词条 | 英语词汇学 |
释义 | 1《英语词汇学》“English Lexicology"作者:冯世梅 编著 ISBN:10位[7508411315] 13位[9787508411316] 出版社:中国水利水电出版社 出版日期:2002-6-1 定价:¥23.00 元 内容提要This book mainly studies and analyzes Modern English vocabulary in some aspects.Based on the theory of Semantics and Grammar, the phenomenon of English vocabulary is synchronically and diachronically researched for the guidance of the practice of English language. 编辑推荐This book mainly studies and analyzes Modern English vocabulary in some aspects.Based on the theory of Semantics and Grammar, the phenomenon of English vocabulary is synchronically and diachronically researched for the guidance of the practice of English language. 目录Introduction Preface 1 English lexicology 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The relation of lexicology to other branches of linguistics 1.3 Two approaches to the study of English lexicology 1.4 Aims and significance of the course of English lexicology 1.5 Questions and tasks 2 The development of the English vocabulary 2.1 English today 2.2 The Indo-European language family 2.3 Native words and borrowed words 2.4 English people and English vocabulary 2.5 The divisions of the history of the English language 2.6 The perfection of the English language 2.7 Questions and tasks 3 Word 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Sound and meaning 3.3 Sound and form 3.4 Lexemes,words and vocabulary 3.5 Classification of words 3.6 Word structure 3.7 Questions and tasks 4 Word-formation Ⅰ 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Affixation 4.3 Conversion 4.4 Compounding 4.5 Questions and tasks 5 Word-formation Ⅱ 5.1 Blending 5.2 Clipping 5.3 Acronymy 5.4 Back-formation 5.5 Analogy 5.6 Word-formation by onomatopoeia 5.7 Words from proper names 5.8 Questions and tasks 6 Word meaning and motivation 6.1 Some general remarks on semantics and meaning 6.2 Relationship between meaning and the object 6.3 Meaning and motivation 6.4 Main types of word meaning 6.5 Questions and tasks 7 Eense relationsⅠ 8 Eense relationsⅡ 9 English vocabulary in motion 10 English idioms 11 Regional varieties of English vocabulary 12 The mental lexicon 13 Vocabulary in use 14 Vocabulary as data for learning 15 Teaching Vocabulary Glossary References 前言Today, as the English position in the world is getting more and more stable, we need English urgently in order to go into the world. Like any other language, English eonsists of speech sound, grammatical structure and vocabulary. To learn English well, the very essential is to enlarge his/her vocabulary. English linguist Wilskin (1972) said, "Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed''. And British lexicologist Michael McCarthy also said (1990) "No matter how well the student learns grammar, no..2《英语词汇学》“English Lexicology" 课程性质与设置目的: 英语词汇学是全国高等教育自学考试英语语言文学专业本科段选修课程,是培养和检验自学能力应考者词 汇学的基本理论知识和实际语言能力而设置的一门专业课程。 英语词汇学是以现代语言学理论为指导,以英语词汇为研究对象的课程。主要内容有词的基本知识,词的 形态结构,词的构成方式,词的意义及语义关系,英语词汇的来源与发展,词义的变化,习语及词典知识 。英语词汇学以传授英语词汇的基本理论和基本知识为任务,属于理论知识课。但是,其实践性很强,因 为词汇本身是构成语言的具体材料,在传授理论的过程中必然要涉及丰富的语言材料和大量的词语例证。 设置本课程的目的要求:是自学应考者对英语词汇学具有比较系统,比较完整的知识,比较深入地了解英 语词汇的现状及其历史演变过程,并能对现代英语词汇发展所出现的现象作出分析和解释,提高词语的理 解,释义和综合运用的能力,以便毕业后能够较好地适应工作的需要。 课程内容 Contents 以下是内容概要(主干),其实在每一章含内容具体介绍(枝节) Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary Chapter 2 The development of the English Vocabulary Chapter 3 Word Formation I Chapter 4 Word Formation II Chapter 5 Word Meaning Chapter 6 Sense Relations and Semantic Field Chapter 7 Changes in Word Meaning Chapter 8 Meaning and Context Chapter 9 English Idioms Chapter 10English Dictionaries Sugegested Answers Reference Books 英语词汇学术语英汉对照表 后记 英语词汇学自学考试大纲 《英语词汇学》“English Lexicology" 作者:主编: 张潍友 组编:全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press 资料来源:《英语词汇学》“English Lexicology" 主编:张潍友 |
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