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研究领域包括政治社会学、社会运动和历史社会学。在社会学领域的研究成果主要发表在《美国社会学杂志》、《美国社会学评论》、《社会力量》、《社会学视角》、《中国研究季刊》以及国内出版的《社会学研究》等刊物上。专著The Power of Tiananmen于2001年由芝加哥大学出版社出版,相继获得美国社会学学会2001年度亚洲研究最佳图书奖以及2002年度集体行动和社会运动研究最佳图书奖。


《社会与政治运动讲义》,赵鼎新 著,社会科学文献出版社,2006年。

《东周战争与儒法国家的诞生》,赵鼎新 著、夏江旗译,华东师范大学出版社,2006年。


Dingxin. 2005. "The Myth of Five-hegemons: Wars and Political Development during East Zhou China." Historical Research. Accepted.

Yu, Zhiyuan and Dingxin Zhao. 2005. "Differential Participation and Nature of a Movement: A Study of the 1999 Anti-U.S. Beijing Student Demonstrations." SocialForce. Accepted.

Zhao, Dingxin. 2005 "A Critical Analysis on the Development of the Western Theories of Social Movements and Revolutions: A Chinese Synthesis." Sociological Studies. No.115: 168-209.

Zhao, Dingxin. 2005 "An Angle on Nationalism in China today - Attitudes among Beijing Students after Belgrade 1999." China Quarterly (in press, 2005)

Zhao, Dingxin 2004. "Spurious Causation in a Historical Process: War and Bureaucratization in Early China." American Sociological Review 69: 603-607.

Zhao, Dingxin. 2003. "Nationalism and Authoritarianism: Student-Government Conflicts during the 1999 Beijing Student Protests after the Belgrade Embassy Bombing." Asian Perspective. 27(1): 5-34.

Zhao, Dingxin. 2002. "The 1999 Anti-US Demonstrations and the Nature of Student Nationalism in China Today." Problems of Post-Communism. 49 (November/December): 16-28.

Zhao Dingxin. 2002 "An Angle on Nationalism in China today: Attitudes among Beijing Students after Belgrade 1999." China Quarterly. No.172: 49-69.

Zhao, Dingxin 2002. Problems of Nationalism in Current China: Student-Government Conflicts during the Nationalistic Protests. In Collaboration and Confrontation: Chinese Society and Nationalism, edited by C.X. George Wei and Xiaoyuan Liu. Greenwood Press.

Zhao, Dingxin 2001. China's Prolonged Stability and Political Future: same political system, different policies and methods. Journal of Contemporary China 10: 427-44.

Zhao, Dingxin 2000. State-Society Relations and Discourses and Activities of the 1989 Beijing Student Movement. American Journal of Sociology 105: 1592-1632.

Zhao, Dingxin 1999. State Legitimacy, State Policy, and the Development of the 1989 Beijing Student Movement. Asian Perspective, 23:245-84

Zhao, Dingxin 1998. Ecologies of Social Movements: Student Mobilization during the 1989 Pro-democracy Movement in Beijing. American Journal of Sociology, 103: 1493-529.

Zhao, Dingxin 1997. Decline of Political Control in Chinese Universities and the Rise of the 1989 Chinese Student Movement. Sociological Perspectives, 40: 159-182.

Zhao, Dingxin 1996. Foreign Study as a Safety-valve: the Experience of China's University Students Going abroad in the Eighties. Higher Education, 31: 145-63.

Zhao, Dingxin, and John A. Hall 1994. State power and patterns of late development: Resolving the crisis of the sociology of development. Sociology, 28(1): 211-30.

Zhao, Dingxin 1994. Defensive Regime and Modernization. Journal of Contemporary China, 3(fall): 28-46.





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