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1992年被诺贝尔物理学奖获得者Abdus Salam教授聘任为国际原子能机构和联合国教科文组织所属国际理论物理中心资深特邀研究员,任期1992年1月至1997年12月。

自1982年至今,九次应邀赴美国的麻省理工学院,费米国家实验室,布鲁凯汶国家实验室,阿贡国家实验室等28所大学和研究所, 英国的剑桥大学,牛津大学,卢瑟福-阿卜里顿实验室,德国的普郎克物理研究所,海德堡大学等8所大学和研究所, 法国的皮尔和玛丽-居里大学(巴黎大学VI分校), 日内瓦欧洲核子研究中心等, 共50余所大学和研究所任客座教授和给学术报告,历时七年。一年以上的有: 1982年5月-1983年5月,英国剑桥大学应用数学和理论物理系,卢瑟福-阿卜里顿实验室,德国电子同步实验室(DESY),美国密执安大学物理系等; 1985年7月-1986年8月,欧洲粒子物理研究中心(CERN),美国麻省理工学院理论物理中心,密执安大学物理系实,费米国家实验室,布鲁凯汶国家实验室,阿贡国家实验室等;1988年7月-1989年9月,欧洲粒子物理研究中心(CERN)、德国普郎克物理研究所、海德堡大学理论物理研究所、美国布鲁凯汶国家实验室等;1993年12月-1994年12月,英国剑桥大学牛顿数学研究所、牛津大学粒子和核物理系、德国海德堡大学理论物理研究所、德国电子同步实验室(DESY)、法国皮尔和玛丽-居里大学(巴黎大学VI分校)引力和宇宙学实验室等;1997年9月-1998年12月,德国普郎克物理研究所、海德堡大学理论物理研究所、亚琛技术大学理论物理研究所等;2000年9月-2001年9月,德国海德堡大学理论物理研究所、慕尼黑大学物理系等。从事理论物理研究。在SCI期刊上发表论文90篇。







(1) 非对易空间量子理论研究。发现理论的自洽条件。发现新型畸变玻色对易子,获得完备的畸变玻色代数。纠正了文献中所隐含的理论框架的不自洽性和不完备性,奠定了非对易空间量子理论的自洽的和完备的理论框架,奠定了探索理论的可检测效应的可靠基础。发现在空间非对易性所特许的极限条件下,在特殊安排的交叉电磁场中,冷里德堡原子轨道角动量的零点值为约化普朗克常数的1/4,这是迄今找到的唯一可供现有能区的实验进行检验的非对易空间的量子效应。

(2) 超对称量子力学研究。与李新州和倪志祥合作,首创了超对称量子力学的半幺正框架。发现了确定角动量超对称伴子的方案,解决了文献中角动量超对称伴子的得出带猜测性的困难。发现在零动能极限下,冷里德堡原子的超对称伴子的轨道角动量的零点值为约化普朗克常数的3/2,获得超对称原子物理的可检测信息。

(3) 畸变量子理论研究。发现畸变量子理论自洽性判据,奠定了可靠理论框架。发现畸变测不准关系可小于海森堡最小测不准关系允许值的下切现象,并发现了畸变压缩态的临界压缩现象,获得畸变量子理论的可检测信息。发现和证明了畸变量子理论的微扰等价定理,奠定理论的微扰计算基础。用非微扰畸变量子理论首次成功解释了夸克-轻子谱,揭示畸变量子理论适用于亚普朗克能区。

(4)费米子--双子束缚系统研究。 发现了费米子--双子束缚系统的新的奇异性,克服了相应的LWP困难;确定了双子电荷的可能值,首次使理论计算与实验的定量比较成为可能;获得了此系统的反常能谱及一系列非寻常特性,发现了束缚态荷电磁单极的新的检测原理和方法。



自 2005 Science Citation Index, Journal of Citation Reports, in the Institute for Scientific Information Database):1)(7.489) Jian-zu Zhang, Testing Spatial Noncommutativity via Rydberg Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93 (2004) 043002.

2)(7.489) Jian-zu Zhang, Angular Momentum of Supersymmetric Cold Rydberg Atoms,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 44.

3)(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, Un-equivalency Theorem between Deformed and

Undeformed Heisenberg-Weyl‘s Algebras, Phys. Lett. B639 (2006) 403.

4)(5.301) Qi-Jun Yin, Jian-zu Zhang, Coherent States Of Deformed Heisenberg-Weyl Algebra in Non-commutative Spaces, Phys. Lett. B613 (2005) 91.

