

词条 岳经纶





















International Advisor, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice













1. “个人社会服务与福利国家:对我国社会保障制度的启示”,《学海》,2010第4期,第60-65页。

2. “全球化时代下的劳资关系网络化与中国劳工团结”(与庄文嘉),《中山大学学报》,2010第1期,第161-169页。

3. 建构“社会中国”:中国社会政策的发展与挑战,《探索与争鸣》,2010年第5期。

4. “全球金融危机背景下的中国劳动法”,载[德] 鲁道夫·特劳普-梅茨、张俊华编:《劳动关系比较研究:中国-韩国-德国/欧洲》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2010年,第101-112。

5. “Social Assistance Policy and Its Impact on Social Development in China: The Case of the Minimum Living Standard Scheme (MLSS)”, China Journal of Social Work, No. 1,2010.

6. “Tobacco control in China: Process, actors and policy initiatives”, Journal of Asian Public Policy, Vol. 3, No.1, 2010. pp.100-110.

7. “From Labour Shortage to Mass Unemployment: Labour Relations in Guangdong in the New Century”, in Joseph Cheng, ed., Guangdong: Challenges in Development and Crisis Management, Hong Kong: City University, 2010, pp. 337-361.



1. “合作式应急治理机制的构建:香港模式的启示”(与李甜妹),《公共行政评论》,2009第6期,第81-104页。

2. “转型中的当代中国劳动监察体制:基于治理视角的一项整体性研究”(与庄文嘉),《公共行政评论》,2009年第5期,第92-120页。

3. “共和国60年来公共政策变迁”,《湖湘论坛》,2009年第4期,第5-8页。

4. “社会政策视野下的中国民生问题”,《社会工作》,2009年第8期,第42-49页。

5. “地方最低生活保障制度研究:广东的案例”(与翁慧怡),《社会保障研究》,2009年第2期,第147-162页。

6. “政策变迁及其理论:基于美国的文献综述”,白钢、史卫民主编:《中国公共政策分析2009年卷》, 北京:中国社会科学出版社,第299-322页。

7. Of Sustainability and Excellence: The Chinese Academia at a Crossroad (with Arie Halachmi) Public Administration Review, Volume 69, Supplement 1, December 2009, pp. S13-S20(1).

8. “Localization of Higher Education and Its Social Consequences in China, 1993-2007, Journal of Asian Public Policy, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2009, pp.57-73.

9. State Capacity, Policy Learning and Policy Paradigm Shift: The Case of the Institutionalization of the “Theory of Scientific Development” in China, Korean Journal of Policy Studies, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2009.

10. “Redefining Development in China: Towards a New Policy Paradigm for the New Century?”, in Mok, K. H. and Forrest, R. eds., Changing Governance and Public Policy in East Asia. London and New York: Routledge, 2009.









1. “社会政策学视野下的我国社会保障制度建设:从社会身份本位到人类需要本位”,《公共行政评论》,2008第4期,第58-83页。

2. “专项资金与农村义务教育:政策工具的视角”, 《深圳大学学报》,2008年第4期,第86-90页。

3. “劳务派遣:劳工权益保障的危机”,《二十一世纪》,2008年4月号总106期,第21-29页。

4. “社会科学、知识分子与和谐社会--美国进步时代的启示”,《公共行政评论》,2008年第2期,第70-91页。

5. “不情愿的控烟运动:中国控烟政策的发展及其局限”,《公共管理研究》总第6卷,2008年,第137-150页。

6. “中国公共政策转型下的社会政策支出研究”,《中国公共政策评论》(社会保障与社会政策专辑),上海:上海人民出版社/格致出版社,2008年,第42-68页。

7. The Changes of Chinese Labour Policy and Labour Legislation in the Context of Market Transition (single author), International Labour and Working Class History, No, 73, Spring 2008, pp. 45-64. [Cambridge]

8. One Country, Diverse Systems: Politics of Educational Decentralization and Challenges for Regulatory State in Post-Mao China (with Kaho Mok), China Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2008, pp.169-199.

9. Massification, Bureaucratization and Questing for “World-Class” Status: Higher Education in China since the Mid-1990s (single author), International Studies of Educational Management, vol. 22 No. 6. 2008, pp.547-564.




