铁检测有限公司(CSI), 公司成立于1985年11月,隶属于国有重要骨干企业——中国石油集团。是中国第一批走出国门的技术服务商之一。













2. 地利——中国扮演的“世界工厂”角色为中国钢铁检测有限公司的迅猛发展注入了一针强有力的“兴奋剂”。


3. 人和——中国钢铁检测有限公司成长后期取得成功的必要条件和实现可持续发展的关键因素。




中国钢铁检测有限公司通过数十载的发展和沉淀,文化战略业已成为重要的公司发展战略之一。 中国钢铁检测有限公司以中石油创业精神——“艰苦奋斗,锐意进取,创业永恒,始终不渝追求一流”为基础,大胆创新,把“专业技能、优质服务”的核心价值观,“精益求精、精诚合作”的理念植入到了自身的理念和发展思路中。并始终如一地致力于打造高效率、高素质、高团结的钢铁产品技术服务团队,为集团公司建设综合性国际能源公司提供技术服务,为世界钢铁产品行业的蓬勃发展提供强有力的质量保障。


1. 产品检测——专注于钢铁类产品检测,服务更专业更优质。




③监装:根据合同要求,对生产商的发货准备及发货过程进行监督管理,确保产品装箱符合装箱单要求,确保发货过程中的标识完善、数量充足(adequate in quantity)、包装无损,确保货物装运符合运输要求。

2) 技术检验:




3) 生产过程监理:



a. 审核生产商提交的技术文件

i. 计划和检验计划

ii. 制造规范


iv. 生产、检验报告、记录

b. 原材料检验




f. 客户要求的其他监督项目



a. 见证点

b. 持续点

c. 见证首次操作

d. 客户要求的其他监督项目

2. 工程质量监督——专注于石油天然气管道、储运设备的工程质量监督,从工程的设计、施工到投产运行的每个工序,如管道类的钢管制造、钢管防腐、管道安装、管道焊接、无损检测、通球试压、竣工投产;储罐类的板材的检验、基础验收、储罐组装、储罐焊接、储罐无损检测、盘梯、附件的检验、储罐沉降试验的全程检验监督。




3. 国际贸易服务

①供应商调研——可根据客户的要求、ISO 9001质量管理体系的要求、ISO 14000环境管理体系的要求、ISO 18000的职业安全卫生管理体系的要求,对指定供应商的生产设备、检验设备、生产能力、管理体系的运行状况进行综合调研评估并出具详尽的调研报告,确保供应商在原材料控制、生产过程控制、检验过程控制、追溯性控制等各个方面满足客户采购需求。




4. 资质认证服务——资深认证服务人员,拥有丰富的工厂质量管理体系知识和多年行业经验,有长期的与各大认证公司的合作经验,可根据工厂要求提供各类资质认证服务,如:ISO 9001认证、ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001认证、CE认证、API认证、Shell认证及各国船级社认证等等。当今市场竞争激烈残酷,资质就是形象和竞争力的象征,我们的认证服务将提升您企业的软件竞争力,让您在打入目标市场时更加事半功倍。








1. 中亚天然气管道工程——中亚天然气管道工程西起土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦两国边境的格达伊姆,途经乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦,东至我国境内的霍尔果斯,双线并行敷设,单线长度1801公里。该工程是西二线的境外起源通道,具有重大战略意义。CSI承担了该工程60%以上的检测工作量。

2. 印度东气西输管道工程——印度东气西输管道始于ANDHRAPRADESH省KAKINADA南部GADIMOGA的陆上天然气处理终端(OGPT),到达GUJARAT省BHARUCH附近,全长1386公里,是CSI独立开发的最大国际项目。CSI中标1088公里线路的安装监督及检测,占检测总工作量的80%。在疫病、高温酷暑等恶劣环境下,CSI协助施工单位仅用不到一年的时间就完成了主体施工,为CSI“南亚战略”实施取得了具有里程碑意义的重大胜利。

3. 利比亚西部管道工程——利比亚西部管道工程始于撒哈拉沙漠腹地的瓦法,终至地中海沿岸的美丽塔,原油、天然气双管并行、异沟敷设,全长1054公里。CSI严格遵循国际惯例,优化施工方案,确保工程提前一个月全线完工,开创了外国公司在利比亚按期完工的先河。

4. 哈中管道二期项目——哈中管道二期一阶段EPC工程是哈萨克斯坦的肯基亚克到库姆科尔原油输送管道建设项目,长度792km,管材为API 5L X60,钢管外径为813 mm (32 inches),设计最大的操作压力为64MPa。CSI承担了全长302公里的管道安装监督和检测。

Brief Introduction

China Steel Inspection Co., Ltd,established in November of 1985, is one of the most competitive technical service providers of steel products and a member of a key state-owned enterprise—CNPC.CSI excels in governmental projects & products inspection, supervision and the related technical services for petroleum & gas pipelines, refining devices, transportation & stockpile equipments. CSI owns a series of advanced equipments and a top-class technical service team who can provide their clients with design, consultation, inspection and supervision service. Up to the end of 2005, CSI has participated in the construction of hundreds of domestic and international governmental projects, which include pipelines with a length of more than 80,000 kilometers, 550 storage tanks, and more than one hundred urban constructions and shipbuilding. Thanks to these outstanding achievements, CSI enjoys a high reputation in domestic & international markets.

