

词条 袁红春










[1] 袁红春,基于神经网络的茶叶品质评定智能专家系统研究(安徽省教委资助,1997.9~1999.9);

[2] 袁红春,空间数据挖掘与智能系统集成研究(中科院资助的研究生科研社会实践项目,2000.9~2002.8);

[3] 袁红春,专家系统开发平台及其农业应用研究(国家 863 计划项目,No.863-306-ZD05-01-3,1998.12~2000.12);

[4] 袁红春,基于数据库与知识库的知识发现及其农业应用系统的研究(国家自然基金重点项目,No.69835010,1999.1~2002.12);

[5] 袁红春,基于互联网的鱼病远程诊治专家系统研究(上海水产大学校长专项基金项目,2003.6-2005.6);

[6] 袁红春,智能信息技术集成及其渔业应用研究(上海高校优秀青年教师后备人选科研项目,2004.6-2006.6);

[7] 袁红春, web数据挖掘及其在水产品市场行情中应用研究(上海市教委青年基金,2003.6-2005.5)


1. Hongchun Yuan and Chao Deng. Neural Network Method for Extraction Evaluation Rules of Soil Fertility, Proceeding of the Second Asian Conference for Information Technology in Agriculture (AFITA2000), Suwon, Korea, June 15-17, 2000, PP. 44-49

2. Yuan Hongchun, A Novel Approach for Extracting Rules from Trained Neural Network. International Symposium on Intelligent Agriculture Information Technology (ISIAIT 2000), Beijing, P. R. China, Dec. 1-4, 2000, PP305-309

3. Huai Xiaoyong, and Yuan Hongchun. Research on New Generation Intelligent Information Systems Tool, International Symposium on Intelligent Agriculture Information Technology (ISIAIT 2000), Beijing, P. R. China, Dec. 1-4, 2000, PP. 61-66

4. Yuan Hongchun. Intelligent Technology for Precision Agriculture, International Conference & IT Products Exhibition on Computer Application in Agriculture of 21st Century, Beijing, P. R. China, Oct. 2000, PP. 95-98

5. Yuan Hongchun and Huai Xiaoyong. A Method for Deciding the Number of Hidden Neurons of the Feed-forward Neural Networks. IFAC/CIGR Fourth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture. Budapest, Hungary, June 6-8, 2001, PP. 31-35

6. Yuan Hongchun and Bai shilei. A Method for Optimizing the Structure of Neural Networks Based on Information Entropy. The Pacific Asian Conference on Intelligent System 2001 (PAIS2001). Nov. 16-17, Seoul, Korea, 2001

7. Hongchun Yuan, Fanlun Xiong. The Study on A Neural Network Model of Tea Quality Evaluation based on Chemical Components. World Congress on Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources. Igua?u Falls, Brazil, March 13-15, 2002

8. Hongchun Yuan, Fanlun Xiong, Xiaoyong Huai. A method for estimating the number of hidden neurons in feed-forward neural networks based on information entropy. Computers and electronics in agriculture. 2003, 40(1-3):57-64

9. 袁红春, 熊范纶. 一种基于信息熵的神经网络规则提取方法. 模式识别与人工智能, 2002,15(2):246-252

10. 袁红春, 熊范纶, 杭小树, 张友华. 一个适用于地理信息系统的数据挖掘工具─.GISMiner. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2002, 32(2): 217-224

11. 袁红春, 淮晓永, 熊范纶. 基于双库协同机制的空间数据挖掘模型研究. 第四届全球智能控制与自动化大会, 上海, 中国, 2002.6. 10-14

12. 袁红春, 熊范纶. 一种估计三层前馈神经网络中隐结点数目的新方法.2003,24(4):657-660

13. 袁红春, 熊范纶. 空间数据挖掘及其与智能信息系统的集成框架研究.信息与控制, 2002(4) : 304-309

14. 黄文江, 袁红春. 基于神经网络的水稻产量预测模型, 计算机与农业, 2000.10

15. 杭小树, 黄河, 袁红春, 基于有限状态自动机的用户指定架构序贯模式挖掘方法, 第四届全球智能控制与自动化大会, 上海, 中国, 2002.6. 10-14

16. 张友华, 杭小树, 袁红春, 基于定向语料库的文本向量关联研究与应用, 第四届全球智能控制与自动化大会, 上海, 中国, 2002.6. 10-14

17. Xiaoshu Hang, He Huang, HongchunYuan, Fanlun Xiong,“Mining User-specified Sequential Patterns in Sequence of Event Data”, proceeding of the 4th world congress on intelligent control and automation,4th WCICA,Shanghai, China,10-14,June,2002.

18. 袁红春, 熊范纶. 元规则指导下的逐步求精多层空间关联规则挖掘算法研究,计算机工程,2004,30(8):34-36

19. 袁红春, 熊范纶. 基于互联网的市场行情可视化信息系统研究, 计算机工程,2005.12,31(23):216-218

20. Yuan Huongchun, Ying Chen. Algorithms for Mining Spatial Characteristic Rules: An Application in GIS, CD Proceedings of Conference on Digital Environment, 2005.7,Shanghai,China

21. Yuan Huongchun, Ying Chen, et al. Development of Expert System for Fish Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 2006.4, Shanghai,China

22. Yuan Huongchun, Ying Chen et al. Automatic Web-Based Tabular Data Extraction for Generating Market Information, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 2006.4, Shanghai,China

23. Hongchun Yuan,Ying Chen. Extracting Aquatic Product Market Information from Website. 第十届中国机器学习会议. 中国海口, 2006.10, 13-15.

24. 袁红春, 方世辉. 基于FLN的茶叶品质评定神经网络模型. 第十届中国机器学习会议. 中国海口, 2006.10, 13-15.

25. 袁红春, 陈庆海. WEB数据自动提取算法及其应用.第三届web信息系统及其应用学术会议. 中国南京, 2006.10, 19-22.

26. Hongchun Yuan, Yebo Yang, Ying Chen. Crab-Expert: a Web-Based ES for Crab Farming. 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND VISION (ICARCV 2006). 5 - 8 December 2006, Singapore.


获2006 年上海水产大学科学成果三等奖





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