

词条 张顺华




2000—,山东大学数学学院,教授 1997—2000,山东大学数学学院,副教授 1996—1997,山东大学数学学院,讲师


2011.5—2011.6,香港科技大学,访问学者 2002.10—2002.12,比勒菲尔德大学,访问教授






2012—2015, 预投射代数与高维丛范畴,国家自然科学基金,负责人 2009—2011,同调维数与丛范畴,山东省自然科学基金,负责人 2008—2010, 丛代数与丛范畴,国家自然科学基金,主要成员(位次3) 2005—2007,代数表示论中的三角范畴,国家自然科学基金,主要成员(位次3) 2001—2003,有限维代数的表示范畴上的Ringel-Hall代数与量子群, 山东省自然科学基金,负责人 2000—2002, 无限维代数的表示与上同调, 国家自然科学基金,主要成员(位次3) 1999—2000, 国家理科基地创建名牌课程项目, 负责人


1 Zhang Shunhua, (2010): Partial tilting modules over m-replicated algebras.

J.Algebra, 323 (2010), 2538-2546. (SCI)

2 Lv Hongbo, Zhang Shunhua, (2010): Representation dimension of m-replicated algebras. Science China Mathematics, 53(6)(2010), 1603-1608. (SCI)

3 Ge Wenxu, Lv Hongbo, Zhang Shunhua,(2010): Cluster-tiled algebras of type Dn. Comm. Algebra. 38(7)(2010), 2418–2432. (SCI)

4 Liu Hongxing, Zhang Shunhua, (2010): r-costar modules. International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 8 (2010) 167-176.

5 Liu Hongxing, Zhang Shunhua, (2010): Equivalences induced by $n$-self -cotilting comodules. Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Published Online:13/07/2010, DOI 10.1515/APAM.2010.029.

6 Lv Hongbo, Zhang Shunhua, (2010): Global dimensions of endomorphism algebras for generator-cogenerators over m-replicated algebras. Accepted for publication in Comm.Algebra. (SCI), arXiv:math.RT/0812.0655.

7 Lv Hongbo, Zhang Shunhua, (2010): Tilting mutation for m-replicated algebras. Accepted for publication in J.Algebra Appl (SCI),arXiv:math.RT/0903.0958.

8 Zhang Shunhua, (2009): Tilting mutation and duplicated algebras. Comm.Algebra, 37(10)(2009), 3516-3524. (SCI)

9 Chen Wenjuan, Zhang Shunhua, (2009): Intuitionistic fuzzy Lie sub -superalgebras and intuitionistic fuzzy ideals, Comput. Appl. Math., 58 (2009) 1645-1661. (SCI)

10 Lei Xueping,Lv Hongbo, Zhang Shunhua, (2009): Complements to the almost complete tilting A-modules. Comm.Algebra, 37(5)(2009), 1719-1728. (SCI)

11 Liu Hongxing, Zhang Shunhua, (2009): Tilting theory for comodule categories. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 33(2009), 757-767.

12 Liu Hongxing, Zhang Shunhua, (2009): Co-*-modules and 1-cotilting modules. Chinese Ann. Math. (In chinese), 2009, 30A(1):63-72.

13 Zhang Aiping,Zhang Shunhua,(2008): On the finitistic dimension conjecture of Artin algebras,J. Algebra, 320(2008), 253-258. (SCI)

14 Zhang Shunhua, (2003): Lie algebra determined by cyclic quivers. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 26 (2003), 199-208 .

15 Zhang Shunhua, (2001): Triangular decomposition of tame non-simply-laced composition algebras. J.Algebra, 241(2001), 548-577. (SCI)

16 Zhang Shunhua, (2001): The Hall polynomials for tame quiver algebras. J.Algebra, 239(2001), 606-614. (SCI)

17 Zhang Shunhua, (2001): Degenerate Ringel-Hall algebras of finite connected valued Auslander-Reiten quivers. Comm. Algebra, 29(2) (2001), 477-492. (SCI)

18 Peng Liangang, Zhang Shunhua, (2001): Calculation for Ringel-Hall numbers of cyclic serial algebras. Comm. Algebra, 29(2) (2001), 493-501. (SCI)

19 Zhang Shunhua, (2000): Lie algebras determined by tame hereditary algebra. Chinese Ann. Math. 21(5) (2000), 619-621 (In chinese).

20 Zhang Shunhua, (1999): Composition algebras of and . Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 23(1999), 171-178.

21 Zhang Pu, Zhang Shunhua,. (1998): Indecomposables as elements in affine composition algebras. J.Algebra, 210(1998), 614-629. (SCI)

22 Zhang Shunhua, (1998): Triangular decomposition of composition algebra of Ã11. Acta Mathematica. Scientia, 18(1) (1998), 11-18 (In chinese).

23 Zhang Shunhua, (1997): Lie algebras determined by finite valued Auslander-Reiten quivers. Science in China (A), 40(7) (1997), 714-724. (SCI)

24 Zhang Shunhua, (1997): Some Hall polynomials for representation-finite selfinjective algebra with modpΛwithout short chains. Chinese Science Bulletin, 42(12) (1997), 985-988. (SCI)

25 Zhang Shunhua, (1995): T-Quasinjective modules and TQI rings. Acta Mathematica Sinica. 38(1) (1995), 71-76 (In Chinese).

26 Zhang Shunhua, (1994): V-modules and V-additive categories. Northeastn Math. J. 10(3) (1994), 346-350.

27 Zhang Shunhua, (1992): T-projective modules and G-semisimple rings. Acta Mathematica Sinica. 35(3) (1992), 378-386 (In Chinese).

28 Zhang Shunhua, (1991): Regular rings and V-rings relative to torsion theory. J. Math. Reseach and Exposition, 11(1) (1991), 31-36 (In Chinese).


1 Zhang Shunhua, Generalized cluster-tilted algebras. 2009. Preprint. arXiv:math.RT/0902.3047.

2 Dong Hongchang, Zhang Shunhua, Ringel-Hall algebra of duplicated tame hereditary algebras. 2010. Preprint, arXiv:math.RT/1001.1188.

3 Zhang Aiping, Zhang Shunhua, Subcategories and finitistic dimensions of Artin algebras. 2010, Preprint.





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