CSI has always stuck to the core value of “professional skill and first-rate service” and pursued the idea of strivingfor perfection and sincere cooperation. CSI Aims at becoming a high-efficiency, high-quality and high-unity technical service provider for steel products, providing parent group companies with technical service for construction of integrated international energy company, supplying strong quality guarantee for the development of steel products industry all over the world.

Ever since its establishment, CSI has always been the pioneer team in the sector of steel inspection in China. Based on the creativity and dedication of its vanguard team and driven by the intimate care of CPC and central government, CSI has taken the strategies of resource, market, and global strengths and has aspired to build itself into a comprehensive state-of-the-art quality inspection corporation. With professional, independent and effective service, CSI would like to cooperate with you sincerely and altogether create a win-win situation.

Development History

I. Good Timing-The starting and development of China Steel Inspection Co., Ltd is in line with the economic development direction and the pace of China and the world.

In November, 1985, CSI emerged as a promising company with the development of petroleum engineering construction. It provided powerful technical support for domestic petroleum pipeline construction. And then, China joined the W.T.O. In order to keep abreast with the development of world economic integration, CSI started expanding overseas business actively and became one of the first technical service providers who went abroad and realized the transfer from survival to further development.

II. Favorable Location-The character of world factory for China accelerated CSI’s development.

At the end of 20 century, the development of foreign trade of China started to accelerate. Raw materials, products and labor force were exported in large quantity, and the rudiment of a world factory loomed. CSI, as a native technical service provider in China, attracted concerns and favor from overseas governments and buyers gradually.

III. People harmony- China Steel Inspection Co., Ltd got essential condition for success and critical factor for sustainable development in the later growing period.

CSI, as a subsidiary of a key state-owned enterprise, gets sincere care and profound support from the central government, which enhances its strength in capital and background and lays the solid foundation of smooth and fast development.

CSI has always pursued the core ideal of “striving for perfection”. With a high-grade, skillful and excellent technical team, CSI has focused on the technical service for petroleum & gas pipeline, refining devices, transportation & stockpile of equipments since its establishment. 25 years experience and concentration makes CSI’s services more professional and higher quality. Moreover, CSI has always attached great importance to attracting technicians, cultivating reserve talents and expanding technical team. Thanks to the development strategy of “put people in the first place”, it now owns a powerful technical team. It has combined the strategies of sustainable development and people-oriented development.

Enterprise Culture

After CSI’s decades of development, the culture strategy has grown up to be one of the most important development strategies.

CSI bravely innovates based on CNPC’s entrepreneurship -- hard work, forging ahead and achieving excellence, and puts the core value of professional skill & high quality service and the spirit of striving for perfection & sincere cooperation into its own development. CSI Aims at becoming a high-efficiency, high-quality and high-unity technical service provider for steel products, providing parent group companies with technical service for construction of integrated international energy company, supplying strong quality guarantee for the development of steel products industry all over the world.

CSI’s Smriti—Hard Work, Forging Ahead And Achieving Excellence

CSI’s Core Value—Professional Skill, First-rate Service

CSI’s Market Concept—Striving For Perfection, Sincere Cooperation

CSI’s Enterprise Spirit—High-efficiency, High-quality, High-unity

Business Units

Products Inspection-Focus on the inspection of steel pipeline products, the service will be much better and more professional.

Business Unit

Essential Inspection

①Pre-production Inspection

According to the requirements of purchase order and standard, we will conduct raw material inspection, equipments assessment and documentation audit after raw material purchasing, technology & QC documents be prepared by the manufacturer, to make sure the requirements of specifications and purchase order are understood and will be carried out strictly by manufacturer, to prevent potential quality problems in advance.

1) Raw material Inspection

2) Equipment Assessment

3) Documentation Audit

4)Other Inspection As Per Clients’ Requirements

②Pre-shipment Inspection

According to the requirements of purchase order, standard and quality management system, we will conduct documentation review, the inspection of surface condition, dimensional and quantity inspection so as to make sure the products are totally completed & qualified and be ready for delivery.

