

词条 赵春晖



AIChE JournalJournal of Process ControlControl Engineering Practice、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research、自动化学报等国内外核心期刊发表论文50多篇,SCI检索20余篇。





(1) 过程监测、诊断及质量预测的研究,主要面向多时段间歇过程,从解决实际问题的角度出发,研究其多 时段特性及时段软过渡理论,并基于此对过程监测与质量预测问题进行了系统性的研究。

(2) 1型糖尿病“人工胰脏”中的血糖在线预测的研究,将多元统计分析方法引入进来建立回归预测模型,并提出了针对血糖动特性的个体间“统一”预测模型策略和模型迁移的思想。









2003 年,获东北大学自动化专业,学士学位;

2006 年,获东北大学控制理论与控制工程专业,硕士学位,导师王福利教授;

2009 年,获东北大学控制理论与控制工程专业,博士学位,导师王福利教授;

2009—2010年 香港科技大学化学及生物分子工程系博士后,导师高福荣教授;

2010—2012年 美国加州大学圣巴拉分校化工系博士后, 助理研究员,

导师: Dale E. Seborg教授、Francis J.Doyle III教授;

2012年— 浙江大学信息学部控制科学与工程学系,特聘研究员


2008年12月17-20日,第十届国际Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision大会,越南河内召开,“Process Control”小组主席(co-chair)


· AIChE Journal

· Chemical Engineering Science

· Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

· IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology

· Journal of Chemometrics

· Journal of Process Control

· Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems

· Chemical Engineering & Technology

· Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering

· EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing

· The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

· 自动化学报


IFAC2008, 2011; safeprocess2009 (IFAC Symposium);




1) NSFC (No. 60774068):基于软时段划分的间歇过程在线监测、诊断及质量预测方法的研究;

2)·The Hong Kong Research Grants Council (No. 613107): Development of an Injection Molding Sensor for through Cycle Monitoring and Control,2007.1-2009.12;

3·)N_HKUST639/09, RGC/NSFC joint project: Fault-tolerant control of batch processes with hybrid nature, 2010-2011;

·4) 美国全国卫生研究所基金(No. RO1DK085628): Closed-loop Artificial Pancreas: Algorithm Engineering and Clinical Evaluation,2009.9-2012.8;

5).973计划项目(No. 2012CB720500): 复杂系统运行状态的监测、诊断与智能调控。


1. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, and Mingxing Jia. Dissimilarity analysis based batch process monitoring using moving windows.AIChE Journal, 2007, 53(5), 1267-1277.

2. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, Zhizhong Mao, Ningyun Lu, and Mingxing Jia.Quality prediction based on phase-specific average trajectory for batch processes.AIChE Journal, 2008, 54(3), 693-705.

3. Chunhui Zhao, Furong Gao, Yuan Yao, and Fuli Wang. A Robust Calibration Modeling Strategy for Analysis of Interference-subject Spectral Data.AIChE Journal, 2010, 56 (1), 196-206.

4. Chunhui Zhao,Furong Gao, and Fuli Wang. An improved independent component regression modeling and quantitative calibration procedure. AIChE Journal, 2010, 56 (6), 1519-1535.

5. Chunhui Zhao,Furong Gao, Dapeng Niu, and Fuli Wang.Enhanced Process Comprehension and Quality Analysis Based on Subspace Separation for Multiphase Batch Processes. AIChE Journal,2011, 57 (2), 388-403.

6. Chunhui Zhao,Furong Gao. Spectra Data Analysis and Calibration Modeling Method Using Spectra Subspace Separation and Multiblock Independent Component Regression Strategy.AIChE Journal,2011, 57(5),1202–1215.

7. Chunhui Zhao,Furong Gao.A bidirectional Between-set Statistical Analysis Method and Its Applications. AIChE Journal, 2011, 57(5),1233–1249.

8. Chunhui Zhao,Furong Gao. SpectraCalibration Modeling and Statistical Analysisfor Cumulative Quality Interpretation and Prediction. AIChE Journal,2012,58(2),466–479.

9. Chunhui Zhao,Furong Gao.Between-phase based Statistical Analysis and Modeling for Transition Monitoring in Multiphase Batch Processes. AIChE Journal,in press.

10. Chunhui Zhao*,Furong Gao, Youxian Sun. Between-phase calibration modeling and transition analysis for phase-based quality interpretation and prediction. AIChE Journal, in press.

11. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, Ningyun Lu, and Mingxing Jia. Stage-based soft-transition multiple PCA modeling and on-line monitoring strategy for batch processes. Journal of Process Control, 2007, 17(9), 728–741.

12. Chunhui Zhao,Shengyong Mo, Furong Gao, Ningyun Lu, Yuan Yao.Statistical Analysis and Online Monitoring for Handling Multiphase Batch Processes with Varying Durations. Journal of Process Control,2011, 21(6), 817-829.

13. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, and Yingwei Zhang. Nonlinear process monitoring based on kernel dissimilarity analysis. Control Engineering Practice, 2009, 17(1), 221-230.

14. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, Furong Gao, Ningyun Lu, and Mingxing Jia. Adaptive Monitoring Method for Batch Processes Based on Phase Dissimilarity Updating with Limited Modeling Data. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2007, 46(14), 4943-4953.

15. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, Zhizhong Mao, Ningyun Lu, and Mingxing Jia. Improved Knowledge Extraction and Phase-based Quality Prediction for Batch Processes.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47(3), 825-834.

16. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, Zhizhong Mao, Ningyun Lu, and Mingxing Jia. Improved Batch Process Monitoring and Quality Prediction Based on Multi-phase Statistical Analysis.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47(3), 835-849.

17. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, Zhizhong Mao, Ningyun Lu, and Mingxing Jia. Adaptive monitoring based on independent component analysis for multiphase batch processes with limited modeling data. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47(9), 3104-3113.

18. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, Furong Gao, and Yingwei Zhang. Enhanced Process Comprehension and Statistical Analysis for Slow-varying Batch Processes.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47(24), 9996-10008.

19. Chunhui Zhao, Furong Gao, and Fuli Wang. Nonlinear Batch Process Monitoring Using Phase-based Kernel Independent Component Analysis-Principal Component Analysis (KICA-PCA). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, 48 (20), 9163–9174.

20. Yuan Yao, Chunhui Zhao,and Furong Gao. Batch-to-Batch Steady State Identification Based on Variable Correlation and Mahalanobis Distance. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, 48(24), 11060-11070.

21. Chunhui Zhao, Furong Gao, and Fuli Wang. Phase-based Joint Modeling and Spectroscopy Analysis for Batch Processes Monitoring. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49 (2), 669–681.

22. Chunhui Zhao, Furong Gao. Multiblock-based Qualitative and Quantitative Spectra Calibration Analysis.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49(18), 8694–8704.

23. Chunhui Zhao,Furong Gao. A Two-step Multiset Regression Analysis (MsRA) Algorithm.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(3), 1337–1354.

24. Chunhui Zhao, Fuli Wang, and Furong Gao. Covariance-oriented qualitative and quantitative analysis for multistage batch processes. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009, 87(3), 466-476.

25. Chunhui Zhao,Fuli Wang, and Furong Gao. Improved Calibration Investigation using Phase-wise Local and Cumulative Quality Interpretation and Prediction. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2009, 95(2), 107-121.

26. Chunhui Zhao, Furong Gao. A Two-step Basis Vector Extraction Strategy for Multiset Variable Correlation Analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2011, 107(1), 147-154.

27. Chunhui Zhao, Yuan Yao, Furong Gao, Fuli Wang. Statistical Analysis and Online Monitoring for MultimodeProcesses withBetween-mode Transitions. Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65(22), 5961-5975.

28. Chunhui Zhao,Furong Gao. Multiphase Calibration Modeling and Quality Interpretation by Priority Sorting. Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66(21), 5400-5409.

29 Chunhui Zhao,Eyal Dassau, Lois Jovanovič, Howard C. Zisser, Francis J. Doyle III,Dale E. Seborg. Predicting Subcutaneous Glucose Concentration Using Latent Variable (LV)-based Statistical Analysis Method for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.

30. 赵春晖,王福利,姚远,高福荣。基于时段的间歇过程统计建模、在线监测及质量预报(综述文章),自动化学报,2010, 36(3), 366-374.

31. 赵春晖,王福利,贾明兴。基于主元空间数据分布比较的统计过程监测。仪器仪表学报。2008, 29(8), 1598-1604.


赵春晖, 女,2005年毕业于日本冈山大学工学部,生物技术与生物制药专业,生物技术方向。获工学博士学位。现工作于辽宁师范大学生命科学学院,副教授。2006–2007年在日本Beacle生物制药株式会社作为研究员工作一年。曾参加辽宁省科委科学技术基金一项;现主持大连市科技局留学归国人员基金项目一项;主持辽宁省教育厅项目一项(2009A413); 目前为辽宁省教育厅2007年度创新团队的项目成员(2007T089)。在国内外专业杂志上发表论文十余篇,SCI收录7篇,EI收录2篇。







1.Zhao C., Y. Kumada, H. Imanaka, K. Imamura, and K. Nakanishi , Cloning, overexpression, purification, and characterization of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-B from Escherichia coli.,Protein Expr Purif. 47 (2):607-613 (2006) (SCI)

2.Zhao C., Y. Moriga, B. Feng, Y. Kumada, H. Imanaka, K. Imamura, and K. Nakanishi., On the interaction site of serine acetyltransferase in the cysteine synthase complex from Escherichia coli. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.341 (4):911-916 (2006) (SCI)

3.Zhao C., K. Ohno, K. Sogoh, K. Imamura, T. Sakiyama, K. Nakanishi, Production of nonproteinaceous amino acids using recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing cysteine synthase and related enzymes with or without the secretion of O-Acetyl--Serine. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 97 (5):322-328 (2004) (SCI)

4.Kumada Y., Zhao C., Ishimura R., Imanaka H., Imamura K. and Nakanishi K., Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis Using an Affinity Peptide Tag and Hydrophilic Polystyrene Plate. J. Biotechnol., 128 (2):354-361 (2007) (SCI)

5.Feng B., Zhao C, Tanaka S., Imanaka H., Imamura K. and Nakanishi K., TPR domain of Ser/Thr phosphatase of Aspergillus oryzae shows no auto-inhibitory effect on the dephosphorylation activity. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 41 (3):281-285 (2007) (SCI)

6.Feng B., Chen Y., Zhao C., Zhao X., Bai X., Du Y., Isolation of a novel Ser/Thr protein kinase gene from oligochitosan-induced tobacco and its role in resistance against tobacco mosaic virus, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 44 (10):596-603 (2006) (SCI)

7.任刚, 刘英, 王孝敏, 赵春晖, 邹伟. 短发夹状RNA干扰窖蛋白-1表达对人肝细胞增殖的影响, 中华肝脏病杂志, 16 (5) (2008)

8.邹伟,那杰,赵春晖,邹翠霞. 渐进式双语教学模式在高师生物学专业科教学中的应用, 高等理科教育,(2009)

9.封爽,王洋,王曦,王兆一,崔玉影,刘晶,赵春晖,金梅,邹伟.Caveolin-1基因沉默促进乳腺上皮细胞ERα36 介导的PI3K/AKT信号通路的激活,中国科学 C辑,39 (9):830-838(2009)(SCI)







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