5)(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, Deformed Two-Photon Squeezed States in Non-commutative Spaces, Phys. Lett. B597 (2004) 362.

6))(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, Fractional Angular Momentum in Non-commutative Spaces, Phys. Lett. B584 (2004) 204.

7))(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, Structures of q-deformed Currents, Phys. Lett. B554 (2003) 223.

8)(3.209) Jian-zu Zhang, Perturbation Foundation of q-deformed Dynamics, Eur. Phys. J.

C28 (2003) 89.

9))(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, q-deformed Dynamics and Virial Theorem, Phys. Lett. B539 (2002) 162.

10)(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, Testing Abelian Dyon-Fermion Bound System, Phys. Lett. B532

(2002) 215.

11)(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, Perturbative Equivalent Theorem in q-deformed Dynamics, Phys. Lett. B517 (2001) 210.

12)(3.209) Jian-zu Zhang, P. Osland, Perturbative Aspects of q-deformed Dynamics, Eur. Phys. J. C20 (2001) 393.

13)(2.596) P. Osland, Jian-zu Zhang, Critical Phenomenon of a Consistent q-deformed Squeezed State, Ann. Phys. (N.Y), 290 (2001) 45.

14)(5.944) H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, Jian-zu Zhang, Yunbo Zhang, Once Again: Instanton Method vs. WKB, J. High Energy Phys. 0111, 011 (2001) 1-8.

15)(5.522) D. K. Park, S. N. Tamaryan, H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, Jian-zu Zhang, D-Branes and Their Absorptivity in Born-Infeld Theory, Nucl. Phys. B594 (2001) 243.

16)(1.55) SH. Mammedov, Jian-zu Zhang, Supersymmetry in Quantum Mechnics of Colored Particles, Mod. Phys. Lett. A16 (2001) 845.

17)(1.55) Jian-zu Zhang, Qiang Xu, Zero-Point Angular Momentum of Supersymmetric Penning Trap, Phys. Lett. A275 (2000) 350.

18)(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, Spectrum of q-deformed Schrodinger Equation, Phys. Lett. B477 (2000) 361.

19)(1.55) Jian-zu Zhang, A q-Deformed Uncertainty Relation, Phys. Lett. A262 (1999) 125.

20)(1.55) Jian-zu Zhang, Qiang Xu, H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, Dynamical Behavior of Supersymmetric Paul Trap in Semiuritary Formulation of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, Phys. Lett. A258 (1999) 1.

21)(3.209) C. A. Boe, O. M. Ogreid, P. Osland, Jian-zu Zhang, Higgs Production: C P Studies in e e Collisions, Eur. Phys. J. C9 (1999) 413.

22)(1.55) Jian-zu Zhang, H. J. W. Mueller-Kirsten, A Simple Way of Realizing Atomic Supersymmertry, Phys. Lett. A248 (1998) 1.

23)(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, A q-Deformed Quantum Mechanics, Phys. Lett. B440 (1998) 66.

24)(1.566) Jian-zu Zhang, H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, J. M. S. Rana, F. Zimmerschied, Quantization of a Particle in the field of an Elliptic Flux Tube, J. Phys. A31 (1998) 7291.

25)(1.55) Jian-zu Zhang, Semi-unitary Approach to Supersymmetrization of Quantum Mechanics in Multi-Dimensions, Phys. Lett. A236 (1997) 270.

26)(1.55) Jian-zu Zhang, Xin-zhou Li, Zhi-xiang Ni, Applications of Semi-unitary Transformations to Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, Phys. Lett. A214 (1996) 107.

27)(2.977) Jian-zu Zhang, Xin-zhou Li, Jiu-an Zhang, Giu-rong Ma, Suerpartner Systems and Semiunitary Transformations in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, Phys. Rev. A54 ( 1996) 5418.

28)(1.55) H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, Jian-zu Zhang, Faaddeev-Jackiw Brackets and Quantizatum Conditions of Constrained Systems, Phys. Lett. A202 (1995) 241.

29)(1.55) H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, Jian-zu Zhang, Faaddeev-Jackiw Formulism, Gauge Fixing Conditions and Constraint Induced Effective Potential, Phys. Lett. A200 (1995) 243.

30)(1.55) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, A Nonstandard Triple Gluon Decay, Mod. Phys. Lett. A10 (1995) 115.

31)(4.852) H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, Jian-zu Zhang, Collective Coordinates and BRST Symmetry, Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 6531.

32)(5.301) H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, Jian-zu Zhang, On the Consistency of BRST Gauge Fixing of Constrained Systems, Phys. Lett. B339 (1994) 65.