1) Documentation Review

2) Surface condition Inspection

3) Dimensional Inspection

4)Quantity Inspection

5) Package Inspection

6)Other Inspection As Per Clients’ Requirements

③Container Loading Monitoring

According to the requirements of purchase order and delivery condition, we will conduct supervision for the whole delivery & loading process, to make sure the package quantity conforms to the packing list, ensure the marking & labeling are completed and package suits for ocean transportation. We will help you control the final step of manufacturing process.

Technical Inspection

①Chemical Composition Analysis

We conduct analysis for chemical composition according to inspection frequency in standard requirements. The test process can be done in CSI’s lab or by CSI’s equipments. Test report should be issued by CSI’s lab or inspector after the analysis. If the manufacturer is competent for the analysis both in capability and test condition, the test process can be done in manufacturer’s lab at the presence of CSI’s inspector, and test report should be issued by the manufacturer.

a. Heat Analysis

b. Product Analysis

②Mechanical Properties Testing

We conduct mechanical properties test according to the inspection frequency in standard requirements. The test process can be done in CSI’s lab, and the test report should be issued by CSI’s lab. If the manufacturer is competent for the test both in capability and test condition, the test process can be done in manufacturer’s lab at the presence of CSI’s inspector, and test report should be issued by the manufacturer.

a. Tensile Testing

b. Bend Testing

c. Guided-bend Testing

d. Flattening Testing

e. Impact Testing

f. Hardness Testing

g. Hydrostatic Testing

③Non-destructive Test

Professional NDT team can conduct or witness the NDT process. The test process and test report can be done by CSI’s NDT team, or witnessed by CSI’s inspector. The test report will also be examined.

a. RT—Radiography Test

b. UT—Ultrasonic Test

c. MT—Magnetic Particle Test

d. PT—Liquid Penetrants Test

e. LT—Leak Test

f. ET—Electromagnetic Test

Manufacturing Process Supervision

①Supervision of the whole manufacturing process.

The QC team will supervise the process from production preparation to delivery includes loading if necessary. The whole supervision including:

1)Audit & Review the technological documentation presented by manufacturer

a. Quality Control Plan / Inspection & Test Plan

b. Manufacturing Procedure Specification

c. Production Schedule

d. Report & Record of Manufacturing & Testing

2) Inspection & Test for raw material

3)Supervision for each process as per Standards & ITP/ MPS

4)Supervision for packing

5)Supervision for container loading

6)Other Supervision as per clients’ requirements

For your sensitive orders, professional inspector supervision on your behalf is strongly recommended for controlling your products quality and order progress by daily supervision report.

②Separately supervision—For saving cost and controlling sensitive critical process, separately professional supervision is strongly recommended.

1)Witness point

2)Hold point

3)First Operation Base witness point

4)Other supervision as per clients’ requirements

Engineering Quality Supervision

CSI is specializing in the quality supervision of all the project processes from design to execution and operation of petroleum and gas pipeline, storage and transportation equipment. For example, supervision for manufacturing, corrosion prevention, installation, welding, NDT, completion and starting operation of pipeline products; testing and inspection for steel plates, foundation acceptance, assembling, welding and NDT of storage tanks, inspection for winding staircase and appendicles, supervision for the whole process of storage tank settlement testing.

Safety & quality supervision & inspection of pipelines projects, variety of stations, storage tanks and ancillary facilities equipments in construction.

Periodical inspection for in service pipelines, variety of stations storage tanks and ancillary facilities equipments.

Supervision and inspection for long distance petroleum and gas pipeline installation.

International Trade Service

①Supplier Survey Assessment—We can provide the service of supplier survey assessment in the aspects of manufacturing and inspection capability, production capacity, management system andoccupational safety and health system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14000 AND ISO 18000. We also issue survey report in detail in accordance with the requirements of purchasers, to make sure the supplier is able to control raw material quality, production & testing process and traceability well as per standards and purchaser’s requests.

1) Manpower Numbers

2)Commodity List

3) Production / Inspection Facility Resources

4) Manufacturing Capability / Inspection Capability

5)Quality Assurance / Environment Safety & Health System

6) Sub-supplier For Raw Material

7)Control Capability For Sub-supplier

8)Other Assessment Item

Purchasing Agent—The international trade department of CSI provides the service of agent purchasing for both domestic and oversea buyers.

a. For Oversea Buyers

With abundant supplier resources, professional quality control and ocean operation team, CSI provides the one-stop service of purchasing, customs clearance, export and entrepot trade according to client’s price and quality requirements, and makes your overseas purchasing securer, more economical, and more convenient.

b. For Domestic Buyers

Meanwhile, CSI’s professional international trade team provides import service for domestic buyers with overseas supplying information. The only thing the buyer has to do is just to send your list of needed products and the target price.