Social Policy in China: Development and Well-being, Bristol: Policy Press, 2008。



1. “农民工的社会保护:劳动政策的视角”,《中国人民大学学报》,2006年第6期,总第120期,第14-19页。由《新华文摘》转载,总第375期(2007年2月5日),第29-31页。

2. “和谐社会与政府职能:社会政策的视角”,《武汉大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),2007年第3期,第416-422页。

3. “非政府组织与农民工权益保护:以番禺打工族文书处理服务部为个案”(与屈恒),《中山大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),2007年第3期,第80-85页。

4. “科学发展观:新世纪中国发展政策的新范式”,《学术研究》,2007年第3期,第33-39页。

5. “延续与变迁:21世纪初的香港高等教育发展与改革”(和李晓康),《清华大学教育研究》,第28卷第1期(2007年2月),第8-16页。

6. “中国劳动政策的反思”,《二十一世纪(双月刊)》,2007年2月号,总第99期,第30-37页。

7. Chinese Education Policy in the Context of Decentralization and Marketization: Evolution and Implications, Asia Pacific Education Review. Vol. 8, No. 1, (April 2007). pp.142-157.

8. The Quest for 'World Class Universities' in China: Critical Reflections (with Weiqing Guo), The Journal of Comparative Asian Development,Vol.6,No.1 (Spring 2007), pp.21-44

9. Marketization globalization and administrative reform in China: a zigzag road to promising future (with Guobin Zhu), International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol.73, No.2,2007, pp.217-233







“食品安全问题及其政策工具选择”,白钢、史卫民主编:《中国公共政策分析2006年卷》, 北京:社会科学出版社,2006年,第122-144页。


“面向知识型经济的香港人口政策”,载香港城市大学亚洲管治研究中心、中国社会科学院公共政策研究中心编:《中国公共政策分析年报2004年卷》,香港:香港城市大学出版社, 2004年,第103-124页。

“中国的基层民主化:从村民自治到乡镇领导人选举改革”(与郑宇硕),汉城:《中国与中国学》, 2003年第二期,第1-21页。

“香港移民政策研究”(与叶健民),载桂世勋、黄黎若莲主编:《上海与香港社会政策比较研究》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2003年,第406-420 页。


“后充分就业时代的香港失业问题:兼论香港的劳工立法”,载 郑功成、曾湘泉等主编:《变革中的就业环境与社会保障》,北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社,2003年,第1299-317页。

“ 教育市场化趋势下之大陆高等教育与政府的关系”,载莫家豪等主编:《高等教育市场化:台、港、大陆趋势之比较》,台北:高等教育出版,2002年,第267-295页。

“经济全球化条件下中国劳工与国家的张力”(与蒋晓阳),载 郑功成、郑宇硕主编:《全球化下的劳工与社会保障》,北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社,2002年,第111-129页。

“两岸僵持局面下的港台关系”(与郑宇硕), 《海峡》,2001年12月,总第15期,第62-65页。

“中华人民共和国劳动法的发展:《劳动法》三个版本的比较分析” ,载香港海峡两岸关系研究中心编:《海峡两岸三地的劳资关系与劳工政策》,香港:香港海峡两岸关系研究中心,2000年,第117-140页。



“终身教育与学习型城市:面向21 世纪的上海教育改革与发展”(与陈建强),《教育政策论坛》,2000年第2期,第80-98 页。

“Social Policy between Plan and Market: Xiagang (Off-duty Employment) and the Policy of the Re-employment Service Centres in China” (with Linda Wong), Social Policy & Administration,Vol.40, No.2, 2006, pp.158-173.

Globalization and Higher Education Reform in China, in Nicholas Sun-keung Pang eds., Globalization: Educational Research, Change and Reform,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,2006,pp.73-99.

“The 2001 Spy Plane Incident Revisited: the Chinese Perspective” (with Joseph Cheng), Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol.9, No.1, Spring 2004, pp.63-83.

“China’s Overseas Chinese Policy in the Globalization Era: Challenges and Responses” (with Philip Cheng and Joseph Cheng), The Journal of Comparative Asian Development, Vol. 3, No. 1 ,Spring 2004, pp. 157-82 [HK]

“The Potential for Civil Unrest in China” (with Joseph Cheng), in Annelies Heijmans, Nicola Simmonds, and Hans van de Veen, eds., Searching for Peace in Asia Pacific, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc, 2004, pp. 166-180.

“Chinese Nationalism and Sino-US Relations: the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade” (with Joseph Cheng), in L. H. Liew and Shangguan Wang eds., Nationalism, Democracy and National Integration in China, London and New York: RoutledgeCruzon, 2004, pp. 85-104.

“Migration and Competitiveness (with Ray Yep), in Linda Wong and Lynn White eds., A Tale of Two Cities: Social Policy Reform in Hong Kong and Shanghai, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2004, pp. 217-238.