33)(1.566) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, A new Class of Non-topological Solutions, J. Phys. A27 (1994) 507.

34)(5.301) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, The Solutions of the Cosmic String Loop Equation in an Expanding Universe, Phys. Lett. B312 (1993) 62.

35)(1.566) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, Bound States of a Fermion and a Dirac Dyon in Robertson-Walker Metric, J. Phys. A26 (1993) 4451.

36)(2.173) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, Pair Production of Weak Gauge Bosons via Axigluon Fusion, J. Phys. G19 (1993) 1805.

37)(4.852) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, Effective Couplings of Axigluons and Technicolor Pseudo Goldstone Bosons, Phys. Rev. D46 (1992) 5092.

38)(2.977) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, Spinor Structures of the Bethe-Salpeter Irreducible Kernels, Phys. Rev. A46 (1992) 2250.

39)(2.173) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, Perturbative Shifts of Energy Spectrum in a Bound System of a Charged Fermion and an Abelian Dyon, J. Phys. G18 (1992) 1747.

40)(4.852) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, Superconducting Strings from Heterotic Superstring, Phys. Rev. D45 (1992) 2888.

41)(4.852) Xin-zhou Li, Xin Shi, Jian-zu Zhang, Generalized Riemann ζ-function Regularization and Casimir Energy for a Piecewise Uniform String, Phys. Rev. D44 (1991) 560.

42)(4.852) Jian-zu Zhang, Axigluon Mass, Phys. Rev. D43 (1991) 214.

43)(2.173) Lu-sheng Chen, Zhang-jin Chen, Jian-zu Zhang, Exclusion of Light Axigluons, J. Phys. G17 (1991) 237.

44)(4.852) Jian-zu Zhang, Axigluons and Monojets, Phys. Rev. D42 (1990) 1455.

45)(4.852) Jian-zu Zhang, Parity-Violating Effects of the Bound System of a Charged Fermion and an Abelian Dyon with Charge Z_d46)(1.192) Jian-zu Zhang, Yong-chang Qi, Wave Functions of Bound States of a Fermion and a Dirac Dyon and Matrix Elements in an External Electromagnetic Field, J. Math. Phys. 31 (1990) 1796.

47)(2.173) Jian-zu Zhang, Dipole Moments of the Bound System of a Charged Fermion and an Abelian Dyon , J. Phys. G16 (1990) 195.

48)(1.472) H. J. W. Müller-Kirsten, Jian-zu Zhang, D. H. Tchrakian, Stability or Metastability and Eigenvalues of the Equation of Small Fluctuations, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A5 (1990) 1319.

49)(4.852) P. H. Frampton, Jian-zu Zhang, Yong-chang Qi, Analysis of Bound States of Charged Fermion and Abelian Dyon, Phys. Rev. D40 (1989) 3533.

50)(2.237) Jian-zu Zhang, Analysis of Parity Violation Transition for the Fermion-Dyon System, Europhys. Lett. 10 (1989) 639.

51)(3.164) Jian-zu Zhang, Anomaly Processes of the System of Technions and Gauge Bosons, Z. Phys. C45 (1989) 261.

52)(4.852) Jian-zu Zhang, Wess-Zumino-Type Effective Action for Technions with Light Gauge Bosons in a Chiral-Anomaly Technicolor Model, Phys. Rev. D39 (1989) 354.

53)(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, The Wess-Zumino Type Effective Action in the Technicolor Scheme and the Technion Production at Z^o, Phys. Lett. B195 (1987) 495.

54)(4.852) Xin-zhou Li, Feng Yu, Jian-zu Zhang, Generalized Monopoles in(4+K)-Dimensional Abelian Theories , Phys. Rev. D34 (1986) 1124.

55)(4.852) Xin-zhou Li, Jian-zu Zhang, Hydrogen Like Structure of Bound-State Energy for a Fermion and a Dirac Dyon with Charge Z_d|q|+1/2, Phys. Rev. D33 (1986) 562.

56)(5.301) Xin-zhou Li, Ke-lin Wang, Jian-zu Zhang, The Singularity States of the System of a Fermion and a Dirac Dyon, Phys. Lett. B148 (1984) 89.

57)(5.301) Xin-zhou Li, Ke-lin Wang, Jian-zu Zhang, On the SO(10) Monopole, Phys. Lett. B140 (1984) 209.

58)(5.301) Jian-zu Zhang, The Unified BS Wavefunctions of Mesons with Natural J^{PC}, Phys.

Le tt. B112 (1982) 165.





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