

词条 芭比之真假公主

芭比之真假公主,美国喜剧动画片。 (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)改编自马克·吐温经典故事《王子与乞丐》,芭比再次活现银幕面前,以动听的歌声,分身饰演一出梦幻式动画音乐剧!


外文名:Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper





导演:William Lau







《芭比之真假公主》 (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)





【英文名】Barbie : Princess And Pauper


【IMDB评分】3.9/10 (37 votes)


【文件大小】2CD 50 x 15MB*2

【视频尺寸】800 x 432


很久很久以前,有两个女孩出生在同一个国家,一个在城堡内,一个在农村子内。 虽然她们的长相是一样,可是她们的生活却大大不同。 他们都不知道大家的存在。命运安排了他们相遇,她们的国家也从此改变。

芭比在她的最新电影内扮演两个角色。她分别扮演金发的安丽丝公主及棕发的以丽嘉。 芭比更首次在这个音乐旅程中有歌唱的部分。每个女孩都渴望拥有不一样的生活 – 让她们自由选择。 两个外貌一样的女孩相遇,他们俩开始的时候都觉得很惊奇,后来更成为好朋友,永远的在一起。 有一个危险的计划危害安丽丝公主和她的王国, 旦是以丽嘉却冒险救了她的好朋友。两个女孩都得到很多好朋友的帮助。安丽丝公主更加不能离开莎拉芬娜——城堡内被宠爱的猫咪。 在危急的时候,莎拉芬娜是十分勇敢的。可是她就比较喜欢试试皇冠多于追遂坏人。以丽嘉也有她的好朋友猫眯—— 狐飞,他常常以为自己是一只狗。 他只会汪汪叫而不是咪咪叫。以丽嘉告诉他这是他特别的地方,他需要永远的对自己诚实。这两只不同的猫, 因为共同对付敌人—— 坏人柏明察相养的一只狗,相遇及结盟。


在皇后的皇室金矿慢慢消失之前事情还是一样。 可是, 奸诈的爵首相柏明察想娶皇后,便可以统治王国。

安丽丝公主喜欢她的家庭教师祖里安,他们一起学习建立了友情。 当她被爵首相绑架的时候,请以丽嘉扮成安丽丝公主以免杜明利国王离开,而且在他找安丽丝公主的同时,王国也得以安全。以丽嘉知道如果被发现假扮安丽丝公主会被送到地牢监尴,她和莫非仍然愿意帮助安丽丝公主和莎拉芬娜。在莎拉芬娜帮助之下,安丽丝公主逃跑了,却被以丽嘉苛刻的裁缝店老板卡普夫人误会以为以丽嘉。 同时以丽嘉发现假扮公主比她想象中危险,她更爱上了国王杜明利。国王杜明利也被以丽嘉“公主”的活力和歌声吸引着。




歌词:<<真假公主>>--"I am a Girl Like You" ERIKA:

If I'd like to have my breakfast hot

Madame Carp will make me pay

And I have to fetch the eggs myself

And the barn's a mile away

It's cold and wet and still I get

An omlette on my plate

But in my head I'm back in bed

Snuggled up and sleeping late


If I want some eggs I ring the bell

And the maid comes running in

And she serves them on a silver tray

And she brings a cookie tin

And while I eat, she rubs my feet

And strolling minstrels play

But I'd rather be in my library reading science books all day

If You Love Me For Me


Once a lass met a lad

You're a gentle one, said she

In my heart I'd be glad

If you loved me for me

You say your love is true

And I hope that it will be

DOMINIC:I'd be sure, if I knew

That you loved me for me


Could I be the one you're seeking?

Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking?

My eyes will give you clues


What you see may be deceiving

Truth lies underneath the skin


Hope will blossum by believing


The heart that lies within


I'll be yours

Together we shall always be as one

If you love me for me


Who can say where we'll go

Who can promise what will be

But I'll stay by your side


I'll be yours

Together we shall always

Be as one


If you love me for me

If you love me for me

Written In Your Heart

And you're always free to begin again

And you're always free to believe

When you find the place

That your heart belongs

You'll never leave

You and I will always be

Celebrating life together

I know I have found a friend forever more

Love is like a melody

One that I will always treasure

Courage is the key that opens every door

Though you may not know

Where your gifts may lead

And it may not show at the start

When you live your dreams

You'll find destiny

Is written in your heart

Though you may not know

Where your gifts may lead

And it may not show at the start

When you live your dream

You'll find destiny

Is written in your heart

To Be A Princess


To be a princess

Is to know which spoon to use

To be a princess

Is to own a thousand pairs of shoes

To maintain a regal gaite

Leave the parsley on your plate

And be charming but detached

And yet amused

To be a princess

Is to never be confused

Do a pli?and never fall

Don't ever stray from protocol

All through the day

There's just one way

You must behave

Do keep a grip and never crack

Stiff upper lip and arch the back

Bend from above

And always wear your gloves

And wave

Shoulders back and

Tummy in and

Pinky out and

Lift the chin and

Slowly turn the head from side to side


I see now


Breathing gently

Stepping lightly

Smile brightly

Nod politely

Never show a thing you feel inside


To be a princess

Is to always look your best

To be a princess

Is to never get to rest

Sit for a portrait, never squirm

Sleep on a mattress extra firm

Speak and be clever

Never at a loss for words

Curtsy to every count and lord

Learn how to play the harpsichord

Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds


Thirds, thirds



She has beautiful eyes

Your spirits rise

When she walks in the room

Doors close

And the chemistry grows

She's like a rose

That's forever in bloom


Do a pli?and don't

(Ever ever ever fall)

Never show dismay

(And be there when people call)

Be prepared whatever royal life will bring

Do keep a grip and don't

(Ever ever ever crack)

Take a dainty sip

(Never ever turn your back)

There's a time and place and way for everything

To be a princess

Is to never make your bed

To be a princess

Is to always use your head

The Cat's Meow

I can see it when you're feeling low

You can't hide that from me

You're no status quo calico

So why keep trying to be?

'Cause you're more than that

You're my doggish cat

I wish you could see the you I see

I say

If you bark

Celebrate it

Make your mark

Serenade it

Noah's ark

Shoulda had a cat like you

And if

What you are

Is a strange you

Doesn't mean

You should change you

Only means

You should change your point of view

Hey, feline

You fetch just fine

To thine own self be true

Your bow wow's

The cat's meow

It's how I know you're you

You don't need the bows

Or tiara

Bid your woes


Trust your nose

'Cause it knows the way to go

When you

Chase your tail

You're enchanting

Spirits sail

When you're panting

When you wail

You're a rover, Romeo

There is not

One hair of you

That I would rearrange

I love you the way you are

And that will never change

That will never change


芭比娃娃的简介 芭比娃娃(Barbie)是20世纪最广为人知及最畅销的玩偶,由Ruth Handler发明,于1959年3月9日举办的美国国际玩具展览会(American International Toy Fair)上首次曝光。芭比玩偶由美泰儿公司拥有及生产。芭比娃娃及其它相关配件是以一比六的比例制作,此比例为娃娃屋模型的最大号,也称为playscale。现在,“芭比”娃娃已经销往世界上150多个国家,总销售额超过10亿元。该产品被拍成一系列影视作品及周边产品,还改编了一系列小游戏。







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