“The 1998 Administrative Reform of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China” (with Hon Chan), Chinese Law & Government, January February 2003.[M.E. Sharpe, USA]

“Reinventing the Communist Government in a Transitional Economy- A Review of China's 1998 Central Government Restructuring”, Asian Profile, February 2003, pp. 1-14. [Asian Research Centre, Canada]

“Market Transition and the Development of Chinese Labor Law”, Journal of Societal & Social Policy, August 2003, pp. 59-82. [Casa Verde Publishing, Hong Kong].

“The Tension of Chinese Labor and the State in the Context of Globalization: Reflections from Guangdong”, in Joseph Cheng, ed., Guangdong: Preparing for the WTO Challenge, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2003, pp. 195-223.

Globalization and Educational Restructuring in China (with Julia Kwong), in Mok, K. H and Anthony Welch, eds., Glabolization and Educational Restructuring in the Asia Pacific Region, London: Palgrave [Macmillan], 2003, pp.160-188.

“Law-making and China's Market Transition: Legislative Activism at the Eighth National People's Congress”, Problems of Post-Communism, March-April, 2002, pp. 23-32 [M. E. Sharpe, USA]

“Decentralization and Changing Higher Education Governance in China” (with Joshua Ka-ho), in The Society of Comparative Education of Taiwan ed., The Education Prospect in the New Era, Taipei: Pro-Ed Publishing Company, 2002, pp. 189-231.

“Reforme Administrative Dans Une Economie En Transition: Une Analysis De La Reforme De 1998 Du Gouvernement Central Chinois” (With Zhu G.B), In Annuaire Europeen D’Administration Publicque 2001, Paris : Presses Universitaires D’Aix-Marseille, 2002, pp.699-721

“Towards Centralization and Decentralization in Educational Development in Shanghai” (with David Chan), Education and Society, Volume 19, No. 3, 2001, pp. 59-78 [James Nicholas Publishers, Australia]

“The Development of the Labour Law of the People’s Republic of China: A Comparison of Three Versions”, Chinese Law & Government, January-February 2000, pp.3-21 [M. E. Sharpe, USA]

“Hong Kong in the Eyes of Chinese Cadres” (with Joseph Cheng), Asian Affairs: An American Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer 2000, pp.93-109 [Heldref Publications, USA]

“Shanghai Education into the 21st Century: A Quest for Learning Society” (with David Chan), Chulalongkorn Educational Review, Vol. 6, No. 2, January 2000, pp. 1-14 [Bangkok, Thailand]

Collective Contracts and Chinese-Style Collective Bargaining: A Case Study of Guangdong (with Grace Lee), in Joseph Cheng ed., Guangdong in the Twenty-first Century: Stagnation or Second Take-off?, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2000, pp.143-165.

“New Collective Labour Relations Mechanisms in the Workplace: the Collective Contract System in Mainland China”, Issues & Studies, No.6, 1999, pp119-143 [Taipei, Taiwan]

“Government Policy in the Reform Era: Interactions Between China’s Organs Responsible for Overseas Chinese Affairs and Qiaoxiang Communities” (with Joseph Cheng), in L. M. Douw, Cen Huang and Michael R. Godley eds., Qiaoxiang Ties: Interdisciplinary Approaches to ‘Cultural Capitalism’ in South China, London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1999, pp. 113-142.

“Unemployment and Policy Responses in Mainland China” (with Linda Wong), Issues & Studies, No.1, 1997, pp.43-63 [Taipei, Taiwan]



《中国公共政策分析年报2004年卷》(主编之一),香港城市大学出版社, 2004

《中国公共政策分析年报2003年卷》(主编之一),香港城市大学出版社, 2003


《中国公共政策分析年报2002年卷》(主编之一),香港城市大学出版社, 2002


Chinese Law & Government (A Special Issue on The 1998 Administrative Reform of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China ), Guest Editor and Translator, M.E. Sharpe (January- February 2003).

Chinese Law & Government, January-February 2000 (A Special Issue on China’s Labour Law), Guest Editor and Translator, M.E.Sharpe.

百科全书条目(Entry in Encyclopaedia):

“Communism and Socialism” (with Joseph Cheng), in Karen Christensen & David Levinson eds. Encyclopaedia of Community: From the Village to the Virtual World, Thousand Oaks, London and New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2003,pp.218-224.

书评(Book Review):

The Chinese Cultural Revolution Reconsidered: Beyond Purge and Holocaust, edited by Law Kam Yee, London: Palgrave, 2003, 《香港社会科学学报》,2004年秋冬季号, 第174-177页。

CAO Jingqing, Huanghe Bian de zhongguo: yige xuezhe dui xiancun shehui de guancha yu sikao (China along the Yellow River: a scholar’s observation and thinking on rural society). Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 2000,China Information, Vol.XVIII, No. 2, pp.112-114.





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