

词条 尤江峰


尤江峰: 女, 1978 年 4 月 10 日出生。籍贯:内蒙古凉城县。现为吉林大学农学部植物科学学院讲师。 主要研究领域:植物营养逆境生理。


1996.09 - 2000.07 吉林农业大学农商学院应用化学专业 学士学位

2000.09 - 2003.07 吉林农业大学资源与环境学院植物营养学专业 硕士学位

2000.09 - 2003.07 浙江大学环境与资源学院农业资源利用专业 博士学位


吉林大学农学部科研基金博士科研启动基金课题(2007-2009):铝胁迫下大豆根尖抑制性差减文库的构建。 1/5

国家自然科学基金课题(项目编号:1212010511208)(2007~2009):柠檬酸代谢关键酶及脱落酸(ABA)在铝诱导大豆柠檬酸分泌过程中的作用研究。 3/5

国家自然科学基金课题(2000 ~ 2003):铝迫下大豆柠檬酸的分泌特性及耐铝毒的遗传机理。 执行人




1. JF You, YF He, JL Yang, SJ Zheng. ( 2005 ) A comparison of aluminum resistance among Polygonum species originating on strongly acidic and neutral soils. Plant and Soil. 276 : 143-151

2. JL Yang (co-author), JF You (co-author), P Wu and SJ Zheng. Magnesium enhances aluminum-induced citrate secretion from rice bean ( Vigna umbellata ) roots by restoring plasma membrane H + -ATPase. Plant Cell Physiol. 481 : 66-73.

3. JF You , SJ Zheng, JL Yang, GX Li, YF He. (2005). High Al resistance in Polygonums . In CJ Li et al ., ( Eds ), Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection. Tsinghua University press ( China ). 758-759.

4. 尤江峰,郑绍建 .(2006).植物体中的阴离子通道,植物营养与肥料学报.12(2):266-272

5. 尤江峰,杨振明.(2005)铝胁迫下植物根系的有机酸分泌及其解毒机理 , 植物生理与分子生物学学报31(2): 111-118.

6. 尤江峰,杨建立,郑绍建 (2006)扁蓄和饭豆在铝胁迫条件下有机酸分泌特性的比较.植物营养与肥料学报(用)

7. JL Yang, L Zhang, YY Li, JF You, P Wu and SJ Zheng (2006). Citrate transporters play a critical role in aluminum-stimulated citrate efflux in rice bean ( Vigna umbellate ) roots. Annal of Botany. 97 : 579-584.

8. JL Yang, JF You, L Zhang, XH Yu, SJ Zheng. (2005). Comparative studies on the effect of a protein-synthesis inhibitor on aluminum-induced secretion of organic acids from Fygopyrum esculentum Moench and Cassia tora L. roots. In CJ Li et al ., ( Eds ), Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection. Tsinghua University press. ( China ). 754-755.

9. JL Yang, SJ Zheng, YF He, JF You , L Zhang, XH Yu ( 2006 ) . Comparative studies on the efflux of a protein-synthesis inhibitor on aluminum-induced secretion of organic acids from Fygopyrum esculentum Moench and Cassia tora L roots. Plant cell & Enviornment. 29 :240-246

10. SJ Zheng, JL Yang, YF He, XH Yu, L Zhang, JF You, RF Shen and H Matsumoto. (2005). Immobilization of aluminum with phosphorus in roots is associated with high aluminum resistance in buckwheat. Plant Physiol. 138 : 297-303.

11. H Matsumoto, ZM Yang, JF You and H Nian. (2003). The physiological mechanism of aluminum tolerance in Glycine max L. In Hemantaranjan et al . ( Eds ): Advances in plant physiology, Vol 6. Scientific Publishers ( India ), Jodhpur , 2003, pp, 237-261.





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