词条 | 张先梅 |
释义 | 张先梅,女,1972年10月生,教授,理学院副院长。2001年7月中科院等离子体物理所获博士学位,2001年9月至今,华东理工大学理学院物理系任教。目前负责一项国家自然科学基金项目(2006.1~2008.12),2006年度获上海高校优秀青年教师科研专项基金 主要研究方向:等离子体加热和约束,等离子体物理模拟和数值计算 近期第一作者代表性论文:[/ 1. Xianmei Zhang et al., Electron internal transport barrier sustained with IBW and LHCD on the HT-7 tokamak, Phys. Lett. A, 361 (2007)373 2. Xianmei Zhang, et al., Estimation ofCharge Exchange Recombination Emission Based on Diagnostic Neutral Beamon the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 (2007) 487 3. Xianmei Zhang et al., Analysis of Electron ThermalDiffusivity and Bootstrap Current in Ohmically Heated Discharges afterBoronization in the HT-7 Tokamak, Plasma Phys. Reports, 31 (2005) 893.[/ 4. Xianmei Zhang, et al., High bootstrap current fraction during the synergy of LHCD and IBW on the HT-7 Tokamak, Chinese Physics Letters, 22 . 5. Xianmei Zhang, et al., Radiation losses in ohmically heated plasma in the HT-7 Tokamak, Plasma Science & Technology, 6 6. Xianmei Zhang et al., Study of Electron Thermal Transport Coefficient in the Siliconized HT-7 Tokamak Plasma Science & Technology, 5, 7. Xianmei Zhang, et al., Bootstrap Current Increment after Siliconization on the HT-7 Tokamak, Chin. Phys. Lett., 19[ 8. Xianmei Zhang, et al., Electron Heat Diffusivity in the HT-7 Tokamak with Si-coating Wall, Chin. Phys. Lett., 18 9. [/font]张先梅等, HT-7 托卡马克欧姆加热下电子热扩散系数的研究, 物理学报,[font size="3"]50, (2001) 715. 10. Xianmei Zhang, et al., Methods of Calculating the Safety Factor Profile in the HT-7 Tokamak , Plasma Science & Technology, 3, |
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