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释义 | 俚语是粗俗或通行面极窄的方言词,英语俚语是英语中常用语言,也是非正式语言。 在外国学英语, 最有趣的大概就是可以听到很多俚语。 很多时候光听那些句子, 好像不容易马上可以会意出来他们在说什么, 听了几次后, 就慢慢可以了解这些俚语的含意了。不过, 不管什么语言, 都应该考虑到说话的对象、场合与时间, 有些俚语并不适合在正式的场合用。如: a (good) kay and a half: One and a half kilometres; the distance to anywhere from anywhere else; a long way. Example: Where's Christie's Beach? About a kay and a half that way. How far are we from home? We'd be a good kay and a half, I reckon. A Buck One-Eighty: You have A Buck Three-Eighty. I have always heard it this way--so there's a variant. Example: Wonder if a buck three-eighty is actually the same amount as a buck one-eighty? a buck three eighty: The price for anything. Example: Q: How much is this, sir? A: That's a buck three eighty. a case of the ass or redass: Highly annoyed, pissed off. Currently used in US Army. Example: Sergeant Greenfield has this huge case of the ass with me ever since I wrecked his humvee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a couple two three: I guess this means two or three. (We don't say this in Chicago. It's a weird thing they say out west or something.) Example: He had a couple two three dogs in his yard. a dollar three eightyfive: A nonsensical price for when one does not want to give the real price. Example: How much did my Lexus cost? A dollar three eightyfive. a double: A twenty dollar bill. Example: I've got eighty dollars on me, all I need is a double to make it a hundred. [A double sawbuck is a twenty. Read Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler to see fin, sawbuck, and double sawbuck in action.] a fin: Five dollars. (Gamblers use it for $500.) Example: All I have is a fin and two dollars in change in my pocket. a freddy: a pint of beer, more specifically a pint of heineken, named after the late freddy heineken Example: Two freddys and a ginger ale, please. a happy Birthday: A phrase mostly used by guys when they catch themselves in a situation when a girl exposes some part of her anatomy without knowing it, clothed or not. Usually happens at the gym. Example: Did you see that girl's shirt? Now that is a happy birthday. A List: The people at school who are cooler than anyone else in the school. Example: I'm not cool enough to go out with her--she's A list. a Monet: Someone who is very good looking from a distance, yet from up close the attraction diminishes. Example: He was hot from afar, but he turned out to be a Monet when I went up to speak. a mouse in his pocket: Phrase used to describe someone large, probably very strong, but intensely stupid. From _Of Mice and Men_[?] Example: We've got a new guy at work who worries me; I swear I think he's got a mouse in his pocket. a nifty: A fifty dollar bill. Example: I borrowed a nifty from my mom and she upped it five bucks more.Now I owe her fifty-five dollars. a pig in your pocket: Used when a person doesn't want to assist another. Example: What do you mean we? Is there a pig in your pocket? a sims moment: Brief moment in which you can relate something in real life to something in the computer simulation game The Sims. Usually occurs