Certification Service

With our senior staffs and their years of extensive experience in system and production certification, CSI can provide a variety of certification services in accordance with the clients’ demand and international standards such as ISO 9001(Quality Management System), IS0 14001(Environmental Management System) and OHSAS 18001(Occupational Health and Safety management system), CE, API, CSA, Shell and all classification societies certification. System or production certification stands for competitiveness. Our service can sharpen your competitive edge and makes it much easier for you to enter into your target markets.

1) ISO 9001

2) ISO 14001

3) ISO 18001

4) CE

5) API



8) Classification Societies Certification

9)Other Certification As Per Clients’ Requirements

Organization Chart:

Outstanding Achievements

Domestic Project

I. West-East Gas Transmission Project

West-East Gas Transmission Project, 4,000 kilometers in total, is one of China’s four projects in the new century. The terrain is extremely complicated and the environment is extremely harsh. The difficulty of this project was unprecedented. However, CSI participated in the construction actively and undertook more than 70% of inspection and supervision projects, which includes the most difficult water network and swamp areas, the most dangerous TaihangMountain, the most formidable region crossed by Yangtze River, Yellow River, HuaiheRiver. CSI’s spirit of projects inspection have been carried forward and incarnated completely.

II. Zhoushan National Petroleum Reserve Base Project

Zhoushan National Petroleum Reserve Base Project is a national key project with strategic significance. It is supposed to be built storage tanks and utilities supporting facilities with five million m³capacity of reservoir. CSI undertook the supervision and inspection for installation of the first section including more than 20 storage tanks with 100 thousand m³ capacity of reservoir, to make sure the projects be completed with high quality and efficiency.

III. Lan-Zheng-Chang Oil Pipeline Project

Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha Oil Pipeline Project, with a total length of 2,846.60 kilometers, starts from Lanzhou in Gansu province and ends at Changsha of Hunan province. It is one of the largest oil pipeline projects in China. CSI undertook all the supervision and inspection tasks of the whole project. CSI’s work team overcame the serious interferences of natural calamities such as southern snow disaster and Sichuan earthquake, and completed the construction in short time with high quality. The advantage of a service team with high-efficiency, high-quality and high-unity was fully displayed in the construction.

IV. Western Crude & Oil Pipeline Projects

With a total length of 3,690 kilometers an double-line laying in one ditch, Western Crude & Oil Pipeline Projects starts from Urumqi in Xinjiang province and ends at Lanzhou in Gansu province. It is one of longest petroleum transmission pipeline internal with the highest design pressure, best annual transport capacity and highest degree of automation. CSI’s work team undertook 60% supervision and inspection of this project, ensured the project be completed smoothly with high quality and efficiency. Meanwhile, it protected the weak environment of RenshouMountain and created a paradigm of building green engineering.

International Project

I. The project of Central Asian Gas Pipeline

The project of Central Asian Gas Pipeline starts from Gedaim on the border of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan,and runs through central Uzbekistan and southern Kazakhstan, and ends at Horgos in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is characterized with dual lines in parallel. The length of a single line is 1,801 kilometers. It has a great strategic significance as the overseas origin channel of the Second West-East Gas Pipeline. CSI undertook 60% supervision and inspection of this project..

II. India East-West Gas Pipeline Engineering

With a total length of 1,386 kilometers, India East-West Gas Pipeline Engineering starts at onshore OGPT of Gadimoga, Kakinada in Andhrapradesh and ends at Bharuch in Gujarat. It is the largest project exploited independently by CSI team. CSI won the bidding of installation supervision and inspection for 1,088 kilometers, which was 80% of the total project. In the harsh environment of epidemic disease and high-temperature heat, CSI’s technical team helped construction units complete the principal project in less than one year, achieved a landmark victory for operation of south Asia.

III. Libya West Pipeline Engineering

With a total length of 1,054 kilometers, the Libya West Pipeline Engineering Starts at Wafa, the hinterland of the Sahara and ends at Mellitah of Mediterranean coastal regions. Crude and natural gas were laid in parallel double pipe and double ditch. CSI ensured the project has been completed one month in advance as a result of following the international practice strictly and optimizing the Construction Method Statement, created a precedent for foreign companies to complete on schedule in Libya.

IV. Kazakhstan–China Oil PipelineII Section

With a total length is 792 kilometers, Phase I of Kazakhstan–China Oil PipelineII Sectionstarts at Kenkiyakof Kazakhstan and ends at Kumkol. The material grade is API 5L X60, OD is 813mm (32 inches) and design pressure is 64MPa. CSI undertook the installation supervision and inspection for 302 kilometers of this project.





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