after rounds of playing said game. Example: I'm having a sims moment. This kitchen looks almost like what I did in The Sims last night. a sleeve: A hundred dollar bill. Example: I got seven hundred dollars, all in sleeves. a solid: A favor. Example: Do me a solid and send me that website link. a whole 'nother: An entirely different. I've noticed this phrase in the vocabulary of many people of various backgrounds and have even heard it on national TV, but I have yet to see it written down (before now). Example: That's a whole 'nother story. A's and C's: n. (plural) abbr. of Arts and Crafts. Slang form, creative endeavour. Example: They're letting me out of that place today so I can do some A's and C's. A'stake: A mistake, (Thanks, Erin.) Example: I'm sorry, I made a'stake. A-Bag: Real estate exchanger term meaning a keeper property that would not be traded off without a substantial advantage gained. Example: That's a good property--it's A-Bag. A-D-orable: Really adorable and cute. Example: Look at that guy, he's A-D-orable! a-dollar-three-eighty: The price for anything. Example: Question: How much is it? Answer: A-dollar-three-eighty. a-game: To do your best effort possible in any endeavor, not just pertaining to sports. Example: I didn't do to well on that test last week, next time I'm going to bring my A-game. 还有一些不文明的话.. 1=one=wun=one luv=peace=见面告别都可使用 187=美国谋杀案的代号,killa 105=Atlanta 212=NYC 213=LBC=Long Beach City 长滩,西岸的hip-hip重镇,G-funk在这边得到升华 313=底特律 40 cal=calico=枪 44=fo' fo'=枪 45=fo' fifth=枪 90 Ruger=P 90=枪 9=Tech Nine=机关枪,有个弹舌rapper就叫tech n9ne,那速度怎个快字了得..有兴趣的自行utube 5=500=five double O=奔驰5系 6=600=six double O=奔驰6系 6 feet deep=坟墓 64=six fo'=64年的雪弗兰Impala车,西岸的常拿着改装成low rider 65=65年的Impala车 16(40) bars=flow的速度 5-O=po po=pig=jakes=警察 A A-town=Atlanta A-town stomp=一种源于Atlanta的舞步,在Young Bloodz的Damn的video里可以看到 A.K.A=also known as=又叫做 aiight=alright=all right,口语经常说。。 Azn=Asian ain't=are not=is not=did not=have/has not=am not B Back in the day 过去 BK=Brooklyn,纽约布鲁克林 BX=Bronk,纽约布兰克斯 bang或bang bang 开枪或叉叉 birthday suit=裸体 behind bars=坐牢 blow trees=抽麻,tree经常制大,麻 burner=枪 bump heads=干架 beef=rappa之间不好的关系 break sb off=和某人**并使其达到高潮 bone=小jj beamer=BMW,宝马 birdbrain=脑子笨的人 baby mama=不是指妈妈,而是女友 blunt=大,麻 boo=情人,爱人比如usher跟alicia keys的一首我爱你,你爱我的歌---my boo booty=屁股 C crib=家 chrome=亮的车轮圈 cocky=自大的 Chevy=Chvrolet雪弗兰 cop=1-警察;2-买 crack=快克,一种du品 Cris=Cristal=一种香槟酒 coke=有时候会指可卡因 chill=1-冷静;2-呆着,不做任何事,休息 chillin=cool coochie=pussy,bb cheese=bread=cake=钱 Chucks=Converse的布鞋,西海岸的G常穿的 ching ching=钱 celly=cellphone chedda=钱 chuuch=yeah(Pimp们用的) D dubs=车的轮圈,20inch以上的。。上次搞错了,以为是钱。。。 doe=dough=钱 drama=同beef drop-top=能敞篷的车 dope=du品 dirt=不好的事情 diss=to disrespect do bids=坐牢 E E pills=extasy=X=一种药,du品 F fly=有魅力的 Feds=Federal Agents=联邦特工 flip da script=改变状况 figga=figure fire=特别好 Fade :爆炸头 Fat :生活过得很滋润 Fell Off :下滑,衰弱了。。比如说West Coast Is Fellin' off fire up :很生气,怒火冲天 Five 0:警察叔叔 Flex:要开始干架的那种状态 Flick :电影的另一种说法 Fresh :很受欢迎喜爱的 Funky:就是比如DRE的Beat听起来很FUNKY很舒服。。也可以说高潮让你很Funky。。囧 flow=rap的方式 fa sho=for sure=肯定 fa real=for real=真的 fvck with sb=1-与某人**;2-与某人作对 G go down=1-发生;2-** gators=鳄鱼皮的皮鞋,pimp穿的 gutter=肮脏的 groupie=狂热的女歌迷,比如Cham的一首歌名就叫G.R.O.U.P.I.E ghetto=geto=1-简单的,简陋的;2-贫民区 ganja=大,麻 grill=牙 grind=跳舞;on da grind-doin my thing get crunk=在club闹到最high G-string=thong=丁字内裤 G-5=G 500=Benz的G系列SUV GangBang:轮Jiang。。 get down :中枪而亡 get your back :保护你 H hella=hell of=很,很多的 hydro=dro=用水泵抽的大,麻 hollw tips=子.弹头 hydraulics=水利升降装置,low-riders用这个上下bounce haters=嫉妒的人,讨厌的人 ho=hoe=whore=妓nv hold sb down=back sb up,支持某人 holdin down=representin holla=1-大声喊 holla back=回答,回复 homes=homie=哥们 Harlem Shake=一种快速晃动肩膀的舞 hood=黑人混或长大的地方 head job 同blow job口J hard :厉害的。。比如,Eminem always spit hard high roller:赚了很多钱,花得也大手比的那款人 homeboy :很亲近的男性朋友 homegirl :很亲近的女性朋友 hype:很好很被喜欢的,也有别的用法 hyper:强人 hustle:努力的 hustler:努力的成功的男人 I i'ma=i'm about to ice=有钻石的首饰项链 ill=sick=极好的 Ice Cream :指穿的很靓〔亮) I'm outtie 5000:意思说你要走了 J jiggy=有魅力的 jacked:失窃了或偷 joint :指一个地方或一首歌等等很多 Jockin' :表示很喜欢Sth.或SB.。。比如JAY-Z蓝图3的新歌---jockin' jay-z K killa=有魅力的人 kicks=鞋 kick it=chill,hang out knot:指某人口袋里有很多钱 knocklehead:蠢人 L low low=low rider 改装车 lil=little lay back=休息,relax let you slide :再给你一次机会 lighten up :事情会好的,天会亮的! Lame:烂,浪费时间的 M Mo=Moet=香槟酒名 M.O=motivation make ends=赚钱 mack=mack 10=一种枪,上次搞错了。。。 ma=mama=mami=girl O oon the mission :有目的的做某事,歌词经常出现 on the rebound:就等于I Will see u later off da hook(top,hinges)=极好的 P props=respect 顶~~~ PJ=project=住房楼 perm=pimp的那种卷毛发型 punchline=一段妙语,里面有双关语或搞笑的内容 peepz=ppl=people pop off=1-fight me; 2-shoot off pimp=1-皮条客,鸡头;2-有魅力的人,女人多的人,情夫 Packin':指某人衣服里有枪 Paper:钱,这个现在比较通用的 Piece :手枪,不是指你身上的那把 Play Out :同Corny,过时的 playa:有很多妞的人 phat:很酷很漂亮的 pockets are fat :口袋里肥水很多,就是你很多钱的意思 purple haze=一种大麻 R raw:很自然的,很酷的 red bone:皮肤黑的发亮的尼格 roll up:开车到你想去的地方 rollin':指赚了很多钱或开车兜风 ride=1-车;2-开车,兜风 rims=车轮圈 ratchet=枪 retro=复古的 rep=represent rock=钻石 S scratch :DJ刮碟的那声音,DJ Premier的必杀计。。 Start From Scratch :GAME一首很好听的歌,意思是,从零开始。。 swag:范儿,很有样。。T.I.的swagga like us 就这意思。。 shades :太阳镜 Shank:小刀,同knife sharp :穿得漂亮干净 same old same old :还是老样子 show you're right :表示赞同 Shortie=Shawty=short girl 小不点儿。。南部出现频率极高的一个词了。。 straight=str8=1-cool; 2-serious; sho nuff=sure enough sticky=形容大,麻很好 skunk=花状的大,麻 sack=床 street sweeper=机枪 spinners=停了还会转的轮圈 stunt=show off,ball school of hard knocks=社会生活经验 sittin(ridin,rollin) on dubs(chromes,或者+车轮圈的尺寸)=开或坐着有nb轮圈的车 smash=to get some scrilla=钱 shawty=shorty=girl,或者个子矮的人 straight up=no joke,for real steez=style shades=墨镜 slide with sb=与某人** T top down=敞着篷子开车的状态 twisted=high or drunk toast=枪 throwback=复古球衣 throw em bow***ows=elbows)=一种来自南部的甩胳膊肘的舞 telly=hotel trip=犯傻,做错事 tight=极好的 Take Out :Kill Throw Down :就是干架,指比较大的 W wack=缺的,怪的,质量差的 wanksta=a gangsta wannabe whip=车 weed carrier :帮扛大,麻的人,后来引伸为“小弟”。。比如,tony yayo是50的weed carrier wheels:指车 wild style :很夸张的一种涂鸦风格 word或word up :表示同意 A-town=ATL=亚特兰大 long beach:长滩,西岸的一个地方。G-FUNK在这里得到升华 213:就是长滩,snoop dogg,warren g,nate dogg 以前就组了个叫213的组合。。 H-TOWN:休斯顿 CHI-TOWN:就是芝加哥,值得注意到是,chi不念“吃”,而是念"sha" bay area:西岸的一个地方,代表人物有E40,MASTER P以前也是这的,后来转到现在的新奥尔良,创立了南部硬核帮匪说唱。。 The Boogie Down:纽约的布朗克斯,也就是hip-hop的发源地,krs-one以前的组合就叫Boogie Down Production The Bridge:就是皇后桥,纽约的。。nas,moob deep就是这的。。 C-Town:克利夫兰,代表的当然是骨头帮了。。 D-TOWN:就是底特律了。。阿姆的故乡咯。。 Compton:西岸的,eazy-e,还有the game就这的。。 |
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